WFD Article 8 Surface Water Monitoring Stations For France

RBD: Meuse (FRB1)

European code* FRB1
Name* Meuse
Reporting level* National part of an international RBD
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XML file creation date 2010-06-22
Created by Agence de l'eau Rhin-Meuse
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Classification Code Unclassified - available for general circulation

1. Surface Water Monitoring Stations Overview

This section provides a summary of the surface water monitoring stations (surveillance and operational). Click on the station number to view to the detail for that station

No. EU Code* MS Code* Longitude* Latitude* Name Waterbody Location* Surveillance* Operational* No. of Sub-sites* Drinking Water Abstraction* Intercalibration Site* Reference Site* Other Networks Programmes*
1 FRB1R599 B1R599 4.3901 49.94794 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VIROIN 1 (B1R599) FRB1R599 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
2 FRB1R02118300 B1R02118300 4.43281 49.8498 LA SORMONNE A GIRONDELLE FRB1R719 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
3 FRB1R719 B1R719 4.43281 49.8498 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SORMONNE 1 (B1R719) FRB1R719 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
4 FRB1R718 B1R718 4.46155 49.77868 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AUDRY (B1R718) FRB1R718 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
5 FRB1R582 B1R582 4.52729 49.74108 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau THIN (B1R582) FRB1R582 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
6 FRB1R593 B1R593 4.54633 49.91667 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES MOULINS (B1R593) FRB1R593 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
7 FRB1LB702520 B1LB702520 4.60660 49.86972 LE LAC DES VIEILLES FORGES AUX MAZURES FRB1L36 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUSL
8 FRB1R581 B1R581 4.6293 49.78794 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SORMONNE 2 (B1R581) FRB1R581 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
9 FRB1R579 B1R579 4.63745 49.73663 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES REJETS (B1R579) FRB1R579 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
10 FRB1R02122200 B1R02122200 4.64126 49.98966 L'ALYSE A FUMAY FRB1R595 Yes No -7777 Unknown No Yes EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
11 FRB1R578 B1R578 4.64406 49.66291 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VENCE (B1R578) FRB1R578 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
12 FRB1R02124000 B1R02124000 4.66691 49.98047 LA MEUSE A GIVET FRB1R477 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
13 FRB1R477 B1R477 4.66691 49.98047 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 8 (B1R477) FRB1R477 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
14 FRB1R02118000 B1R02118000 4.68787 49.75626 LA MEUSE A LUMES FRB1R476 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
15 FRB1R476 B1R476 4.68787 49.75626 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 7 (B1R476) FRB1R476 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
16 FRB1R02122800 B1R02122800 4.70525 50.08892 LE VIROUIN A VIREUX MOLHAIN FRB1R600 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
17 FRB1R600 B1R600 4.70525 50.08892 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VIROIN 2 (B1R600) FRB1R600 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
18 FRB1R594 B1R594 4.71428 49.95081 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES MANISES (B1R594) FRB1R594 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
19 FRB1R577 B1R577 4.74581 49.71385 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DU PIERGE (B1R577) FRB1R577 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
20 FRB1R603 B1R603 4.74817 50.10425 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE PRAILES (B1R603) FRB1R603 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
21 FRB1R576 B1R576 4.75804 49.67398 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE BOUTANCOURT (B1R576) FRB1R576 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
22 FRB1R598 B1R598 4.77029 50.03238 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RISDOUX (B1R598) FRB1R598 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
23 FRB1LB514830 B1LB514830 4.77863 49.52883 L'ÉTANG DU BAIRON À LE CHESNE FRB1L35 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUSL
24 FRB1R02120000 B1R02120000 4.80477 49.88657 LA SEMOIS A HAULME FRB1R585 Yes No -7777 Unknown Yes No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
25 FRB1R585 B1R585 4.80477 49.88657 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SEMOY (B1R585) FRB1R585 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
26 FRB1R584 B1R584 4.81355 49.80777 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau GOUTELLE (B1R584) FRB1R584 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
27 FRB1R02117575 B1R02117575 4.81994 49.59387 LA BAR A SAUVILLE FRB1R574 Yes No -7777 Unknown Yes No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
28 FRB1R574 B1R574 4.81994 49.59387 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BAR (B1R574) FRB1R574 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
29 FRB1R02123500 B1R02123500 4.83279 50.09084 LA HOUILLE A FROMELENNES FRB1R604 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
30 FRB1R604 B1R604 4.83279 50.09084 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau HOUILLE (B1R604) FRB1R604 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
31 FRB1R573 B1R573 4.84541 49.71641 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VRIGNE 2 (B1R573) FRB1R573 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
32 FRB1R607 B1R607 4.85428 50.15246 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE MASSEMBRE (B1R607) FRB1R607 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
33 FRB1R571 B1R571 4.93952 49.64747 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE THELONNE (B1R571) FRB1R571 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
34 FRB1R02116600 B1R02116600 4.98445 49.7278 LA GIVONNE A DAIGNY FRB1R569 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
35 FRB1R569 B1R569 4.98445 49.7278 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE LA GIVONNE (B1R569) FRB1R569 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
36 FRB1R02115000 B1R02115000 4.99453 49.65827 LA MEUSE A REMILLY FRB1R475 Yes No -7777 Unknown Yes No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
37 FRB1R475 B1R475 4.99453 49.65827 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 6 (B1R475) FRB1R475 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
38 FRB1R566 B1R566 5.09337 49.70494 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE POURU (B1R566) FRB1R566 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
39 FRB1R533 B1R533 5.1108 49.47081 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau WISEPPE (B1R533) FRB1R533 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
40 FRB1R564 B1R564 5.16556 49.66145 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE L'AULNOIS (B1R564) FRB1R564 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
41 FRB1R02113000 B1R02113000 5.19926 49.42392 LA MEUSE A SASSEY-SUR-MEUSE FRB1R474 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
42 FRB1R474 B1R474 5.19926 49.42392 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 5 (B1R474) FRB1R474 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
43 FRB1R02116000 B1R02116000 5.23823 49.57115 LA CHIERS A CARIGNAN FRB1R723 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
44 FRB1R723 B1R723 5.23823 49.57115 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 3 (B1R723) FRB1R723 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
45 FRB1R02115950 B1R02115950 5.28654 49.59304 LA MARCHE A SAPOGNE SUR MARCHE FRB1R562 Yes No -7777 Unknown No Yes EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
46 FRB1R562 B1R562 5.28654 49.59304 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MARCHE (B1R562) FRB1R562 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
47 FRB1R527 B1R527 5.30232 49.16805 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE FROMEREVILLE (B1R527) FRB1R527 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
48 FRB1R02112000 B1R02112000 5.31669 49.2215 LA MEUSE A BRAS-SUR-MEUSE FRB1R473 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
49 FRB1R473 B1R473 5.31669 49.2215 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 4 (B1R473) FRB1R473 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
50 FRB1R526 B1R526 5.32467 49.14151 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SCANCE (B1R526) FRB1R526 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
51 FRB1R02115900 B1R02115900 5.34711 49.46728 LE LOISON A HAN-LES-JUVIGNY FRB1R557 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
52 FRB1R557 B1R557 5.34711 49.46728 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau LOISON 2 (B1R557) FRB1R557 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
53 FRB1R525 B1R525 5.42531 49.12814 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE BELRUPT (B1R525) FRB1R525 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
54 FRB1R516 B1R516 5.50125 48.91942 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE HAMBOQUIN (B1R516) FRB1R516 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
55 FRB1R02115775 B1R02115775 5.50655 49.48539 LE TON A ECOUVIEZ FRB1R722 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
56 FRB1R722 B1R722 5.50655 49.48539 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 2 (B1R722) FRB1R722 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
57 FRB1R551 B1R551 5.50735 49.42075 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau OTHAIN 2 (B1R551) FRB1R551 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
58 FRB1R556 B1R556 5.51447 49.36863 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau LOISON 1 (B1R556) FRB1R556 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
59 FRB1R02106500 B1R02106500 5.53566 48.05487 LA MEUSE A BASSONCOURT FRB1R470 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
60 FRB1R470 B1R470 5.53566 48.05487 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 1 (B1R470) FRB1R470 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
61 FRB1R02115762 B1R02115762 5.55119 49.49484 LE DORLON À CHARENCY-VEZIN FRB1R548 Yes No -7777 Unknown No Yes EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
62 FRB1R548 B1R548 5.55119 49.49484 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau DORLON (B1R548) FRB1R548 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
63 FRB1R490 B1R490 5.57167 48.31632 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SAONNELLE 1 (B1R490) FRB1R490 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
64 FRB1R02107900 B1R02107900 5.59654 48.63671 LA MEHOLLE A VOID FRB1R507 Yes No -7777 Unknown Yes Yes EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
65 FRB1R02109000 B1R02109000 5.60652 48.75604 LA MEUSE A SAINT-MIHIEL FRB1R472 Yes No -7777 Unknown No Yes EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
66 FRB1R472 B1R472 5.60652 48.75604 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 3 (B1R472) FRB1R472 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
67 FRB1R02106600 B1R02106600 5.65287 48.27847 LA MEUSE A GONCOURT FRB1R471 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
68 FRB1R471 B1R471 5.65287 48.27847 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 2 (B1R471) FRB1R471 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
69 FRB1R549 B1R549 5.65438 49.55083 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BASSE VIRE (B1R549) FRB1R549 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
70 FRB1R02115685 B1R02115685 5.66684 49.42437 LE RUISSEAU DE NANHEUL À PIERREPONT (RBM) FRB1R547 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
71 FRB1R547 B1R547 5.66684 49.42437 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CRUSNES 2 (B1R547) FRB1R547 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
72 FRB1R486 B1R486 5.67022 48.2462 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOUZON 2 (B1R486) FRB1R486 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
73 FRB1R484 B1R484 5.67654 48.05917 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau FLAMBART (B1R484) FRB1R484 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
74 FRB1R02115790 B1R02115790 5.67843 49.31977 L'OTHAIN A HOUDELAUCOURT FRB1R550 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
75 FRB1R550 B1R550 5.67843 49.31977 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau OTHAIN 1 (B1R550) FRB1R550 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
76 FRB1R02115650 B1R02115650 5.70347 49.48018 LA CHIERS A CONS-LA-GRANVILLE FRB1R541 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
77 FRB1R541 B1R541 5.70347 49.48018 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 1 (B1R541) FRB1R541 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
78 FRB1R505 B1R505 5.73444 48.57481 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 3 (B1R505) FRB1R505 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
79 FRB1R506 B1R506 5.75227 48.69384 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DU MOULIN (B1R506) FRB1R506 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
80 FRB1R496 B1R496 5.7524 48.33911 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau FREZELLE (B1R496) FRB1R496 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
81 FRB1R489 B1R489 5.75415 48.27929 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BANI (B1R489) FRB1R489 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
82 FRB1R02106900 B1R02106900 5.75755 48.40613 LE VAIR A SOULOSSE FRB1R494 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
83 FRB1R494 B1R494 5.75755 48.40613 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VAIR 3 (B1R494) FRB1R494 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
84 FRB1R02115675 B1R02115675 5.76181 49.35629 LA PIENNE A MERCY-LE-BAS FRB1R700 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
85 FRB1R700 B1R700 5.76181 49.35629 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau PIENNE (B1R700) FRB1R700 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
86 FRB1R02115625 B1R02115625 5.80473 49.52254 LA MOULAINE A HAUCOURT-MOULAINE (RNB PUIS RBM) FRB1R545 Yes No -7777 Unknown No No EIONET, CIPM FRB1SUSR
87 FRB1R545 B1R545 5.80473 49.52254 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOULAINE 2 (B1R545) FRB1R545 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
88 FRB1R701 B1R701 5.82409 49.39278 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CRUSNES 1 (B1R701) FRB1R701 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
89 FRB1R544 B1R544 5.84617 49.48516 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOULAINE 1 (B1R544) FRB1R544 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
90 FRB1R504 B1R504 5.86056 48.48308 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 2 (B1R504) FRB1R504 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
91 FRB1R493 B1R493 5.88427 48.30094 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VAIR 2 (B1R493) FRB1R493 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
92 FRB1R503 B1R503 5.92914 48.40865 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 1 (B1R503) FRB1R503 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
93 FRB1R495 B1R495 5.94939 48.29085 Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VRAINE (B1R495) FRB1R495 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
94 FRB1R02106655 B1R02106655 5.71406 48.10915 LE MOUZON À ROZIERES-SUR-MOUZON FRB1R485 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
95 FRB1R02106665 B1R02106665 5.72462 48.16246 LE RUISSEAU DE SAUVILLE À SAUVILLE FRB1R488 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
96 FRB1R02106700 B1R02106700 5.76610 48.21633 L'ANGER À MALAINCOURT FRB1R487 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
97 FRB1R02106840 B1R02106840 5.91071 48.23668 LE PETIT-VAIR À SAINT-REMIMONT FRB1R492 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
98 FRB1R02106815 B1R02106815 5.66437 48.39834 LA SAONNELLE À FRÉBÉCOURT FRB1R491 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
99 FRB1R02107400 B1R02107400 5.67362 48.57419 LE CANAL DE LA HAUTE MEUSE À NEUVILLE-LES-VAUCOULEURS FRB1R478 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
100 FRB1R02109140 B1R02109140 5.45768 48.90172 LE RUISSEAU DE REHAU À FRESNES-AU-MONT FRB1R514 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
101 FRB1R02109245 B1R02109245 5.58791 48.95594 LA CREUE À LAMORVILLE (LAVIGNEVILLE) FRB1R515 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
102 FRB1R02110500 B1R02110500 5.42024 49.01462 LE RUISSEAU DE RECOURT À VILLERS-SUR-MEUSE FRB1R521 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
103 FRB1R02110450 B1R02110450 5.47542 49.03035 LE RUISSEAU DE RUPT À RANZIERES FRB1R520 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
104 FRB1R02110670 B1R02110670 5.37915 49.07238 LE RUISSEAU DE BILLONNEAU À ANCEMONT FRB1R522 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
105 FRB1R02110715 B1R02110715 5.45591 49.08259 LE RUISSEAU DE LA DIEUE À SOMMEDIEUE FRB1R523 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
106 FRB1R02114250 B1R02114250 5.05795 49.53704 LE RUISSEAU DE BEAUMONT À BEAUMONT EN ARGONNE FRB1R538 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
107 FRB1R02115840 B1R02115840 5.39222 49.56468 LA THONNE À AVIOTH FRB1R554 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
108 FRB1R02116500 B1R02116500 4.96092 49.62220 L'ENNEMANE À HARAUCOURT FRB1R570 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
109 FRB1R02116100 B1R02116100 5.04551 49.69853 LE RUISSEAU DE MAGNE À FRANCHEVAL FRB1R567 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
110 FRB1R02117350 B1R02117350 4.85094 49.75393 LA VRIGNE À VRIGNE-AUX-BOIS FRB1R572 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
111 FRB1R02118550 B1R02118550 4.65279 49.76337 LE RUISSEAU DE THIS À WARCQ FRB1R583 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
112 FRB1R02121050 B1R02121050 4.63157 49.88443 LE RUISSEAU DE FAU AUX MAZURES (AMONT) FRB1R588 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
113 FRB1R02121500 B1R02121500 4.58600 49.88959 LE RUISSEAU DE FAU AUX MAZURES (AVAL) FRB1R589 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
114 FRB1R02121750 B1R02121750 4.61741 49.92839 LE RUISSEAU DE FAU À ROCROI FRB1R590 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
115 FRB1R02122750 B1R02122750 4.71649 50.08333 LE DELUVE À VIREUX MOLHAIN FRB1R601 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR
116 FRB1R02123550 B1R02123550 4.87102 50.13132 LE RUISSEAU DE SCHELOUPE À FROMELENNES FRB1R606 No Yes -7777 Unknown No No FRB1SUOR

2. Surface Water Monitoring Stations Details

This section provides the details for the surface water monitoring stations

1 Monitoring Station FRB1R599 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VIROIN 1 (B1R599)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R599
Unique MS code for the station* B1R599
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.3901, 49.94794
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VIROIN 1 (B1R599)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R599
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R599
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R599
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R599

2 Monitoring Station FRB1R02118300 - LA SORMONNE A GIRONDELLE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02118300
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02118300
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.43281, 49.8498
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R719
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02118300
EIONET FRB1R02118300

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R719
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R719
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R719
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R719
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R719
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R719
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R719
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R719
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R719
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R719
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R719
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R719
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R719

3 Monitoring Station FRB1R719 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SORMONNE 1 (B1R719)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R719
Unique MS code for the station* B1R719
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.43281, 49.8498
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SORMONNE 1 (B1R719)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R719
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R719
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R719
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R719
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R719
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R719

4 Monitoring Station FRB1R718 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AUDRY (B1R718)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R718
Unique MS code for the station* B1R718
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.46155, 49.77868
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AUDRY (B1R718)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R718
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R718
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R718
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R718
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R718

5 Monitoring Station FRB1R582 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau THIN (B1R582)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R582
Unique MS code for the station* B1R582
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.52729, 49.74108
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau THIN (B1R582)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R582
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R582
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R582
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R582

6 Monitoring Station FRB1R593 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES MOULINS (B1R593)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R593
Unique MS code for the station* B1R593
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.54633, 49.91667
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES MOULINS (B1R593)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R593
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R593
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R593
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R593
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R593, FRB1R598, FRB1R607
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R593


Unique EU code for the station* FRB1LB702520
Unique MS code for the station* B1LB702520
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.60660, 49.86972
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1L36
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSL
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSL
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1L36
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L36
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L36
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L36
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L36
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L36

8 Monitoring Station FRB1R581 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SORMONNE 2 (B1R581)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R581
Unique MS code for the station* B1R581
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.6293, 49.78794
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SORMONNE 2 (B1R581)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R581
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R581
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R581
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R581

9 Monitoring Station FRB1R579 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES REJETS (B1R579)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R579
Unique MS code for the station* B1R579
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.63745, 49.73663
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES REJETS (B1R579)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R579
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R579
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R579
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R579
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R579

10 Monitoring Station FRB1R02122200 - L'ALYSE A FUMAY

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02122200
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02122200
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.64126, 49.98966
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R595
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable) B1R02122200
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02122200
EIONET FRB1R02122200

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R595
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R595
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R595
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R595
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R595
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R595
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R595
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R595
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R595
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R595
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R595
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R595
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R595

11 Monitoring Station FRB1R578 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VENCE (B1R578)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R578
Unique MS code for the station* B1R578
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.64406, 49.66291
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VENCE (B1R578)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R578
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R578
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R578
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R578
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R578

12 Monitoring Station FRB1R02124000 - LA MEUSE A GIVET

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02124000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02124000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.66691, 49.98047
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R477
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02124000
EIONET FRB1R02124000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R477
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R477
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R477
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R477
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R477
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R477
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R477
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R477
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R477
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R477
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R477
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R477
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R477
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R477

13 Monitoring Station FRB1R477 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 8 (B1R477)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R477
Unique MS code for the station* B1R477
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.66691, 49.98047
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 8 (B1R477)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R477
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R477
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R477
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R477
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R477

14 Monitoring Station FRB1R02118000 - LA MEUSE A LUMES

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02118000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02118000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.68787, 49.75626
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R476
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02118000
EIONET FRB1R02118000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R476
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R476
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R476
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R476
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R476
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R476
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R476
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R476
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R476
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R476
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R476
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R476
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R476
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R476

15 Monitoring Station FRB1R476 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 7 (B1R476)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R476
Unique MS code for the station* B1R476
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.68787, 49.75626
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 7 (B1R476)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R476
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R476
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R476
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R476
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R476

16 Monitoring Station FRB1R02122800 - LE VIROUIN A VIREUX MOLHAIN

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02122800
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02122800
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.70525, 50.08892
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R600
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02122800
EIONET FRB1R02122800

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R600
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R600
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R600
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R600
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R600
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R600
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R600
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R600
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R600
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R600
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R600
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R600
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R600

17 Monitoring Station FRB1R600 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VIROIN 2 (B1R600)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R600
Unique MS code for the station* B1R600
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.70525, 50.08892
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VIROIN 2 (B1R600)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R600
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R600
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R600
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R600
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R600
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R600

18 Monitoring Station FRB1R594 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES MANISES (B1R594)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R594
Unique MS code for the station* B1R594
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.71428, 49.95081
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DES MANISES (B1R594)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R594
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R594
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R594
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R594

19 Monitoring Station FRB1R577 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DU PIERGE (B1R577)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R577
Unique MS code for the station* B1R577
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.74581, 49.71385
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DU PIERGE (B1R577)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R577
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R577
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R577
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R577
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R577

20 Monitoring Station FRB1R603 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE PRAILES (B1R603)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R603
Unique MS code for the station* B1R603
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.74817, 50.10425
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE PRAILES (B1R603)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R603
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R603
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R603
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R603
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R603, FRB1R598, FRB1R607

21 Monitoring Station FRB1R576 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE BOUTANCOURT (B1R576)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R576
Unique MS code for the station* B1R576
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.75804, 49.67398
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE BOUTANCOURT (B1R576)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R576
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R576
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R576
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R576

22 Monitoring Station FRB1R598 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RISDOUX (B1R598)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R598
Unique MS code for the station* B1R598
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.77029, 50.03238
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RISDOUX (B1R598)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R598
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R598
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R598
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R598
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R598

23 Monitoring Station FRB1LB514830 - L'ÉTANG DU BAIRON À LE CHESNE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1LB514830
Unique MS code for the station* B1LB514830
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.77863, 49.52883
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1L35
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSL
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSL
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1L35
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L35
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L35
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L35
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1L35
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 4 6 FRB1L35

24 Monitoring Station FRB1R02120000 - LA SEMOIS A HAULME

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02120000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02120000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.80477, 49.88657
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R585
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable) R3361
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02120000
EIONET FRB1R02120000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R585
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R585
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R585
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R585
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R585
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R585
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R585
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R585
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R585
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R585
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R585
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R585
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R585

25 Monitoring Station FRB1R585 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SEMOY (B1R585)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R585
Unique MS code for the station* B1R585
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.80477, 49.88657
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SEMOY (B1R585)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R585
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R585
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R585
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R585
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R585
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R585

26 Monitoring Station FRB1R584 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau GOUTELLE (B1R584)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R584
Unique MS code for the station* B1R584
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.81355, 49.80777
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau GOUTELLE (B1R584)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R584
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R584
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R584
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R584
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R584

27 Monitoring Station FRB1R02117575 - LA BAR A SAUVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02117575
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02117575
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.81994, 49.59387
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R574
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable) R3292
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02117575
EIONET FRB1R02117575

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R574
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R574
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R574
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R574
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R574
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R574
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R574
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R574
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R574
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R574
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R574
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R574
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R574

28 Monitoring Station FRB1R574 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BAR (B1R574)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R574
Unique MS code for the station* B1R574
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.81994, 49.59387
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BAR (B1R574)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R574
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R574
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R574
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R574
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R574, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R574

29 Monitoring Station FRB1R02123500 - LA HOUILLE A FROMELENNES

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02123500
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02123500
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.83279, 50.09084
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R604
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02123500
EIONET FRB1R02123500

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R604
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R604
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R604
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R604
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R604
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R604
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R604
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R604
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R604
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R604
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R604
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R604
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R604

30 Monitoring Station FRB1R604 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau HOUILLE (B1R604)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R604
Unique MS code for the station* B1R604
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.83279, 50.09084
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau HOUILLE (B1R604)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R604
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R604
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R604
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R604

31 Monitoring Station FRB1R573 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VRIGNE 2 (B1R573)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R573
Unique MS code for the station* B1R573
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.84541, 49.71641
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VRIGNE 2 (B1R573)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R573
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R573
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R573
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R573
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R573
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R573

32 Monitoring Station FRB1R607 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE MASSEMBRE (B1R607)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R607
Unique MS code for the station* B1R607
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.85428, 50.15246
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE MASSEMBRE (B1R607)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R607
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R607
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R607
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R607

33 Monitoring Station FRB1R571 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE THELONNE (B1R571)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R571
Unique MS code for the station* B1R571
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.93952, 49.64747
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE THELONNE (B1R571)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R571
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R571
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R571
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R571
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R571, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700

34 Monitoring Station FRB1R02116600 - LA GIVONNE A DAIGNY

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02116600
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02116600
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.98445, 49.7278
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R569
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02116600
EIONET FRB1R02116600

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R569
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R569
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R569
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R569
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R569
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R569
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R569
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R569
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R569
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R569
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R569
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R569
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R569

35 Monitoring Station FRB1R569 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE LA GIVONNE (B1R569)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R569
Unique MS code for the station* B1R569
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.98445, 49.7278
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE LA GIVONNE (B1R569)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R569
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R569
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R569
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R569

36 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115000 - LA MEUSE A REMILLY

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.99453, 49.65827
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R475
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable) R3165
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115000
EIONET FRB1R02115000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R475
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R475
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R475
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R475
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R475
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R475
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R475
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R475
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R475
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R475
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R475
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R475
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R475

37 Monitoring Station FRB1R475 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 6 (B1R475)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R475
Unique MS code for the station* B1R475
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.99453, 49.65827
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 6 (B1R475)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R475
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R475
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R475
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R475
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R475

38 Monitoring Station FRB1R566 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE POURU (B1R566)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R566
Unique MS code for the station* B1R566
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.09337, 49.70494
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE POURU (B1R566)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R566
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R566
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R566
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R566

39 Monitoring Station FRB1R533 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau WISEPPE (B1R533)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R533
Unique MS code for the station* B1R533
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.1108, 49.47081
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau WISEPPE (B1R533)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R533
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R533
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R533
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R533
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R533, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700

40 Monitoring Station FRB1R564 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE L'AULNOIS (B1R564)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R564
Unique MS code for the station* B1R564
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.16556, 49.66145
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE L'AULNOIS (B1R564)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R564
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R564
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R564
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R564

41 Monitoring Station FRB1R02113000 - LA MEUSE A SASSEY-SUR-MEUSE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02113000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02113000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.19926, 49.42392
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R474
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02113000
EIONET FRB1R02113000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R474
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R474
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R474
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R474
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R474
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R474
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R474
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R474
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R474
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R474
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R474
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R474
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R474

42 Monitoring Station FRB1R474 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 5 (B1R474)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R474
Unique MS code for the station* B1R474
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.19926, 49.42392
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 5 (B1R474)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R474
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R474
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R474
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R474

43 Monitoring Station FRB1R02116000 - LA CHIERS A CARIGNAN

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02116000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02116000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.23823, 49.57115
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R723
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02116000
EIONET FRB1R02116000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R723
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R723
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R723
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R723
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R723
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R723
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R723
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R723
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R723
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R723
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R723
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R723
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R723

44 Monitoring Station FRB1R723 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 3 (B1R723)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R723
Unique MS code for the station* B1R723
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.23823, 49.57115
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 3 (B1R723)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R723
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R723
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R723
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R723
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R723
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R723

45 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115950 - LA MARCHE A SAPOGNE SUR MARCHE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115950
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115950
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.28654, 49.59304
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R562
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable) B1R02115950
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115950
EIONET FRB1R02115950

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R562
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R562
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R562
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R562
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R562
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R562
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R562
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R562
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R562
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R562
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R562
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R562
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R562

46 Monitoring Station FRB1R562 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MARCHE (B1R562)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R562
Unique MS code for the station* B1R562
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.28654, 49.59304
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MARCHE (B1R562)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R562
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R562
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R562
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R562

47 Monitoring Station FRB1R527 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE FROMEREVILLE (B1R527)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R527
Unique MS code for the station* B1R527
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.30232, 49.16805
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE FROMEREVILLE (B1R527)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R527
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R527
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R527
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R527
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R527

48 Monitoring Station FRB1R02112000 - LA MEUSE A BRAS-SUR-MEUSE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02112000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02112000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.31669, 49.2215
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R473
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02112000
EIONET FRB1R02112000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R473
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R473
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R473
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R473
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R473
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R473
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R473
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R473
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R473
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R473
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R473
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R473
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R473

49 Monitoring Station FRB1R473 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 4 (B1R473)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R473
Unique MS code for the station* B1R473
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.31669, 49.2215
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 4 (B1R473)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R473
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R473
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R473
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R473

50 Monitoring Station FRB1R526 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SCANCE (B1R526)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R526
Unique MS code for the station* B1R526
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.32467, 49.14151
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SCANCE (B1R526)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R526
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R526
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R526
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R526
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R526, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R526

51 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115900 - LE LOISON A HAN-LES-JUVIGNY

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115900
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115900
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.34711, 49.46728
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R557
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115900
EIONET FRB1R02115900

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R557
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R557
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R557
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R557
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R557
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R557
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R557
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R557
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R557
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R557
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R557
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R557
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R557

52 Monitoring Station FRB1R557 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau LOISON 2 (B1R557)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R557
Unique MS code for the station* B1R557
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.34711, 49.46728
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau LOISON 2 (B1R557)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R557
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R557
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R557
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R557
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R557
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R557

53 Monitoring Station FRB1R525 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE BELRUPT (B1R525)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R525
Unique MS code for the station* B1R525
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.42531, 49.12814
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE BELRUPT (B1R525)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R525
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R525
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R525
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R525

54 Monitoring Station FRB1R516 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE HAMBOQUIN (B1R516)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R516
Unique MS code for the station* B1R516
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.50125, 48.91942
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DE HAMBOQUIN (B1R516)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R516
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R516
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R516
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R516

55 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115775 - LE TON A ECOUVIEZ

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115775
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115775
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.50655, 49.48539
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R722
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115775
EIONET FRB1R02115775

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R722
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R722
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R722
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R722
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R722
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R722
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R722
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R722
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R722
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R722
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R722
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R722
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R722

56 Monitoring Station FRB1R722 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 2 (B1R722)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R722
Unique MS code for the station* B1R722
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.50655, 49.48539
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 2 (B1R722)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R722
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R722
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R722
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R722
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R722
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R722

57 Monitoring Station FRB1R551 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau OTHAIN 2 (B1R551)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R551
Unique MS code for the station* B1R551
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.50735, 49.42075
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau OTHAIN 2 (B1R551)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R551
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R551
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R551
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R551

58 Monitoring Station FRB1R556 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau LOISON 1 (B1R556)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R556
Unique MS code for the station* B1R556
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.51447, 49.36863
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau LOISON 1 (B1R556)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R556
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R556
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R556
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R556
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R556, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R556

59 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106500 - LA MEUSE A BASSONCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106500
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106500
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.53566, 48.05487
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R470
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02106500
EIONET FRB1R02106500

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R470
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R470
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R470
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R470
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R470
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R470
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R470
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R470
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R470
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R470
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R470
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R470
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R470

60 Monitoring Station FRB1R470 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 1 (B1R470)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R470
Unique MS code for the station* B1R470
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.53566, 48.05487
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 1 (B1R470)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R470
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R470
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R470
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R470
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R470
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R470

61 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115762 - LE DORLON À CHARENCY-VEZIN

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115762
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115762
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.55119, 49.49484
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R548
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable) B1R02115762
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115762
EIONET FRB1R02115762

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R548
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R548
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R548
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R548
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R548
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R548
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R548
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R548
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R548
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R548
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R548
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R548
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R548

62 Monitoring Station FRB1R548 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau DORLON (B1R548)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R548
Unique MS code for the station* B1R548
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.55119, 49.49484
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau DORLON (B1R548)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R548
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R548
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R548
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R548

63 Monitoring Station FRB1R490 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SAONNELLE 1 (B1R490)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R490
Unique MS code for the station* B1R490
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.57167, 48.31632
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau SAONNELLE 1 (B1R490)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R490
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R490
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R490
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R490
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R490, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R490

64 Monitoring Station FRB1R02107900 - LA MEHOLLE A VOID

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02107900
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02107900
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.59654, 48.63671
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R507
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable) R3291
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable) B1R02107900
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02107900
EIONET FRB1R02107900

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R507
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R507
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R507
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R507
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R507
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R507
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R507
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R507
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R507
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R507
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R507
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R507
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R507

65 Monitoring Station FRB1R02109000 - LA MEUSE A SAINT-MIHIEL

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02109000
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02109000
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.60652, 48.75604
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R472
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable) B1R02109000
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02109000
EIONET FRB1R02109000

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R472
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R472
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R472
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R472
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R472
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R472
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R472
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R472
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R472
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R472
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R472
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R472
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R472

66 Monitoring Station FRB1R472 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 3 (B1R472)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R472
Unique MS code for the station* B1R472
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.60652, 48.75604
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 3 (B1R472)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R472
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R472
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R472
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R472
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R472

67 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106600 - LA MEUSE A GONCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106600
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106600
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.65287, 48.27847
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R471
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02106600
EIONET FRB1R02106600

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R471
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R471
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R471
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R471
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R471
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R471
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R471
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R471
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R471
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R471
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R471
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R471
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R471

68 Monitoring Station FRB1R471 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 2 (B1R471)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R471
Unique MS code for the station* B1R471
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.65287, 48.27847
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MEUSE 2 (B1R471)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R471
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R471
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R471
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R471
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R471
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R471
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R471

69 Monitoring Station FRB1R549 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BASSE VIRE (B1R549)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R549
Unique MS code for the station* B1R549
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.65438, 49.55083
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BASSE VIRE (B1R549)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R549
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R549
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R549
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R549
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R549

70 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115685 - LE RUISSEAU DE NANHEUL À PIERREPONT (RBM)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115685
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115685
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.66684, 49.42437
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R547
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115685
EIONET FRB1R02115685

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R547
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R547
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R547
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R547
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R547
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R547
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R547
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R547
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R547
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R547
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R547
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R547
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R547

71 Monitoring Station FRB1R547 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CRUSNES 2 (B1R547)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R547
Unique MS code for the station* B1R547
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.66684, 49.42437
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CRUSNES 2 (B1R547)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R547
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R547
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R547
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R547

72 Monitoring Station FRB1R486 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOUZON 2 (B1R486)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R486
Unique MS code for the station* B1R486
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.67022, 48.2462
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOUZON 2 (B1R486)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R486
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R486
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R486
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R486
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R486
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R486

73 Monitoring Station FRB1R484 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau FLAMBART (B1R484)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R484
Unique MS code for the station* B1R484
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.67654, 48.05917
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau FLAMBART (B1R484)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R484
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R484
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R484
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R484

74 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115790 - L'OTHAIN A HOUDELAUCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115790
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115790
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.67843, 49.31977
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R550
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115790
EIONET FRB1R02115790

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R550
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R550
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R550
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R550
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R550
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R550
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R550
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R550
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R550
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R550
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R550
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R550
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R550

75 Monitoring Station FRB1R550 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau OTHAIN 1 (B1R550)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R550
Unique MS code for the station* B1R550
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.67843, 49.31977
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau OTHAIN 1 (B1R550)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R550
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R550
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R550
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R550

76 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115650 - LA CHIERS A CONS-LA-GRANVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115650
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115650
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.70347, 49.48018
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R541
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115650
EIONET FRB1R02115650

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R541
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R541
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R541
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R541
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R541
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R541
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R541
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R541
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R541
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R541
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R541
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R541
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R541

77 Monitoring Station FRB1R541 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 1 (B1R541)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R541
Unique MS code for the station* B1R541
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.70347, 49.48018
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CHIERS 1 (B1R541)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R541
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R541
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R541
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R541
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R541
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R541
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R541

78 Monitoring Station FRB1R505 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 3 (B1R505)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R505
Unique MS code for the station* B1R505
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.73444, 48.57481
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 3 (B1R505)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R505
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R505
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R505
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R505
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R505

79 Monitoring Station FRB1R506 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DU MOULIN (B1R506)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R506
Unique MS code for the station* B1R506
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.75227, 48.69384
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau RUISSEAU DU MOULIN (B1R506)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R506
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R506
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R506
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R506

80 Monitoring Station FRB1R496 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau FREZELLE (B1R496)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R496
Unique MS code for the station* B1R496
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.7524, 48.33911
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau FREZELLE (B1R496)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R496
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R496
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R496
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R496

81 Monitoring Station FRB1R489 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BANI (B1R489)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R489
Unique MS code for the station* B1R489
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.75415, 48.27929
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau BANI (B1R489)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R489
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R489
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R489
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R489
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R489

82 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106900 - LE VAIR A SOULOSSE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106900
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106900
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.75755, 48.40613
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R494
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02106900
EIONET FRB1R02106900

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R494
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R494
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R494
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R494
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R494
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R494
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R494
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R494
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R494
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R494
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R494
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R494
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R494

83 Monitoring Station FRB1R494 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VAIR 3 (B1R494)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R494
Unique MS code for the station* B1R494
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.75755, 48.40613
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VAIR 3 (B1R494)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R494
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R494
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R494
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R494
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R494
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R494

84 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115675 - LA PIENNE A MERCY-LE-BAS

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115675
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115675
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.76181, 49.35629
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R700
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115675
EIONET FRB1R02115675

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R700
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R700
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R700
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R700
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R700
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R700
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R700
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R700
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R700
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R700
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R700
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R700

85 Monitoring Station FRB1R700 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau PIENNE (B1R700)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R700
Unique MS code for the station* B1R700
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.76181, 49.35629
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau PIENNE (B1R700)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R700
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R700
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R700
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R700
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R700


Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115625
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115625
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.80473, 49.52254
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R545
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of EIONET, CIPM
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
International Commission for the Meuse FRB1R02115625
EIONET FRB1R02115625

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R545
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-3 Macrophytes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R545
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R545
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R545
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Not applicable/None 1 2 FRB1R545
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None 1 6 FRB1R545
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R545
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R545
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R545
QE3-1-5 Acidification status Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R545
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None 6 1 FRB1R545
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R545
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None 12 3 FRB1R545

87 Monitoring Station FRB1R545 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOULAINE 2 (B1R545)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R545
Unique MS code for the station* B1R545
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.80473, 49.52254
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOULAINE 2 (B1R545)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R545
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R545
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R545
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R545
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R545

88 Monitoring Station FRB1R701 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CRUSNES 1 (B1R701)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R701
Unique MS code for the station* B1R701
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.82409, 49.39278
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau CRUSNES 1 (B1R701)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R701
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R701
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R701
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R701
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R701

89 Monitoring Station FRB1R544 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOULAINE 1 (B1R544)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R544
Unique MS code for the station* B1R544
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.84617, 49.48516
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau MOULAINE 1 (B1R544)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R544
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R544
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R544
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R544
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R544

90 Monitoring Station FRB1R504 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 2 (B1R504)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R504
Unique MS code for the station* B1R504
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.86056, 48.48308
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 2 (B1R504)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R504
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R504
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R504
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R504

91 Monitoring Station FRB1R493 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VAIR 2 (B1R493)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R493
Unique MS code for the station* B1R493
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.88427, 48.30094
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VAIR 2 (B1R493)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R493
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R493
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R493
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R493
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R493
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R493

92 Monitoring Station FRB1R503 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 1 (B1R503)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R503
Unique MS code for the station* B1R503
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.92914, 48.40865
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau AROFFE 1 (B1R503)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R503
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R503
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R503
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R503
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R503

93 Monitoring Station FRB1R495 - Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VRAINE (B1R495)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R495
Unique MS code for the station* B1R495
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.94939, 48.29085
Name Station à définir sur la masse d'eau VRAINE (B1R495)
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R495
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information: -8888

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R495
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R495
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R495
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R495

94 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106655 - LE MOUZON À ROZIERES-SUR-MOUZON

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106655
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106655
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.71406, 48.10915
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R485
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R485
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R485
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R485
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R485
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R485

95 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106665 - LE RUISSEAU DE SAUVILLE À SAUVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106665
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106665
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.72462, 48.16246
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R488
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R488
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R488
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R488

96 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106700 - L'ANGER À MALAINCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106700
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106700
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.76610, 48.21633
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R487
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R487
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R487
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R487
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R487, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R487

97 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106840 - LE PETIT-VAIR À SAINT-REMIMONT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106840
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106840
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.91071, 48.23668
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R492
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R492
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R492
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R492
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R492
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R492

98 Monitoring Station FRB1R02106815 - LA SAONNELLE À FRÉBÉCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02106815
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02106815
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.66437, 48.39834
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R491
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R491
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R491
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R491


Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02107400
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02107400
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.67362, 48.57419
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R478
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R478
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R478
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R478

100 Monitoring Station FRB1R02109140 - LE RUISSEAU DE REHAU À FRESNES-AU-MONT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02109140
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02109140
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.45768, 48.90172
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R514
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R514
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R514
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R514

101 Monitoring Station FRB1R02109245 - LA CREUE À LAMORVILLE (LAVIGNEVILLE)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02109245
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02109245
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.58791, 48.95594
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R515
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R515
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R515
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R515


Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02110500
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02110500
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.42024, 49.01462
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R521
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R521
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R521
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R521

103 Monitoring Station FRB1R02110450 - LE RUISSEAU DE RUPT À RANZIERES

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02110450
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02110450
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.47542, 49.03035
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R520
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R520
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R520
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R520

104 Monitoring Station FRB1R02110670 - LE RUISSEAU DE BILLONNEAU À ANCEMONT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02110670
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02110670
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.37915, 49.07238
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R522
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R522
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R522
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R522

105 Monitoring Station FRB1R02110715 - LE RUISSEAU DE LA DIEUE À SOMMEDIEUE

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02110715
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02110715
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.45591, 49.08259
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R523
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R523
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R523
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R523


Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02114250
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02114250
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.05795, 49.53704
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R538
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R538
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R538
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R538
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R538, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700

107 Monitoring Station FRB1R02115840 - LA THONNE À AVIOTH

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02115840
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02115840
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.39222, 49.56468
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R554
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R554
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R554
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R554
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R554, FRB1R470, FRB1R485, FRB1R489, FRB1R492, FRB1R495, FRB1R503, FRB1R527, FRB1R549, FRB1R550, FRB1R577, FRB1R579, FRB1R700
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R554

108 Monitoring Station FRB1R02116500 - L'ENNEMANE À HARAUCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02116500
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02116500
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.96092, 49.62220
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R570
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R570
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R570
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R570
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R570

109 Monitoring Station FRB1R02116100 - LE RUISSEAU DE MAGNE À FRANCHEVAL

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02116100
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02116100
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.04551, 49.69853
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R567
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R567
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R567
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R567

110 Monitoring Station FRB1R02117350 - LA VRIGNE À VRIGNE-AUX-BOIS

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02117350
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02117350
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.85094, 49.75393
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R572
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R572
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R572
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R572

111 Monitoring Station FRB1R02118550 - LE RUISSEAU DE THIS À WARCQ

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02118550
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02118550
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.65279, 49.76337
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R583
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R583
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R583
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R583

112 Monitoring Station FRB1R02121050 - LE RUISSEAU DE FAU AUX MAZURES (AMONT)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02121050
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02121050
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.63157, 49.88443
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R588
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R588
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R588
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R588
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R588

113 Monitoring Station FRB1R02121500 - LE RUISSEAU DE FAU AUX MAZURES (AVAL)

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02121500
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02121500
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.58600, 49.88959
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R589
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R589
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R589
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R589

114 Monitoring Station FRB1R02121750 - LE RUISSEAU DE FAU À ROCROI

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02121750
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02121750
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.61741, 49.92839
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R590
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R590
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R590
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None 1 0 FRB1R590
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R590

115 Monitoring Station FRB1R02122750 - LE DELUVE À VIREUX MOLHAIN

Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02122750
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02122750
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.71649, 50.08333
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R601
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R601
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R601
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R601


Unique EU code for the station* FRB1R02123550
Unique MS code for the station* B1R02123550
Location (Lon/Lat)* 4.87102, 50.13132
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRB1R606
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* Unknown
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC Unknown
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC Yes
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRB1SUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRB1SUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRB1R606
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1 Biological No Yes Not applicable/None 1 1 FRB1R606
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None 4 1 FRB1R606