WFD Article 8 Groundwater Monitoring Stations For France

RBD: Rhine (FRC)

European code* FRC
Name* Rhine
Reporting level* National part of an international RBD
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XML file creation date 2010-06-22
Created by Agence de l'eau Rhin-Meuse
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Classification Code Unclassified - available for general circulation

1. Groundwater Monitoring Stations Overview

This section provides a summary of the groundwater monitoring stations (quantitative and chemical surveillance/operational). Click on the station number to view to the detail for that station

No. EU Code* MS Code* Longitude* Latitude* Name Waterbody Location* Type* Quantitative* Chemical Surveillance* Chemical Operational* No. of Sub-sites* Depth Monitoring Drinking Water Industrial Supply Irrigation Other purposes Programmes*
1 FR03074X0005/F 03074X0005/F 7.47153 48.35163 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à EPFIG FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
2 FR03074X0002/F 03074X0002/F 7.51301 48.39904 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ZELLWILLER FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
3 FR03066X0003/PB 03066X0003/PB 6.97291 48.26757 Alluvions de la Meurthe à SAINTE-MARGUERITE FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
4 FR03065X0050/HY 03065X0050/HY 6.87744 48.31173 Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-MICHEL-SUR-MEURTHE FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
5 FR03064X0029/HY 03064X0029/HY 7.17914 48.35205 Grès du Trias inférieur à RANRUPT FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
6 FR03062X0113/F1 03062X0113/F1 7.00692 48.39253 Socle du massif vosgien à SENONES FRCG003 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
7 FR03061X0055/HY 03061X0055/HY 6.83791 48.41769 Grès du Trias inférieur à RAON-L'ETAPE FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Yes Unknown FRCSOS
8 FR03057X0018/F 03057X0018/F 6.67122 48.24203 Fluvioglaciaire sur Muschelkalk gréseux à GRANDVILLERS FRCG024 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
9 FR03042X0026/S 03042X0026/S 6.29334 48.40828 ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE À CHAMAGNE FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
10 FR03042X0018/F 03042X0018/F 6.25264 48.37116 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à FLOREMONT FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
11 FR03037X0053/F 03037X0053/F 5.94583 48.28987 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à SAINT-MENGE FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
12 FR02726X0029/238 02726X0029/238 7.66441 48.48978 la nappe d'Alsace à Lipsheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
13 FR02726X0002/F 02726X0002/F 7.73074 48.48361 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ESCHAU FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
14 FR02725X0001/F 02725X0001/F 7.56505 48.47517 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à KRAUTERGERSHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
15 FR02722X0152/F 02722X0152/F 7.69942 48.52100 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à GEISPOLSHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
16 FR02721X0060/P2 02721X0060/P2 7.64502 48.55666 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOLTZHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
17 FR04763X0025/HY 04763X0025/HY 7.40046 47.48949 MARNES DE L'OLIGOCÈNE DU SUNDGAU À OLTINGUE FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
18 FR04762X0050/S2 04762X0050/S2 7.27696 47.43815 Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à LUCELLE FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
19 FR04762X0001/S1 04762X0001/S1 7.29719 47.49994 Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à VIEUX-FERRETTE FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
20 FR04761X0035/HY 04761X0035/HY 7.23976 47.45561 Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à OBERLARG FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
21 FR04761X0021/F1 04761X0021/F1 7.21424 47.50484 Cailloutis Pliocène du Sungau à MOOSLARGUE FRCG002 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
22 FR04461X0025/F 04461X0025/F 7.56946 47.61303 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à VILLAGE-NEUF FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Yes Unknown FRCSOS
23 FR04458X0059/F 04458X0059/F 7.51752 47.57981 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HESINGUE FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
24 FR04458X0023/S3 04458X0023/S3 7.51995 47.58582 la nappe d'Alsace à Hésingue FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
25 FR04458X0019/HY 04458X0019/HY 7.52867 47.56055 MARNES DE L'OLIGOCÈNE DU SUNDGAU À HEGENHEIM FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
26 FR04457X0046/S 04457X0046/S 7.40929 47.52990 Cailloutis Pliocène du Sundgau à MUESPACH FRCG002 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
27 FR04457X0023/F 04457X0023/F 7.40233 47.56360 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à KNOERINGUE FRCG002 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
28 FR04457X0009/S1 04457X0009/S1 7.41996 47.57979 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à RANSPACH-LE-HAUT FRCG002 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
29 FR04456X0032/S2 04456X0032/S2 7.33872 47.52666 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à DURMENACH FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
30 FR04456X0020/F 04456X0020/F 7.32539 47.57999 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à WILLER FRCG002 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
31 FR04456X0006/N-W 04456X0006/N-W 7.36272 47.52072 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à WERENTZHOUSE FRCG002 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
32 FR04454X0142/F1 04454X0142/F1 7.54102 47.60242 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAINT-LOUIS FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
33 FR04453X0038/HY 04453X0038/HY 7.41439 47.61762 CAILLOUTIS PLIOCÈNES DU SUNDGAU À STETTEN FRCG002 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
34 FR04453X0002/F1 04453X0002/F1 7.43087 47.68474 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SCHLIERBACH FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No Unknown FRCSOS
35 FR04452X0006/HY 04452X0006/HY 7.34686 47.65615 MARNES DE L'OLIGOCÈNE DU SUNDGAU À STEINBRUNN-LE-HAUT FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
36 FR04451X0148/F 04451X0148/F 7.26515 47.65525 MARNES DE L'OLIGOCÈNE DU SUNDGAU À TAGOLSHEIM FRCG002 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
37 FR04448X0030/SI 04448X0030/SI 7.15206 47.56159 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à FRIESEN FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
38 FR04448X0029/S1 04448X0029/S1 7.15805 47.59143 Cailloutis pliocènes du sundgau à FULLEREN FRCG002 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
39 FR04138X0181/F1 04138X0181/F1 7.49352 47.78628 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OTTMARSHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
40 FR04138X0149/P3 04138X0149/P3 7.49352 47.78628 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OTTMARSHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
41 FR04137X0179/PZ4 04137X0179/PZ4 7.42260 47.72884 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HABSHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
42 FR04137X0018/15 04137X0018/15 7.42157 47.71502 la nappe d'Alsace à Habsheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
43 FR04136X0263/P1 04136X0263/P1 7.33528 47.76255 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MULHOUSE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
44 FR04135X0369/VJE12 04135X0369/VJE12 7.25487 47.77741 TERRIL JOSEPH ELSE (EST) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
45 FR04135X0368/VJE11 04135X0368/VJE11 7.25984 47.77765 TERRIL JOSEPH ELSE (EST) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
46 FR04135X0345/VJ1S 04135X0345/VJ1S 7.24427 47.77989 SILBERMATTLE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
47 FR04135X0063/P1 04135X0063/P1 7.22043 47.75518 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REININGUE FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
48 FR04135X0060/F 04135X0060/F 7.22289 47.74668 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REININGUE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
49 FR04134X0124/F 04134X0124/F 7.47257 47.86734 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ROGGENHOUSE FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
50 FR04133X0001/F 04133X0001/F 7.39080 47.80223 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BALDERSHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
51 FR04132X0398/P5 04132X0398/P5 7.34292 47.83765 IM SPICHER FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
52 FR04132X0384/PZ1FON 04132X0384/PZ1FON 7.28990 47.86114 LEHLE (PROFOND) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
53 FR04132X0380/P 04132X0380/P 7.32867 47.80409 RUE DES MINES (SOSNOWSKI) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
54 FR04132X0370/DECA3 04132X0370/DECA3 7.30763 47.79659 ANCIEN CARREAU ANNA FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
55 FR04132X0346/EN2 04132X0346/EN2 7.34118 47.86549 TERRIL ENSISHEIM (NORD) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
56 FR04132X0335/PZ 04132X0335/PZ 7.33933 47.86025 TERRIL EST FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
57 FR04132X0231/F2 04132X0231/F2 7.34545 47.85530 CITE ENSISHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
58 FR04132X0192/PMTRD 04132X0192/PMTRD 7.36767 47.85442 ENSISHEIM (RIVE DROITE ILL) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
59 FR04132X0191/PMT 04132X0191/PMT 7.35379 47.85340 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ENSISHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
60 FR04132X0185/S 04132X0185/S 7.29919 47.86799 UNGERSHEIM (LD SPITZACKER) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
61 FR04132X0086/PP6 04132X0086/PP6 7.30947 47.81641 la nappe d'Alsace à Wittenheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOP
62 FR04132X0074/F1VT 04132X0074/F1VT 7.34524 47.82826 CITE SAINTE BARBE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
63 FR04131X0533/VL3P 04131X0533/VL3P 7.27917 47.84119 AIRE DE LA THUR FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
64 FR04131X0294/PMT3 04131X0294/PMT3 7.28257 47.80066 NONNENBRUCH (TRIPLE) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
65 FR04131X0246/F1 04131X0246/F1 7.25455 47.79121 ATELIERS CENTRAUX AMELIE II FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
66 FR04131X0181/P4 04131X0181/P4 7.22625 47.80043 LANGENZUG FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
67 FR04131X0138/P2 04131X0138/P2 7.28238 47.84495 ALLUVIONS DE LA PLAINE D'ALSACE À PULVERSHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
68 FR04128X0079/HY 04128X0079/HY 7.17494 47.71471 Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à BURNHAUPT-LE-BAS FRCG002 Spring No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
69 FR04124X0158/F 04124X0158/F 7.17958 47.79468 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à CERNAY FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
70 FR04124X0105/P16 04124X0105/P16 7.16884 47.79479 la nappe d'Alsace à Cernay FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOP
71 FR04124X0059/F 04124X0059/F 7.19305 47.80043 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à CERNAY FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOS
72 FR03795X0112/GWM1 03795X0112/GWM1 7.61411 47.96200 HARTHEIMERGRIEN B2 GEISWASSER TIEF PROFOND FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
73 FR03795X0111/GWM2 03795X0111/GWM2 7.61407 47.96196 HARTHEIMERGRIEN B1 FLACH FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
74 FR03795X0107/B1 03795X0107/B1 7.57562 47.94220 OBERES MATTFELD FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
75 FR03795X0094/PMT 03795X0094/PMT 7.56482 47.92453 PMT FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
76 FR03795X0093/PZ-N2 03795X0093/PZ-N2 7.56584 47.91655 la nappe d'Alsace à Fessenheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
77 FR03788X0067/F 03788X0067/F 7.47633 47.94131 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à RUSTENHART FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No Unknown FRCSOS
78 FR03788X0033/F 03788X0033/F 7.53557 47.92097 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à FESSENHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
79 FR03787X0148/P 03787X0148/P 7.42055 47.93629 OBERFELD (PRES D8) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
80 FR03787X0101/PMT 03787X0101/PMT 7.38494 47.89919 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MEYENHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
81 FR03786X0087/PMT 03786X0087/PMT 7.33645 47.93480 MUNWILLER (AVAL MULTITUBE) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
82 FR03786X0030/F 03786X0030/F 7.30250 47.90943 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MERXHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
83 FR03786X0029/F6 03786X0029/F6 7.30557 47.87317 AEP EBE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
84 FR03786X0027/F4 03786X0027/F4 7.31670 47.90673 AEP EBE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
85 FR03786X0020/52A 03786X0020/52A 7.27314 47.96891 ALLUVIONS DE LA PLAINE D'ALSACE À ROUFFACH FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No Unknown FRCSOO
86 FR03785X0097/F 03785X0097/F 7.28019 47.88817 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à RAEDERSHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
87 FR03784X0016/F 03784X0016/F 7.53742 48.05035 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIESHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No Unknown FRCSOS
88 FR03783X0187/PMT 03783X0187/PMT 7.41636 47.98339 AUF DINTZEN (PZ MULTITUBES) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
89 FR03783X0161/F 03783X0161/F 7.46129 48.03916 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SUNDHOFFEN FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Yes Unknown FRCSOS
90 FR03783X0046/71 03783X0046/71 7.45753 48.00507 la nappe d'Alsace à Hettenschlag FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
91 FR03782X0191/F 03782X0191/F 7.37641 48.00143 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAINTE-CROIX-EN-PLAINE FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Yes Unknown FRCSOS
92 FR03782X0152/PMT 03782X0152/PMT 7.35879 48.03143 MATTENMUHL (PROFOND) FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
93 FR03781X0026/S 03781X0026/S 7.21294 47.97027 Collines sous-vosgiennes à SOULTZMATT FRCG003 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
94 FR03775X0007/HY 03775X0007/HY 6.81649 47.91389 Socle du massif vosgien à MENIL(LE) FRCG003 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
95 FR03773X0086/HY 03773X0086/HY 7.01983 47.99511 Socle du massif vosgien à MITTLACH FRCG003 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
96 FR03771X0002/PC 03771X0002/PC 6.85967 48.06512 Socle vosgien à GERARDMER FRCG003 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOP
97 FR03766X0009/P1 03766X0009/P1 6.63016 47.94874 Alluvions de la Moselle à RUPT-SUR-MOSELLE FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
98 FR03762X0070/HY 03762X0070/HY 6.55689 48.03609 Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-NABORD FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
99 FR03431X0013/F 03431X0013/F 7.62939 48.24012 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAASENHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
100 FR03427X0027/92 03427X0027/92 7.42135 48.11307 la nappe d'Alsace à Holtzwihr FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
101 FR03426X0226/PZ3 03426X0226/PZ3 7.31896 48.08224 la nappe d'Alsace à Wintzenheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOP
102 FR03426X0022/F 03426X0022/F 7.37478 48.12027 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOUSSEN FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
103 FR03424X0084/F 03424X0084/F 7.52441 48.22610 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MUSSIG FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
104 FR03424X0020/MDP172 03424X0020/MDP172 7.48012 48.17010 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ELSENHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
105 FR03423X0002/F 03423X0002/F 7.38573 48.18411 ALLUVIONS DE LA PLAINE D'ALSACE À GUEMAR FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
106 FR03415X0037/P2 03415X0037/P2 6.91739 48.07980 Fluvioglaciaire sur socle à XONRUPT FRCG003 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
107 FR03408X0022/SCE 03408X0022/SCE 6.73923 48.08758 Socle du massif vosgien à THOLY(LE) FRCG003 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
108 FR03403X0030/HY 03403X0030/HY 6.66835 48.23650 Grès du Trias inférieur à GRANDVILLERS FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
109 FR03394X0142/HY 03394X0142/HY 6.48036 48.16318 Grès du Trias inférieur à EPINAL FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
110 FR03386X0031/S 03386X0031/S 5.92120 48.11512 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à GIGNEVILLE FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
111 FR03386X0030/S 03386X0030/S 5.87281 48.13591 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à DOMBROT-LE-SEC (l'Angers) FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
112 FR03386X0015/S 03386X0015/S 5.91381 48.14289 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à DOMBROT-LE-SEC (Saint-Brice) FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
113 FR03386X0007/HY 03386X0007/HY 5.89952 48.14303 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à DOMBROT-LE-SEC FRCG006 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
114 FR03385X0003/F 03385X0003/F 5.83562 48.14794 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à CRAINVILLIERS FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
115 FR03384X0037/PZ 03384X0037/PZ 6.02711 48.20262 Calcaires du Muschelkalk à HAREVILLE FRCG006 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
116 FR03384X0036/HY 03384X0036/HY 6.02972 48.16740 CALCAIRES DU MUSCHELKALK DE LORRAINE À MONTHUREUX-LE-SEC FRCG006 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
117 FR03384X0005/F 03384X0005/F 6.10451 48.20033 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à VALFROICOURT FRCG005 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
118 FR03383X0053/HY 03383X0053/HY 5.95481 48.16369 CALCAIRES DU MUSCHELKALK DE LORRAINE à LIGNEVILLE FRCG006 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
119 FR03383X0006/S 03383X0006/S 5.95733 48.15546 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à LIGNEVILLE FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
120 FR03378X1003/F 03378X1003/F 5.66711 48.08062 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à BREUVANNES-EN-BASSIGNY FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
121 FR03082X0001/F 03082X0001/F 7.70467 48.38100 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à GERSTHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
122 FR03081X0077/F3 03081X0077/F3 7.68588 48.42163 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ERSTEIN FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
123 FR03081X0045/F2 03081X0045/F2 7.57658 48.35326 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HUTTENHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
124 FR03081X0025/223 03081X0025/223 7.61543 48.34123 la nappe d'Alsace à Rossfeld FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
125 FR03077X0097/F 03077X0097/F 7.41602 48.29534 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SCHERWILLER FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
126 FR03077X0009/P2 03077X0009/P2 7.42735 48.32351 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à DAMBACH-LA-VILLE FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
127 FR03077X0007/P1 03077X0007/P1 7.46266 48.24813 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SELESTAT FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
128 FR03057X0004/HY 03057X0004/HY 6.65995 48.29130 Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINTE-HELENE FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
129 FR03048X0025/P2 03048X0025/P2 6.40932 48.24971 Alluvions de la Moselle à THAON-LES-VOSGES FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
130 FR03048X0023/P2 03048X0023/P2 6.42058 48.28731 Alluvions de la Moselle à VAXONCOURT FRCG017 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
131 FR03047X0058/SCAR4 03047X0058/SCAR4 6.36285 48.32835 Alluvions de la Moselle à CHATEL-SUR-MOSELLE FRCG017 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
132 FR03045X0020/F 03045X0020/F 6.12061 48.32223 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à POUSSAY FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
133 FR03044X0010/F 03044X0010/F 6.47058 48.36166 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à REHAINCOURT FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
134 FR03043X0086/HY 03043X0086/HY 6.41561 48.38460 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à DAMAS-AUX-BOIS FRCG006 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
135 FR03043X0056/PZ4 03043X0056/PZ4 6.30587 48.36945 Alluvions de la Moselle à ESSEGNEY FRCG017 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
136 FR02721X0021/F 02721X0021/F 7.56703 48.53913 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à DUTTLENHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
137 FR02717X0041/AMONT 02717X0041/AMONT 7.41724 48.44136 Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-NABOR FRCG027 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
138 FR02717X0017/S8 02717X0017/S8 7.36688 48.44325 Grès du Trias inférieur à OTTROTT FRCG027 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
139 FR02714X0219/PZ 02714X0219/PZ 7.52226 48.52880 la nappe d'Alsace à Altorf FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
140 FR02714X0061/F3 02714X0061/F3 7.45568 48.53824 GRÈS DU TRIAS INFÉRIEUR À MUTZIG FRCG027 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
141 FR02714X0002/F 02714X0002/F 7.53826 48.52454 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ALTORF FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
142 FR02712X0006/HY 02712X0006/HY 7.36662 48.56709 Grès du Trias inférieur à STILL FRCG027 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
143 FR02708X0021/HY 02708X0021/HY 7.12926 48.49834 Socle du massif vosgien à GRANDFONTAINE FRCG003 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
144 FR02707X0030/HY 02707X0030/HY 7.06183 48.44850 Grès du Trias inférieur à MOUSSEY FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
145 FR02706X0074/S77-20 02706X0074/S77-20 6.93032 48.43956 Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à CELLES-SUR PLAINE FRCG004 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
146 FR02706X0055/HY 02706X0055/HY 6.91035 48.49494 Grès du Trias inférieur à BADONVILLER FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
147 FR02704X0002/S 02704X0002/S 7.15624 48.60171 Grès du Trias inférieur à ABRESCHVILLER FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
148 FR02703X0041/HY 02703X0041/HY 7.05541 48.53992 Grès du Trias inférieur à BERTRAMBOIS FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
149 FR02701X0016/F 02701X0016/F 6.84302 48.59057 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à BLAMONT FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
150 FR02697X0035/F2 02697X0035/F2 6.73202 48.47654 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à GELACOURT FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
151 FR02697X0005/F 02697X0005/F 6.73041 48.48038 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à GELACOURT FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
152 FR02691X0043/F 02691X0043/F 6.56205 48.56366 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à MONCEL-LES-LUNEVILLE FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
153 FR02691X0006/F3 02691X0006/F3 6.55742 48.54316 Alluvions de la Meurthe à FRAIMBOIS FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
154 FR02691X0003/F 02691X0003/F 6.53430 48.57320 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à MONCEL-LES-LUNEVILLE FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
155 FR02684X0044/P2 02684X0044/P2 6.47818 48.53943 ALLUVIONS DE LA MEURTHE À XERMAMENIL FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
156 FR02684X0018/HY 02684X0018/HY 6.47052 48.56849 GRÈS À ROSEAUX/DOLOMIES DU KEUPER DE LORRAI À REHAINVILLER FRCG008 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
157 FR02682X0095/T5 02682X0095/T5 6.23481 48.55588 Alluvions de la Moselle à TONNOY FRCG017 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
158 FR02677X0026/HY 02677X0026/HY 5.93449 48.45718 CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À FAVIERES FRCG010 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
159 FR02677X0023/HY 02677X0023/HY 5.99201 48.42490 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à VANDELEVILLE FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
160 FR02673X0017/HY 02673X0017/HY 6.00141 48.54669 CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À GERMINY FRCG010 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
161 FR02672X0035/F 02672X0035/F 5.89598 48.51626 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à COLOMBEY-LES-BELLES FRCG010 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
162 FR02672X0018/F 02672X0018/F 5.92134 48.54972 Calcaires du Dogger à ALLAIN FRCG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOP
163 FR02347X0363/INC 02347X0363/INC 7.78317 48.64566 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REICHSTETT FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
164 FR02347X0152/F 02347X0152/F 7.75874 48.61366 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BISCHHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
165 FR02347X0026/F 02347X0026/F 7.76817 48.57140 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à STRASBOURG FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
166 FR02347X0022/314 02347X0022/314 7.75416 48.64985 la nappe d'Alsace à Reichstett FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
167 FR02347X0021/F 02347X0021/F 7.77713 48.67129 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOERDT FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
168 FR02346X0139/313A 02346X0139/313A 7.70368 48.65229 la nappe d'Alsace à Lampertheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
169 FR02346X0016/F 02346X0016/F 7.68789 48.61929 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MITTELHAUSBERGEN FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
170 FR02344X0154/F1-EST 02344X0154/F1-EST 7.88708 48.78024 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OBERHOFFEN-SUR-MODER FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
171 FR02344X0148/P2 02344X0148/P2 7.91064 48.73250 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HERRLISHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
172 FR02344X0021/F 02344X0021/F 7.91380 48.74906 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HERRLISHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
173 FR02343X0023/F3 02343X0023/F3 7.78330 48.72059 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIETLENHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
174 FR02343X0022/F2 02343X0022/F2 7.78330 48.72059 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIETLENHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
175 FR02343X0003/561 02343X0003/561 7.80235 48.77404 la nappe d'Alsace à Weitbruch FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
176 FR02342X0013/P3 02342X0013/P3 7.71793 48.72054 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BRUMATH FRCG001 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
177 FR02341X0046/F6 02341X0046/F6 7.64966 48.75613 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MOMMENHEIM FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
178 FR02338X0062/SCE 02338X0062/SCE 7.51543 48.64700 Collines sous-vosgiennes à KUTTOLSHEIM FRCG027 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
179 FR02337X0114/P4 02337X0114/P4 7.36263 48.60923 GRÈS DU TRIAS INFÉRIEUR À COSSWILLER FRCG027 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
180 FR02336X0007/HY 02336X0007/HY 7.31487 48.67249 GRÈS DU TRIAS INFÉRIEUR À REINHARDSMUNSTER FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
181 FR02332X0076/HY 02332X0076/HY 7.35935 48.70567 Grès du Trias inférieur à THAL-MARMOUTIER FRCG027 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
182 FR02331X0007/F 02331X0007/F 7.19489 48.71079 Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-LOUIS FRCG004 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
183 FR02327X0032/F 02327X0032/F 7.08914 48.65237 Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à VOYER FRCG004 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOP
184 FR02326X0012/HY 02326X0012/HY 6.94327 48.68337 CALCAIRES DU MUSCHELKALK DE LORRAINE A GONDREXANGE FRCG006 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
185 FR02323X0049/F 02323X0049/F 7.06276 48.77505 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à SARRALTROFF FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
186 FR02318X0008/F 02318X0008/F 6.77976 48.67214 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à MOUSSEY FRCG005 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOP
187 FR02313X0042/HY 02313X0042/HY 6.65739 48.76714 Grès à roseaux/dolomies du Keuper de Lorraine à JUVELIZE FRCG008 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
188 FR02311X0017/F 02311X0017/F 6.52801 48.69384 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à BATHELEMONT-LES-BAUZEMONT FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
189 FR02307X0281/S 02307X0281/S 6.36199 48.62970 Grès du Keuper à DOMBASLE-SUR-MEURTHE FRCG008 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
190 FR02307X0234/RP3 02307X0234/RP3 6.36237 48.62887 Alluvions de la Meurthe à DOMBASLE-SUR-MEURTHE FRCG017 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
191 FR02306X0113/F 02306X0113/F 6.21189 48.68633 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à TOMBLAINE FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
192 FR02303X0065/P 02303X0065/P 6.31604 48.74127 Grès du Rhétien sous couverture à CHAMPENOUX FRCG008 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
193 FR02302X0097/HY 02302X0097/HY 6.27231 48.77287 Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à BOUXIERES-AUX-CHENES FRCG008 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
194 FR02298X0021/HY 02298X0021/HY 6.05928 48.63948 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MARON FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
195 FR02296X0038/P1 02296X0038/P1 5.90565 48.66629 Alluvions de la Moselle à DOMMARTIN-LES-TOUL FRCG017 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
196 FR02296X0021/HY 02296X0021/HY 5.91888 48.64228 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à PIERRE-LA-TREICHE FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Yes Unknown FRCSOS
197 FR02296X0013/PR2 02296X0013/PR2 5.89536 48.68656 Alluvions de la Moselle à TOUL FRCG017 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
198 FR02294X0014/HY 02294X0014/HY 6.05703 48.74409 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à LIVERDUN FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
199 FR02293X0118/SE 02293X0118/SE 5.94888 48.69256 Alluvions de la Moselle à GONDREVILLE FRCG017 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
200 FR02292X0044/F3 02292X0044/F3 5.92720 48.74113 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. sous couverture à FRANCHEVILLE FRCG010 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
201 FR01996X0168/F2 01996X0168/F2 8.04095 48.82320 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ROESCHWOOG FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
202 FR01996X0023/F 01996X0023/F 8.07675 48.85883 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BEINHEIM FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
203 FR01995X0103/338B1 01995X0103/338B1 7.95679 48.85318 la nappe d'Alsace à Haguenau FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
204 FR01995X0012/342B 01995X0012/342B 7.98372 48.81059 la nappe d'Alsace à Sessenheim FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
205 FR01993X0129/F 01993X0129/F 8.12275 48.95326 Pliocène de Haguenau à NEEWILLER-PRES-LAUTERBOURG FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
206 FR01992X0071/F 01992X0071/F 8.10630 48.89422 Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SELTZ FRCG001 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
207 FR01991X0079/F 01991X0079/F 7.99484 48.92317 Pliocène de Haguenau à STUNDWILLER FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
208 FR01987X0117/F 01987X0117/F 7.83188 48.84174 Pliocène de Haguenau à HAGUENAU FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
209 FR01987X0072/F2B 01987X0072/F2B 7.73967 48.81732 Pliocène de Haguenau à SCHWEIGHOUSE FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
210 FR01978X0003/HY 01978X0003/HY 7.47894 48.82327 CALCAIRES JURASSIQUES DE BOUXWILLER A BOUXWILLER FRCG027 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOO
211 FR01967X0001/F 01967X0001/F 7.02327 48.84967 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à FENETRANGE FRCG006 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
212 FR01957X0045/HY 01957X0045/HY 6.68923 48.82940 Grès à roseaux/dolomies du Keuper de Lorraine à VAL-DE-BRIDE FRCG008 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
213 FR01957X0037/F 01957X0037/F 6.71814 48.80806 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à DIEUZE FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
214 FR01945X0052/HY 01945X0052/HY 6.19925 48.79301 Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à FAULX FRCG008 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
215 FR01944X0002/F 01944X0002/F 6.47876 48.87595 Grès du Rhétien de Lorraine à LUCY FRCG008 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
216 FR01943X0076/P9 01943X0076/P9 6.35865 48.90646 Calcaires du Dogger à ALAINCOURT-LA-COTE FRCG008 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
217 FR01938X0151/SCE6 01938X0151/SCE6 6.09872 48.86721 Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à LOISY FRCG008 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
218 FR01938X0105/P2 01938X0105/P2 6.09872 48.86721 Alluvions de la Moselle à LOISY FRCG016 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOO
219 FR01938X0055/HY 01938X0055/HY 6.05603 48.83393 CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À DIEULOUARD FRCG010 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
220 FR01937X0054/F 01937X0054/F 6.00750 48.82005 Calcaires du Dogger à VILLERS-EN-HAYE FRCG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOP
221 FR01937X0032/HY 01937X0032/HY 5.95209 48.84817 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MARTINCOURT FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
222 FR01937X0004/F 01937X0004/F 5.99515 48.78916 CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À ROSIERES-EN-HAYE FRCG010 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
223 FR01936X0019/HY 01936X0019/HY 5.90924 48.83975 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MANONVILLE FRCG010 Spring No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOO
224 FR01934X0106/33 01934X0106/33 6.07451 48.88442 Alluvions de la Moselle à ATTON FRCG016 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No Unknown FRCSOP
225 FR01695X0131/F 01695X0131/F 7.98343 49.01743 la nappe d'Alsace à Wissembourg FRCG001 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
226 FR01695X0009/F1 01695X0009/F1 7.98355 49.01751 PLIOCÈNE DE HAGUENAU À ALTENSTADT FRCG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
227 FR01687X0022/F1 01687X0022/F1 7.77449 48.95952 Grès du Trias inférieur à GOERSDORF FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
228 FR01687X0012/SUP 01687X0012/SUP 7.81488 49.03931 Grès du Trias inférieur à WINGEN FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
229 FR01677X0023/HY 01677X0023/HY 7.43913 49.02047 Grès du Trias inférieur à BITCHE FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
230 FR01675X0002/F 01675X0002/F 7.23958 48.99668 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à RAHLING FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
231 FR01673X0078/F2 01673X0078/F2 7.44783 49.05424 Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à BITCHE FRCG004 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
232 FR01671X0013/HY 01671X0013/HY 7.22517 49.11983 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à OBERGAILBACH FRCG006 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOS
233 FR01665X0026/F 01665X0026/F 6.92122 49.04572 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à PUTTELANGE-AUX-LACS FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No No FRCSOP
234 FR01664X0007/F5 01664X0007/F5 7.12006 49.09224 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à SARREINSMING FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
235 FR01658X0038/F 01658X0038/F 6.82625 48.99510 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à HELLIMER FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
236 FR01653X0101/F4 01653X0101/F4 6.68769 49.10635 Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à SAINT-AVOLD FRCG028 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
237 FR01652X0127/F3 01652X0127/F3 6.57516 49.05048 Grès du Trias inférieur captif à CREHANGE FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
238 FR01644X0033/F 01644X0033/F 6.41993 49.08009 Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à SERVIGNY-LES-RAVILLE FRCG005 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
239 FR01644X0013/F 01644X0013/F 6.44529 49.07837 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à SERVIGNY-LES-RAVILLE FRCG008 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOP
240 FR01641X0080/P1 01641X0080/P1 6.11862 49.09262 ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE À MOULINS-LES-METZ FRCG016 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
241 FR01638X0033/F1 01638X0033/F1 6.07282 49.02956 Alluvions de la Moselle à CORNY-SUR-MOSELLE FRCG016 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOS
242 FR01636X0036/F 01636X0036/F 5.89356 48.96695 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à JAULNY FRCG010 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
243 FR01633X0021/HY 01633X0021/HY 5.99229 49.05796 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à GORZE FRCG010 Spring No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
244 FR01632X0070/V105 01632X0070/V105 5.86712 49.12617 Calcaires du Dogger à VILLE-SUR-YRON FRCG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
245 FR01406X0012/405 01406X0012/405 6.94351 49.16782 GRÈS DU TRIAS INFÉRIEUR CAPTIF À BEHREN-LES-FORBACH FRCG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
246 FR01405X0205/IPA3 01405X0205/IPA3 6.87107 49.16516 GRÉS DU TRIAS À MORSBACH FRCG028 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No Yes No No FRCSOS
247 FR01398X0030/27 01398X0030/27 6.79824 49.15240 Grès du Trias inférieur de Sarre à FREYMING-MERLEBACH FRCG028 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
248 FR01396X0142/F2 01396X0142/F2 6.66534 49.16013 Grès du Trias inférieur à PORCELETTE FRCG028 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
249 FR01396X0060/P2 01396X0060/P2 6.63886 49.22522 Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à FALCK FRCG028 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOP
250 FR01392X0110/654 01392X0110/654 6.66483 49.24659 Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à MERTEN FRCG028 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOP
251 FR01392X0089/HY 01392X0089/HY 6.62296 49.26480 CALCAIRES DU MUSCHELKALK DE LORRAINE à REMERING FRCG006 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOS
252 FR01392X0054/F 01392X0054/F 6.61364 49.24069 Grès du Trias inférieur à DALEM FRCG028 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
253 FR01385X0059/PC 01385X0059/PC 6.19297 49.16211 Alluvions de la Moselle à MAXE(LA) FRCG016 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes Yes No No FRCSOS
254 FR01381X0099/P12 01381X0099/P12 6.14424 49.31486 ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE A FLORANGE FRCG016 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOS
255 FR01381X0070/P25 01381X0070/P25 6.17821 49.30365 Alluvions de la Moselle à BERTRANGE FRCG016 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
256 FR01381X0069/S 01381X0069/S 6.16070 49.28919 Alluvions de la Moselle à RICHEMONT FRCG016 Other Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
257 FR01377X0205/F3 01377X0205/F3 6.01291 49.14415 Calcaires du Dogger à VERNEVILLE FRCG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
258 FR01377X0099/FM 01377X0099/FM 5.97551 49.21133 Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Sud à AUBOUE (Pts Auboué I) FRCG026 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No Unknown FRCSOP
259 FR01377X0063/HY 01377X0063/HY 5.95489 49.16134 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à JOUAVILLE FRCG010 Spring No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOO
260 FR01376X0123/P1 01376X0123/P1 5.88242 49.15002 BASSIN FERRIFÈRE - PUITS DROITAUMONT II FRCG026 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Middle Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
261 FR01375X0113/Q-ORNE 01375X0113/Q-ORNE 5.83068 49.16255 L'Orne à BONCOURT FRCG022 Other Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
262 FR01374X0273/G 01374X0273/G 6.04229 49.24594 BASSIN FERRIFÈRE - GALERIE DU CHENAL DE MOYEUVRE FRCG026 Other No Yes Yes -7777 Middle Yes No No No No FRCSOO
263 FR01374X0017/HY 01374X0017/HY 6.05554 49.29575 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à RANGUEVAUX FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
264 FR01372X0204/M52 01372X0204/M52 5.92544 49.26994 Calcaires du Dogger à MANCE FRCG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
265 FR01372X0198/P2 01372X0198/P2 5.90863 49.28297 Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Centre à MANCIEULLES (Pts St-Pierremont) FRCG026 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
266 FR01372X0196/EX 01372X0196/EX 5.89021 49.30803 BASSIN FERRIFÈRE - PUITS MINIER DE TUCQUEGNIEUX I FRCG026 Well No Yes Yes -7777 Middle Yes No No No No FRCSOO
267 FR01372X0064/HY 01372X0064/HY 5.85471 49.31025 Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MAIRY-MAINVILLE FRCG010 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOS
268 FR01146X0070/P1 01146X0070/P1 6.22828 49.39543 Alluvions de la Moselle à CATTENOM FRCG016 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP
269 FR01146X0011/P1 01146X0011/P1 6.23816 49.37599 ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE À BASSE-HAM FRCG016 Well No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
270 FR01145X0021/F 01145X0021/F 6.18901 49.38009 Alluvions de la Moselle à MANOM FRCG016 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOS
271 FR01144X0019/HY 01144X0019/HY 6.43824 49.43805 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à MANDEREN FRCG006 Spring No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOO
272 FR01144X0015/HY 01144X0015/HY 6.45032 49.45194 CALCAIRES DU MUSCHELKALK DE LORRAINE À MANDEREN2 FRCG006 Spring No Yes Yes -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOO
273 FR01144X0004/S 01144X0004/S 6.38995 49.45858 Grès du Trias inférieur à APACH FRCG004 Spring No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No No No FRCSOS
274 FR01143X0046/HY 01143X0046/HY 6.38659 49.41464 CALCAIRES DU MUSCHELKALK DE LORRAINE à MONTENACH FRCG006 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
275 FR01143X0039/HY 01143X0039/HY 6.37613 49.44136 Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Haute-Sarre à RUSTROFF FRCG006 Spring No No Yes -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOO
276 FR01143X0019/P1 01143X0019/P1 6.31798 49.45521 Alluvions de la Moselle à HAUTE-KONTZ FRCG016 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes Yes No No No FRCSOS
277 FR01138X0184/G14BIS 01138X0184/G14BIS 6.02874 49.34512 BASSIN FERRIFÈRE - GALERIE DE KNUTANGE FRCG026 Other No Yes Yes -7777 Middle Yes No No No No FRCSOO
278 FR01137X0175/PTS-5 01137X0175/PTS-5 5.97129 49.38626 Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Nord à BOULANGE (Pts Cheminée Sud) FRCG026 Well Yes No No -7777 Middle Yes No No No Unknown FRCSOP

2. Groundwater Monitoring Stations Details

This section provides the details for the groundwater monitoring stations

1 Monitoring Station FR03074X0005/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à EPFIG

Unique EU code for the station* FR03074X0005/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03074X0005/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.47153, 48.35163
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à EPFIG
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

2 Monitoring Station FR03074X0002/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ZELLWILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR03074X0002/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03074X0002/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.51301, 48.39904
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ZELLWILLER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03074X0002/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

3 Monitoring Station FR03066X0003/PB - Alluvions de la Meurthe à SAINTE-MARGUERITE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03066X0003/PB
Unique MS code for the station* 03066X0003/PB
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.97291, 48.26757
Name Alluvions de la Meurthe à SAINTE-MARGUERITE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03066X0003/PB


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017

4 Monitoring Station FR03065X0050/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-MICHEL-SUR-MEURTHE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03065X0050/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03065X0050/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.87744, 48.31173
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-MICHEL-SUR-MEURTHE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03065X0050/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

5 Monitoring Station FR03064X0029/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à RANRUPT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03064X0029/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03064X0029/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.17914, 48.35205
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à RANRUPT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03064X0029/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

6 Monitoring Station FR03062X0113/F1 - Socle du massif vosgien à SENONES

Unique EU code for the station* FR03062X0113/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 03062X0113/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.00692, 48.39253
Name Socle du massif vosgien à SENONES
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03062X0113/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG003
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG003
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG003
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG003
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG003
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG003
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG003

7 Monitoring Station FR03061X0055/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à RAON-L'ETAPE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03061X0055/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03061X0055/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.83791, 48.41769
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à RAON-L'ETAPE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Yes
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03061X0055/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

8 Monitoring Station FR03057X0018/F - Fluvioglaciaire sur Muschelkalk gréseux à GRANDVILLERS

Unique EU code for the station* FR03057X0018/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03057X0018/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.67122, 48.24203
Name Fluvioglaciaire sur Muschelkalk gréseux à GRANDVILLERS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG024
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG024
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG024

9 Monitoring Station FR03042X0026/S - ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE À CHAMAGNE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03042X0026/S
Unique MS code for the station* 03042X0026/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.29334, 48.40828
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03042X0026/S


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017

10 Monitoring Station FR03042X0018/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à FLOREMONT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03042X0018/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03042X0018/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.25264, 48.37116
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à FLOREMONT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03042X0018/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

11 Monitoring Station FR03037X0053/F - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à SAINT-MENGE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03037X0053/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03037X0053/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.94583, 48.28987
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à SAINT-MENGE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

12 Monitoring Station FR02726X0029/238 - la nappe d'Alsace à Lipsheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR02726X0029/238
Unique MS code for the station* 02726X0029/238
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.66441, 48.48978
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Lipsheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

13 Monitoring Station FR02726X0002/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ESCHAU

Unique EU code for the station* FR02726X0002/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02726X0002/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.73074, 48.48361
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ESCHAU
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau de suivi qualité de l'observatoire des eaux souterraines de la Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg (0200000027 - RRESOUQONAPCUS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02726X0002/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

14 Monitoring Station FR02725X0001/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à KRAUTERGERSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02725X0001/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02725X0001/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.56505, 48.47517
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à KRAUTERGERSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02725X0001/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

15 Monitoring Station FR02722X0152/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à GEISPOLSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02722X0152/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02722X0152/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.69942, 48.52100
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à GEISPOLSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02722X0152/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

16 Monitoring Station FR02721X0060/P2 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOLTZHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02721X0060/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 02721X0060/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.64502, 48.55666
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOLTZHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02721X0060/P2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR04763X0025/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 04763X0025/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.40046, 47.48949
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04763X0025/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

18 Monitoring Station FR04762X0050/S2 - Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à LUCELLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04762X0050/S2
Unique MS code for the station* 04762X0050/S2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.27696, 47.43815
Name Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à LUCELLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04762X0050/S2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

19 Monitoring Station FR04762X0001/S1 - Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à VIEUX-FERRETTE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04762X0001/S1
Unique MS code for the station* 04762X0001/S1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.29719, 47.49994
Name Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à VIEUX-FERRETTE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04762X0001/S1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

20 Monitoring Station FR04761X0035/HY - Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à OBERLARG

Unique EU code for the station* FR04761X0035/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 04761X0035/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.23976, 47.45561
Name Calcaires jurassiques du Jura à OBERLARG
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04761X0035/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

21 Monitoring Station FR04761X0021/F1 - Cailloutis Pliocène du Sungau à MOOSLARGUE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04761X0021/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 04761X0021/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.21424, 47.50484
Name Cailloutis Pliocène du Sungau à MOOSLARGUE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 52 FRCG002

22 Monitoring Station FR04461X0025/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à VILLAGE-NEUF

Unique EU code for the station* FR04461X0025/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04461X0025/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.56946, 47.61303
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à VILLAGE-NEUF
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Yes
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04461X0025/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

23 Monitoring Station FR04458X0059/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HESINGUE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04458X0059/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04458X0059/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.51752, 47.57981
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HESINGUE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04458X0059/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

24 Monitoring Station FR04458X0023/S3 - la nappe d'Alsace à Hésingue

Unique EU code for the station* FR04458X0023/S3
Unique MS code for the station* 04458X0023/S3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.51995, 47.58582
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Hésingue
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR04458X0019/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 04458X0019/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.52867, 47.56055
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04458X0019/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG002

26 Monitoring Station FR04457X0046/S - Cailloutis Pliocène du Sundgau à MUESPACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR04457X0046/S
Unique MS code for the station* 04457X0046/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.40929, 47.52990
Name Cailloutis Pliocène du Sundgau à MUESPACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 52 FRCG002

27 Monitoring Station FR04457X0023/F - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à KNOERINGUE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04457X0023/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04457X0023/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.40233, 47.56360
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à KNOERINGUE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

28 Monitoring Station FR04457X0009/S1 - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à RANSPACH-LE-HAUT

Unique EU code for the station* FR04457X0009/S1
Unique MS code for the station* 04457X0009/S1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.41996, 47.57979
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à RANSPACH-LE-HAUT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

29 Monitoring Station FR04456X0032/S2 - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à DURMENACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR04456X0032/S2
Unique MS code for the station* 04456X0032/S2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.33872, 47.52666
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à DURMENACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04456X0032/S2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG002

30 Monitoring Station FR04456X0020/F - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à WILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR04456X0020/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04456X0020/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.32539, 47.57999
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à WILLER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

31 Monitoring Station FR04456X0006/N-W - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à WERENTZHOUSE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04456X0006/N-W
Unique MS code for the station* 04456X0006/N-W
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.36272, 47.52072
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à WERENTZHOUSE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

32 Monitoring Station FR04454X0142/F1 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAINT-LOUIS

Unique EU code for the station* FR04454X0142/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 04454X0142/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.54102, 47.60242
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAINT-LOUIS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR04453X0038/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 04453X0038/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.41439, 47.61762
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

34 Monitoring Station FR04453X0002/F1 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SCHLIERBACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR04453X0002/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 04453X0002/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.43087, 47.68474
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SCHLIERBACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Alsace (0200000036 - RRICQALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04453X0002/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR04452X0006/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 04452X0006/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.34686, 47.65615
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04452X0006/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG002


Unique EU code for the station* FR04451X0148/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04451X0148/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.26515, 47.65525
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002

37 Monitoring Station FR04448X0030/SI - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à FRIESEN

Unique EU code for the station* FR04448X0030/SI
Unique MS code for the station* 04448X0030/SI
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.15206, 47.56159
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à FRIESEN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04448X0030/SI


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG002

38 Monitoring Station FR04448X0029/S1 - Cailloutis pliocènes du sundgau à FULLEREN

Unique EU code for the station* FR04448X0029/S1
Unique MS code for the station* 04448X0029/S1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.15805, 47.59143
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du sundgau à FULLEREN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04448X0029/S1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG002

39 Monitoring Station FR04138X0181/F1 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OTTMARSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR04138X0181/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 04138X0181/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.49352, 47.78628
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OTTMARSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

40 Monitoring Station FR04138X0149/P3 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OTTMARSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR04138X0149/P3
Unique MS code for the station* 04138X0149/P3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.49352, 47.78628
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OTTMARSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04138X0149/P3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

41 Monitoring Station FR04137X0179/PZ4 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HABSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR04137X0179/PZ4
Unique MS code for the station* 04137X0179/PZ4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.42260, 47.72884
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HABSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

42 Monitoring Station FR04137X0018/15 - la nappe d'Alsace à Habsheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR04137X0018/15
Unique MS code for the station* 04137X0018/15
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.42157, 47.71502
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Habsheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

43 Monitoring Station FR04136X0263/P1 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MULHOUSE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04136X0263/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 04136X0263/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.33528, 47.76255
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MULHOUSE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

44 Monitoring Station FR04135X0369/VJE12 - TERRIL JOSEPH ELSE (EST)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04135X0369/VJE12
Unique MS code for the station* 04135X0369/VJE12
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.25487, 47.77741
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

45 Monitoring Station FR04135X0368/VJE11 - TERRIL JOSEPH ELSE (EST)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04135X0368/VJE11
Unique MS code for the station* 04135X0368/VJE11
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.25984, 47.77765
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

46 Monitoring Station FR04135X0345/VJ1S - SILBERMATTLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04135X0345/VJ1S
Unique MS code for the station* 04135X0345/VJ1S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.24427, 47.77989
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

47 Monitoring Station FR04135X0063/P1 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REININGUE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04135X0063/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 04135X0063/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.22043, 47.75518
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REININGUE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04135X0063/P1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

48 Monitoring Station FR04135X0060/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REININGUE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04135X0060/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04135X0060/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.22289, 47.74668
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REININGUE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

49 Monitoring Station FR04134X0124/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ROGGENHOUSE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04134X0124/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04134X0124/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.47257, 47.86734
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ROGGENHOUSE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04134X0124/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

50 Monitoring Station FR04133X0001/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BALDERSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR04133X0001/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04133X0001/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.39080, 47.80223
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BALDERSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04133X0001/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

51 Monitoring Station FR04132X0398/P5 - IM SPICHER

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0398/P5
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0398/P5
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.34292, 47.83765
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

52 Monitoring Station FR04132X0384/PZ1FON - LEHLE (PROFOND)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0384/PZ1FON
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0384/PZ1FON
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.28990, 47.86114
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

53 Monitoring Station FR04132X0380/P - RUE DES MINES (SOSNOWSKI)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0380/P
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0380/P
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.32867, 47.80409
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

54 Monitoring Station FR04132X0370/DECA3 - ANCIEN CARREAU ANNA

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0370/DECA3
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0370/DECA3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.30763, 47.79659
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

55 Monitoring Station FR04132X0346/EN2 - TERRIL ENSISHEIM (NORD)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0346/EN2
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0346/EN2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.34118, 47.86549
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

56 Monitoring Station FR04132X0335/PZ - TERRIL EST

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0335/PZ
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0335/PZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.33933, 47.86025
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

57 Monitoring Station FR04132X0231/F2 - CITE ENSISHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0231/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0231/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.34545, 47.85530
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

58 Monitoring Station FR04132X0192/PMTRD - ENSISHEIM (RIVE DROITE ILL)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0192/PMTRD
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0192/PMTRD
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.36767, 47.85442
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

59 Monitoring Station FR04132X0191/PMT - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ENSISHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0191/PMT
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0191/PMT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.35379, 47.85340
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ENSISHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

60 Monitoring Station FR04132X0185/S - UNGERSHEIM (LD SPITZACKER)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0185/S
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0185/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.29919, 47.86799
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

61 Monitoring Station FR04132X0086/PP6 - la nappe d'Alsace à Wittenheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0086/PP6
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0086/PP6
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.30947, 47.81641
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Wittenheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS), au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

62 Monitoring Station FR04132X0074/F1VT - CITE SAINTE BARBE

Unique EU code for the station* FR04132X0074/F1VT
Unique MS code for the station* 04132X0074/F1VT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.34524, 47.82826
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

63 Monitoring Station FR04131X0533/VL3P - AIRE DE LA THUR

Unique EU code for the station* FR04131X0533/VL3P
Unique MS code for the station* 04131X0533/VL3P
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.27917, 47.84119
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

64 Monitoring Station FR04131X0294/PMT3 - NONNENBRUCH (TRIPLE)

Unique EU code for the station* FR04131X0294/PMT3
Unique MS code for the station* 04131X0294/PMT3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.28257, 47.80066
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

65 Monitoring Station FR04131X0246/F1 - ATELIERS CENTRAUX AMELIE II

Unique EU code for the station* FR04131X0246/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 04131X0246/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.25455, 47.79121
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

66 Monitoring Station FR04131X0181/P4 - LANGENZUG

Unique EU code for the station* FR04131X0181/P4
Unique MS code for the station* 04131X0181/P4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.22625, 47.80043
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR04131X0138/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 04131X0138/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.28238, 47.84495
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04131X0138/P2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

68 Monitoring Station FR04128X0079/HY - Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à BURNHAUPT-LE-BAS

Unique EU code for the station* FR04128X0079/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 04128X0079/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.17494, 47.71471
Name Cailloutis pliocènes du Sundgau à BURNHAUPT-LE-BAS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG002
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04128X0079/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG002
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG002
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG002
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG002
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG002
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG002
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG002
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG002

69 Monitoring Station FR04124X0158/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à CERNAY

Unique EU code for the station* FR04124X0158/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04124X0158/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.17958, 47.79468
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à CERNAY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

70 Monitoring Station FR04124X0105/P16 - la nappe d'Alsace à Cernay

Unique EU code for the station* FR04124X0105/P16
Unique MS code for the station* 04124X0105/P16
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.16884, 47.79479
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Cernay
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR), au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA) et au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Alsace (0200000036 - RRICQALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

71 Monitoring Station FR04124X0059/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à CERNAY

Unique EU code for the station* FR04124X0059/F
Unique MS code for the station* 04124X0059/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.19305, 47.80043
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à CERNAY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Alsace (0200000036 - RRICQALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR04124X0059/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR03795X0112/GWM1
Unique MS code for the station* 03795X0112/GWM1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.61411, 47.96200
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

73 Monitoring Station FR03795X0111/GWM2 - HARTHEIMERGRIEN B1 FLACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR03795X0111/GWM2
Unique MS code for the station* 03795X0111/GWM2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.61407, 47.96196
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

74 Monitoring Station FR03795X0107/B1 - OBERES MATTFELD

Unique EU code for the station* FR03795X0107/B1
Unique MS code for the station* 03795X0107/B1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.57562, 47.94220
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

75 Monitoring Station FR03795X0094/PMT - PMT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03795X0094/PMT
Unique MS code for the station* 03795X0094/PMT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.56482, 47.92453
Name PMT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

76 Monitoring Station FR03795X0093/PZ-N2 - la nappe d'Alsace à Fessenheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR03795X0093/PZ-N2
Unique MS code for the station* 03795X0093/PZ-N2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.56584, 47.91655
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Fessenheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

77 Monitoring Station FR03788X0067/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à RUSTENHART

Unique EU code for the station* FR03788X0067/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03788X0067/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.47633, 47.94131
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à RUSTENHART
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03788X0067/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

78 Monitoring Station FR03788X0033/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à FESSENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03788X0033/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03788X0033/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.53557, 47.92097
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à FESSENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

79 Monitoring Station FR03787X0148/P - OBERFELD (PRES D8)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03787X0148/P
Unique MS code for the station* 03787X0148/P
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.42055, 47.93629
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

80 Monitoring Station FR03787X0101/PMT - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MEYENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03787X0101/PMT
Unique MS code for the station* 03787X0101/PMT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.38494, 47.89919
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MEYENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

81 Monitoring Station FR03786X0087/PMT - MUNWILLER (AVAL MULTITUBE)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03786X0087/PMT
Unique MS code for the station* 03786X0087/PMT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.33645, 47.93480
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

82 Monitoring Station FR03786X0030/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MERXHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03786X0030/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03786X0030/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.30250, 47.90943
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MERXHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

83 Monitoring Station FR03786X0029/F6 - AEP EBE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03786X0029/F6
Unique MS code for the station* 03786X0029/F6
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.30557, 47.87317
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

84 Monitoring Station FR03786X0027/F4 - AEP EBE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03786X0027/F4
Unique MS code for the station* 03786X0027/F4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.31670, 47.90673
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

85 Monitoring Station FR03786X0020/52A - ALLUVIONS DE LA PLAINE D'ALSACE À ROUFFACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR03786X0020/52A
Unique MS code for the station* 03786X0020/52A
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.27314, 47.96891
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03786X0020/52A


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

86 Monitoring Station FR03785X0097/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à RAEDERSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03785X0097/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03785X0097/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.28019, 47.88817
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à RAEDERSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

87 Monitoring Station FR03784X0016/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIESHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03784X0016/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03784X0016/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.53742, 48.05035
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIESHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03784X0016/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

88 Monitoring Station FR03783X0187/PMT - AUF DINTZEN (PZ MULTITUBES)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03783X0187/PMT
Unique MS code for the station* 03783X0187/PMT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.41636, 47.98339
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

89 Monitoring Station FR03783X0161/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SUNDHOFFEN

Unique EU code for the station* FR03783X0161/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03783X0161/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.46129, 48.03916
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SUNDHOFFEN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Yes
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03783X0161/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

90 Monitoring Station FR03783X0046/71 - la nappe d'Alsace à Hettenschlag

Unique EU code for the station* FR03783X0046/71
Unique MS code for the station* 03783X0046/71
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.45753, 48.00507
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Hettenschlag
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

91 Monitoring Station FR03782X0191/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAINTE-CROIX-EN-PLAINE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03782X0191/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03782X0191/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.37641, 48.00143
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAINTE-CROIX-EN-PLAINE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Yes
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03782X0191/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

92 Monitoring Station FR03782X0152/PMT - MATTENMUHL (PROFOND)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03782X0152/PMT
Unique MS code for the station* 03782X0152/PMT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.35879, 48.03143
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

93 Monitoring Station FR03781X0026/S - Collines sous-vosgiennes à SOULTZMATT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03781X0026/S
Unique MS code for the station* 03781X0026/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.21294, 47.97027
Name Collines sous-vosgiennes à SOULTZMATT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03781X0026/S


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG003
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG003
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG003
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG003
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG003
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG003
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG003

94 Monitoring Station FR03775X0007/HY - Socle du massif vosgien à MENIL(LE)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03775X0007/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03775X0007/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.81649, 47.91389
Name Socle du massif vosgien à MENIL(LE)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03775X0007/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG003
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG003
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG003
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG003
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG003
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG003
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG003

95 Monitoring Station FR03773X0086/HY - Socle du massif vosgien à MITTLACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR03773X0086/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03773X0086/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.01983, 47.99511
Name Socle du massif vosgien à MITTLACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03773X0086/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG003
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG003
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG003
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG003
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG003
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG003
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG003

96 Monitoring Station FR03771X0002/PC - Socle vosgien à GERARDMER

Unique EU code for the station* FR03771X0002/PC
Unique MS code for the station* 03771X0002/PC
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.85967, 48.06512
Name Socle vosgien à GERARDMER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG003

97 Monitoring Station FR03766X0009/P1 - Alluvions de la Moselle à RUPT-SUR-MOSELLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03766X0009/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 03766X0009/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.63016, 47.94874
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à RUPT-SUR-MOSELLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03766X0009/P1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017

98 Monitoring Station FR03762X0070/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-NABORD

Unique EU code for the station* FR03762X0070/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03762X0070/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.55689, 48.03609
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-NABORD
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03762X0070/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

99 Monitoring Station FR03431X0013/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAASENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03431X0013/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03431X0013/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.62939, 48.24012
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SAASENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03431X0013/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

100 Monitoring Station FR03427X0027/92 - la nappe d'Alsace à Holtzwihr

Unique EU code for the station* FR03427X0027/92
Unique MS code for the station* 03427X0027/92
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.42135, 48.11307
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Holtzwihr
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

101 Monitoring Station FR03426X0226/PZ3 - la nappe d'Alsace à Wintzenheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR03426X0226/PZ3
Unique MS code for the station* 03426X0226/PZ3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.31896, 48.08224
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Wintzenheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR), au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA) et au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Alsace (0200000036 - RRICQALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

102 Monitoring Station FR03426X0022/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOUSSEN

Unique EU code for the station* FR03426X0022/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03426X0022/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.37478, 48.12027
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOUSSEN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03426X0022/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

103 Monitoring Station FR03424X0084/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MUSSIG

Unique EU code for the station* FR03424X0084/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03424X0084/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.52441, 48.22610
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MUSSIG
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03424X0084/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

104 Monitoring Station FR03424X0020/MDP172 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ELSENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03424X0020/MDP172
Unique MS code for the station* 03424X0020/MDP172
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.48012, 48.17010
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ELSENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03424X0020/MDP172


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

105 Monitoring Station FR03423X0002/F - ALLUVIONS DE LA PLAINE D'ALSACE À GUEMAR

Unique EU code for the station* FR03423X0002/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03423X0002/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.38573, 48.18411
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

106 Monitoring Station FR03415X0037/P2 - Fluvioglaciaire sur socle à XONRUPT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03415X0037/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 03415X0037/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.91739, 48.07980
Name Fluvioglaciaire sur socle à XONRUPT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG003

107 Monitoring Station FR03408X0022/SCE - Socle du massif vosgien à THOLY(LE)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03408X0022/SCE
Unique MS code for the station* 03408X0022/SCE
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.73923, 48.08758
Name Socle du massif vosgien à THOLY(LE)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG003
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG003
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG003
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG003
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG003
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG003
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG003

108 Monitoring Station FR03403X0030/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à GRANDVILLERS

Unique EU code for the station* FR03403X0030/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03403X0030/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.66835, 48.23650
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à GRANDVILLERS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03403X0030/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

109 Monitoring Station FR03394X0142/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à EPINAL

Unique EU code for the station* FR03394X0142/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03394X0142/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.48036, 48.16318
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à EPINAL
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03394X0142/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

110 Monitoring Station FR03386X0031/S - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à GIGNEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03386X0031/S
Unique MS code for the station* 03386X0031/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.92120, 48.11512
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à GIGNEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

111 Monitoring Station FR03386X0030/S - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à DOMBROT-LE-SEC (l'Angers)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03386X0030/S
Unique MS code for the station* 03386X0030/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.87281, 48.13591
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à DOMBROT-LE-SEC (l'Angers)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

112 Monitoring Station FR03386X0015/S - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à DOMBROT-LE-SEC (Saint-Brice)

Unique EU code for the station* FR03386X0015/S
Unique MS code for the station* 03386X0015/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.91381, 48.14289
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à DOMBROT-LE-SEC (Saint-Brice)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

113 Monitoring Station FR03386X0007/HY - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à DOMBROT-LE-SEC

Unique EU code for the station* FR03386X0007/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03386X0007/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.89952, 48.14303
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à DOMBROT-LE-SEC
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03386X0007/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG006

114 Monitoring Station FR03385X0003/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à CRAINVILLIERS

Unique EU code for the station* FR03385X0003/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03385X0003/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.83562, 48.14794
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à CRAINVILLIERS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03385X0003/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

115 Monitoring Station FR03384X0037/PZ - Calcaires du Muschelkalk à HAREVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03384X0037/PZ
Unique MS code for the station* 03384X0037/PZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.02711, 48.20262
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk à HAREVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 52 FRCG006


Unique EU code for the station* FR03384X0036/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03384X0036/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.02972, 48.16740
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006

117 Monitoring Station FR03384X0005/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à VALFROICOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03384X0005/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03384X0005/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.10451, 48.20033
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à VALFROICOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03384X0005/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005


Unique EU code for the station* FR03383X0053/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03383X0053/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.95481, 48.16369
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006

119 Monitoring Station FR03383X0006/S - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à LIGNEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03383X0006/S
Unique MS code for the station* 03383X0006/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.95733, 48.15546
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à LIGNEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

120 Monitoring Station FR03378X1003/F - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à BREUVANNES-EN-BASSIGNY

Unique EU code for the station* FR03378X1003/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03378X1003/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.66711, 48.08062
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à BREUVANNES-EN-BASSIGNY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

121 Monitoring Station FR03082X0001/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à GERSTHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03082X0001/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03082X0001/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.70467, 48.38100
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à GERSTHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

122 Monitoring Station FR03081X0077/F3 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ERSTEIN

Unique EU code for the station* FR03081X0077/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 03081X0077/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.68588, 48.42163
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ERSTEIN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03081X0077/F3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

123 Monitoring Station FR03081X0045/F2 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HUTTENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR03081X0045/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 03081X0045/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.57658, 48.35326
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HUTTENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03081X0045/F2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

124 Monitoring Station FR03081X0025/223 - la nappe d'Alsace à Rossfeld

Unique EU code for the station* FR03081X0025/223
Unique MS code for the station* 03081X0025/223
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.61543, 48.34123
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Rossfeld
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

125 Monitoring Station FR03077X0097/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SCHERWILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR03077X0097/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03077X0097/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.41602, 48.29534
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SCHERWILLER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03077X0097/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

126 Monitoring Station FR03077X0009/P2 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à DAMBACH-LA-VILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03077X0009/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 03077X0009/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.42735, 48.32351
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à DAMBACH-LA-VILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

127 Monitoring Station FR03077X0007/P1 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SELESTAT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03077X0007/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 03077X0007/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.46266, 48.24813
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SELESTAT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03077X0007/P1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

128 Monitoring Station FR03057X0004/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINTE-HELENE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03057X0004/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03057X0004/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.65995, 48.29130
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINTE-HELENE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03057X0004/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

129 Monitoring Station FR03048X0025/P2 - Alluvions de la Moselle à THAON-LES-VOSGES

Unique EU code for the station* FR03048X0025/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 03048X0025/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.40932, 48.24971
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à THAON-LES-VOSGES
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03048X0025/P2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017

130 Monitoring Station FR03048X0023/P2 - Alluvions de la Moselle à VAXONCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03048X0023/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 03048X0023/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.42058, 48.28731
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à VAXONCOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG017

131 Monitoring Station FR03047X0058/SCAR4 - Alluvions de la Moselle à CHATEL-SUR-MOSELLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR03047X0058/SCAR4
Unique MS code for the station* 03047X0058/SCAR4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.36285, 48.32835
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à CHATEL-SUR-MOSELLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG017

132 Monitoring Station FR03045X0020/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à POUSSAY

Unique EU code for the station* FR03045X0020/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03045X0020/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.12061, 48.32223
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à POUSSAY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03045X0020/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

133 Monitoring Station FR03044X0010/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à REHAINCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR03044X0010/F
Unique MS code for the station* 03044X0010/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.47058, 48.36166
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à REHAINCOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03044X0010/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

134 Monitoring Station FR03043X0086/HY - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à DAMAS-AUX-BOIS

Unique EU code for the station* FR03043X0086/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 03043X0086/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.41561, 48.38460
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à DAMAS-AUX-BOIS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR03043X0086/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG006

135 Monitoring Station FR03043X0056/PZ4 - Alluvions de la Moselle à ESSEGNEY

Unique EU code for the station* FR03043X0056/PZ4
Unique MS code for the station* 03043X0056/PZ4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.30587, 48.36945
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à ESSEGNEY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG017

136 Monitoring Station FR02721X0021/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à DUTTLENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02721X0021/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02721X0021/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.56703, 48.53913
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à DUTTLENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02721X0021/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

137 Monitoring Station FR02717X0041/AMONT - Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-NABOR

Unique EU code for the station* FR02717X0041/AMONT
Unique MS code for the station* 02717X0041/AMONT
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.41724, 48.44136
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-NABOR
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027

138 Monitoring Station FR02717X0017/S8 - Grès du Trias inférieur à OTTROTT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02717X0017/S8
Unique MS code for the station* 02717X0017/S8
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.36688, 48.44325
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à OTTROTT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02717X0017/S8


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027

139 Monitoring Station FR02714X0219/PZ - la nappe d'Alsace à Altorf

Unique EU code for the station* FR02714X0219/PZ
Unique MS code for the station* 02714X0219/PZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.52226, 48.52880
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Altorf
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

140 Monitoring Station FR02714X0061/F3 - GRÈS DU TRIAS INFÉRIEUR À MUTZIG

Unique EU code for the station* FR02714X0061/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 02714X0061/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.45568, 48.53824
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02714X0061/F3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG027
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027

141 Monitoring Station FR02714X0002/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ALTORF

Unique EU code for the station* FR02714X0002/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02714X0002/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.53826, 48.52454
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ALTORF
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Alsace (0200000036 - RRICQALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

142 Monitoring Station FR02712X0006/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à STILL

Unique EU code for the station* FR02712X0006/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02712X0006/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.36662, 48.56709
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à STILL
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02712X0006/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027

143 Monitoring Station FR02708X0021/HY - Socle du massif vosgien à GRANDFONTAINE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02708X0021/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02708X0021/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.12926, 48.49834
Name Socle du massif vosgien à GRANDFONTAINE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG003
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02708X0021/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG003
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG003
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG003
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG003
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG003
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG003
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG003

144 Monitoring Station FR02707X0030/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à MOUSSEY

Unique EU code for the station* FR02707X0030/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02707X0030/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.06183, 48.44850
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à MOUSSEY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02707X0030/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

145 Monitoring Station FR02706X0074/S77-20 - Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à CELLES-SUR PLAINE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02706X0074/S77-20
Unique MS code for the station* 02706X0074/S77-20
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.93032, 48.43956
Name Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à CELLES-SUR PLAINE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG004

146 Monitoring Station FR02706X0055/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à BADONVILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR02706X0055/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02706X0055/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.91035, 48.49494
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à BADONVILLER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02706X0055/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

147 Monitoring Station FR02704X0002/S - Grès du Trias inférieur à ABRESCHVILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR02704X0002/S
Unique MS code for the station* 02704X0002/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.15624, 48.60171
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à ABRESCHVILLER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02704X0002/S


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

148 Monitoring Station FR02703X0041/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à BERTRAMBOIS

Unique EU code for the station* FR02703X0041/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02703X0041/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.05541, 48.53992
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à BERTRAMBOIS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02703X0041/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

149 Monitoring Station FR02701X0016/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à BLAMONT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02701X0016/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02701X0016/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.84302, 48.59057
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à BLAMONT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02701X0016/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

150 Monitoring Station FR02697X0035/F2 - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à GELACOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02697X0035/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 02697X0035/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.73202, 48.47654
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à GELACOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02697X0035/F2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

151 Monitoring Station FR02697X0005/F - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à GELACOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02697X0005/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02697X0005/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.73041, 48.48038
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à GELACOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

152 Monitoring Station FR02691X0043/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à MONCEL-LES-LUNEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02691X0043/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02691X0043/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.56205, 48.56366
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à MONCEL-LES-LUNEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02691X0043/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

153 Monitoring Station FR02691X0006/F3 - Alluvions de la Meurthe à FRAIMBOIS

Unique EU code for the station* FR02691X0006/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 02691X0006/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.55742, 48.54316
Name Alluvions de la Meurthe à FRAIMBOIS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02691X0006/F3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017

154 Monitoring Station FR02691X0003/F - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à MONCEL-LES-LUNEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02691X0003/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02691X0003/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.53430, 48.57320
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à MONCEL-LES-LUNEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

155 Monitoring Station FR02684X0044/P2 - ALLUVIONS DE LA MEURTHE À XERMAMENIL

Unique EU code for the station* FR02684X0044/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 02684X0044/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.47818, 48.53943
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02684X0044/P2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017


Unique EU code for the station* FR02684X0018/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02684X0018/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.47052, 48.56849
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG008

157 Monitoring Station FR02682X0095/T5 - Alluvions de la Moselle à TONNOY

Unique EU code for the station* FR02682X0095/T5
Unique MS code for the station* 02682X0095/T5
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.23481, 48.55588
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à TONNOY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG017

158 Monitoring Station FR02677X0026/HY - CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À FAVIERES

Unique EU code for the station* FR02677X0026/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02677X0026/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.93449, 48.45718
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

159 Monitoring Station FR02677X0023/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à VANDELEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02677X0023/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02677X0023/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.99201, 48.42490
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à VANDELEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02677X0023/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

160 Monitoring Station FR02673X0017/HY - CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À GERMINY

Unique EU code for the station* FR02673X0017/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02673X0017/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.00141, 48.54669
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

161 Monitoring Station FR02672X0035/F - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à COLOMBEY-LES-BELLES

Unique EU code for the station* FR02672X0035/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02672X0035/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.89598, 48.51626
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à COLOMBEY-LES-BELLES
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02672X0035/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

162 Monitoring Station FR02672X0018/F - Calcaires du Dogger à ALLAIN

Unique EU code for the station* FR02672X0018/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02672X0018/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.92134, 48.54972
Name Calcaires du Dogger à ALLAIN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG010

163 Monitoring Station FR02347X0363/INC - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REICHSTETT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02347X0363/INC
Unique MS code for the station* 02347X0363/INC
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.78317, 48.64566
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à REICHSTETT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

164 Monitoring Station FR02347X0152/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BISCHHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02347X0152/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02347X0152/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.75874, 48.61366
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BISCHHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi qualité de l'observatoire des eaux souterraines de la Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg (0200000027 - RRESOUQONAPCUS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

165 Monitoring Station FR02347X0026/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à STRASBOURG

Unique EU code for the station* FR02347X0026/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02347X0026/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.76817, 48.57140
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à STRASBOURG
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau de suivi qualité de l'observatoire des eaux souterraines de la Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg (0200000027 - RRESOUQONAPCUS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02347X0026/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

166 Monitoring Station FR02347X0022/314 - la nappe d'Alsace à Reichstett

Unique EU code for the station* FR02347X0022/314
Unique MS code for the station* 02347X0022/314
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.75416, 48.64985
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Reichstett
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

167 Monitoring Station FR02347X0021/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOERDT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02347X0021/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02347X0021/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.77713, 48.67129
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HOERDT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02347X0021/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

168 Monitoring Station FR02346X0139/313A - la nappe d'Alsace à Lampertheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR02346X0139/313A
Unique MS code for the station* 02346X0139/313A
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.70368, 48.65229
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Lampertheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

169 Monitoring Station FR02346X0016/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MITTELHAUSBERGEN

Unique EU code for the station* FR02346X0016/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02346X0016/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.68789, 48.61929
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MITTELHAUSBERGEN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02346X0016/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

170 Monitoring Station FR02344X0154/F1-EST - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OBERHOFFEN-SUR-MODER

Unique EU code for the station* FR02344X0154/F1-EST
Unique MS code for the station* 02344X0154/F1-EST
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.88708, 48.78024
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à OBERHOFFEN-SUR-MODER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

171 Monitoring Station FR02344X0148/P2 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HERRLISHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02344X0148/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 02344X0148/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.91064, 48.73250
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HERRLISHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

172 Monitoring Station FR02344X0021/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HERRLISHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02344X0021/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02344X0021/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.91380, 48.74906
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à HERRLISHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02344X0021/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

173 Monitoring Station FR02343X0023/F3 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIETLENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02343X0023/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 02343X0023/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.78330, 48.72059
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIETLENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

174 Monitoring Station FR02343X0022/F2 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIETLENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02343X0022/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 02343X0022/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.78330, 48.72059
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BIETLENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

175 Monitoring Station FR02343X0003/561 - la nappe d'Alsace à Weitbruch

Unique EU code for the station* FR02343X0003/561
Unique MS code for the station* 02343X0003/561
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.80235, 48.77404
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Weitbruch
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS), au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

176 Monitoring Station FR02342X0013/P3 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BRUMATH

Unique EU code for the station* FR02342X0013/P3
Unique MS code for the station* 02342X0013/P3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.71793, 48.72054
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BRUMATH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02342X0013/P3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

177 Monitoring Station FR02341X0046/F6 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MOMMENHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02341X0046/F6
Unique MS code for the station* 02341X0046/F6
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.64966, 48.75613
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à MOMMENHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

178 Monitoring Station FR02338X0062/SCE - Collines sous-vosgiennes à KUTTOLSHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR02338X0062/SCE
Unique MS code for the station* 02338X0062/SCE
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.51543, 48.64700
Name Collines sous-vosgiennes à KUTTOLSHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027

179 Monitoring Station FR02337X0114/P4 - GRÈS DU TRIAS INFÉRIEUR À COSSWILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR02337X0114/P4
Unique MS code for the station* 02337X0114/P4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.36263, 48.60923
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02337X0114/P4


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027


Unique EU code for the station* FR02336X0007/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02336X0007/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.31487, 48.67249
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02336X0007/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

181 Monitoring Station FR02332X0076/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à THAL-MARMOUTIER

Unique EU code for the station* FR02332X0076/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02332X0076/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.35935, 48.70567
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à THAL-MARMOUTIER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02332X0076/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG027

182 Monitoring Station FR02331X0007/F - Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-LOUIS

Unique EU code for the station* FR02331X0007/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02331X0007/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.19489, 48.71079
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à SAINT-LOUIS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02331X0007/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

183 Monitoring Station FR02327X0032/F - Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à VOYER

Unique EU code for the station* FR02327X0032/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02327X0032/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.08914, 48.65237
Name Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à VOYER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG004


Unique EU code for the station* FR02326X0012/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02326X0012/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.94327, 48.68337
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02326X0012/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG006

185 Monitoring Station FR02323X0049/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à SARRALTROFF

Unique EU code for the station* FR02323X0049/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02323X0049/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.06276, 48.77505
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à SARRALTROFF
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02323X0049/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

186 Monitoring Station FR02318X0008/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à MOUSSEY

Unique EU code for the station* FR02318X0008/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02318X0008/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.77976, 48.67214
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à MOUSSEY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02318X0008/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

187 Monitoring Station FR02313X0042/HY - Grès à roseaux/dolomies du Keuper de Lorraine à JUVELIZE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02313X0042/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02313X0042/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.65739, 48.76714
Name Grès à roseaux/dolomies du Keuper de Lorraine à JUVELIZE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG008

188 Monitoring Station FR02311X0017/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à BATHELEMONT-LES-BAUZEMONT

Unique EU code for the station* FR02311X0017/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02311X0017/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.52801, 48.69384
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à BATHELEMONT-LES-BAUZEMONT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02311X0017/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

189 Monitoring Station FR02307X0281/S - Grès du Keuper à DOMBASLE-SUR-MEURTHE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02307X0281/S
Unique MS code for the station* 02307X0281/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.36199, 48.62970
Name Grès du Keuper à DOMBASLE-SUR-MEURTHE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG008

190 Monitoring Station FR02307X0234/RP3 - Alluvions de la Meurthe à DOMBASLE-SUR-MEURTHE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02307X0234/RP3
Unique MS code for the station* 02307X0234/RP3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.36237, 48.62887
Name Alluvions de la Meurthe à DOMBASLE-SUR-MEURTHE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG017

191 Monitoring Station FR02306X0113/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à TOMBLAINE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02306X0113/F
Unique MS code for the station* 02306X0113/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.21189, 48.68633
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à TOMBLAINE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02306X0113/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

192 Monitoring Station FR02303X0065/P - Grès du Rhétien sous couverture à CHAMPENOUX

Unique EU code for the station* FR02303X0065/P
Unique MS code for the station* 02303X0065/P
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.31604, 48.74127
Name Grès du Rhétien sous couverture à CHAMPENOUX
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG008

193 Monitoring Station FR02302X0097/HY - Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à BOUXIERES-AUX-CHENES

Unique EU code for the station* FR02302X0097/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02302X0097/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.27231, 48.77287
Name Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à BOUXIERES-AUX-CHENES
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG008

194 Monitoring Station FR02298X0021/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MARON

Unique EU code for the station* FR02298X0021/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02298X0021/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.05928, 48.63948
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MARON
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02298X0021/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

195 Monitoring Station FR02296X0038/P1 - Alluvions de la Moselle à DOMMARTIN-LES-TOUL

Unique EU code for the station* FR02296X0038/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 02296X0038/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.90565, 48.66629
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à DOMMARTIN-LES-TOUL
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG017

196 Monitoring Station FR02296X0021/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à PIERRE-LA-TREICHE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02296X0021/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02296X0021/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.91888, 48.64228
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à PIERRE-LA-TREICHE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Yes
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02296X0021/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

197 Monitoring Station FR02296X0013/PR2 - Alluvions de la Moselle à TOUL

Unique EU code for the station* FR02296X0013/PR2
Unique MS code for the station* 02296X0013/PR2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.89536, 48.68656
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à TOUL
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02296X0013/PR2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG017
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG017
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG017
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG017
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG017
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG017
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG017

198 Monitoring Station FR02294X0014/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à LIVERDUN

Unique EU code for the station* FR02294X0014/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 02294X0014/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.05703, 48.74409
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à LIVERDUN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02294X0014/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

199 Monitoring Station FR02293X0118/SE - Alluvions de la Moselle à GONDREVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02293X0118/SE
Unique MS code for the station* 02293X0118/SE
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.94888, 48.69256
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à GONDREVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG017
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG017
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG017

200 Monitoring Station FR02292X0044/F3 - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. sous couverture à FRANCHEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR02292X0044/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 02292X0044/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.92720, 48.74113
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. sous couverture à FRANCHEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR02292X0044/F3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

201 Monitoring Station FR01996X0168/F2 - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ROESCHWOOG

Unique EU code for the station* FR01996X0168/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 01996X0168/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 8.04095, 48.82320
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à ROESCHWOOG
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

202 Monitoring Station FR01996X0023/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BEINHEIM

Unique EU code for the station* FR01996X0023/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01996X0023/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 8.07675, 48.85883
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à BEINHEIM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01996X0023/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

203 Monitoring Station FR01995X0103/338B1 - la nappe d'Alsace à Haguenau

Unique EU code for the station* FR01995X0103/338B1
Unique MS code for the station* 01995X0103/338B1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.95679, 48.85318
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Haguenau
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

204 Monitoring Station FR01995X0012/342B - la nappe d'Alsace à Sessenheim

Unique EU code for the station* FR01995X0012/342B
Unique MS code for the station* 01995X0012/342B
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.98372, 48.81059
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Sessenheim
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

205 Monitoring Station FR01993X0129/F - Pliocène de Haguenau à NEEWILLER-PRES-LAUTERBOURG

Unique EU code for the station* FR01993X0129/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01993X0129/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 8.12275, 48.95326
Name Pliocène de Haguenau à NEEWILLER-PRES-LAUTERBOURG
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01993X0129/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

206 Monitoring Station FR01992X0071/F - Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SELTZ

Unique EU code for the station* FR01992X0071/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01992X0071/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 8.10630, 48.89422
Name Alluvions de la plaine d'Alsace à SELTZ
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG001

207 Monitoring Station FR01991X0079/F - Pliocène de Haguenau à STUNDWILLER

Unique EU code for the station* FR01991X0079/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01991X0079/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.99484, 48.92317
Name Pliocène de Haguenau à STUNDWILLER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01991X0079/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

208 Monitoring Station FR01987X0117/F - Pliocène de Haguenau à HAGUENAU

Unique EU code for the station* FR01987X0117/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01987X0117/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.83188, 48.84174
Name Pliocène de Haguenau à HAGUENAU
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01987X0117/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

209 Monitoring Station FR01987X0072/F2B - Pliocène de Haguenau à SCHWEIGHOUSE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01987X0072/F2B
Unique MS code for the station* 01987X0072/F2B
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.73967, 48.81732
Name Pliocène de Haguenau à SCHWEIGHOUSE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01987X0072/F2B


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001


Unique EU code for the station* FR01978X0003/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01978X0003/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.47894, 48.82327
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG027
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG027
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG027
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG027
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG027
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG027
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG027
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG027
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG027

211 Monitoring Station FR01967X0001/F - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à FENETRANGE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01967X0001/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01967X0001/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.02327, 48.84967
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à FENETRANGE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01967X0001/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG006

212 Monitoring Station FR01957X0045/HY - Grès à roseaux/dolomies du Keuper de Lorraine à VAL-DE-BRIDE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01957X0045/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01957X0045/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.68923, 48.82940
Name Grès à roseaux/dolomies du Keuper de Lorraine à VAL-DE-BRIDE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01957X0045/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG008

213 Monitoring Station FR01957X0037/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à DIEUZE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01957X0037/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01957X0037/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.71814, 48.80806
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à DIEUZE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01957X0037/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

214 Monitoring Station FR01945X0052/HY - Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à FAULX

Unique EU code for the station* FR01945X0052/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01945X0052/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.19925, 48.79301
Name Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à FAULX
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01945X0052/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG008

215 Monitoring Station FR01944X0002/F - Grès du Rhétien de Lorraine à LUCY

Unique EU code for the station* FR01944X0002/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01944X0002/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.47876, 48.87595
Name Grès du Rhétien de Lorraine à LUCY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01944X0002/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG008

216 Monitoring Station FR01943X0076/P9 - Calcaires du Dogger à ALAINCOURT-LA-COTE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01943X0076/P9
Unique MS code for the station* 01943X0076/P9
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.35865, 48.90646
Name Calcaires du Dogger à ALAINCOURT-LA-COTE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG008

217 Monitoring Station FR01938X0151/SCE6 - Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à LOISY

Unique EU code for the station* FR01938X0151/SCE6
Unique MS code for the station* 01938X0151/SCE6
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.09872, 48.86721
Name Buttes-témoin de calcaires du Dogger à LOISY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG008
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG008
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG008
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG008
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG008
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG008
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG008

218 Monitoring Station FR01938X0105/P2 - Alluvions de la Moselle à LOISY

Unique EU code for the station* FR01938X0105/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 01938X0105/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.09872, 48.86721
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à LOISY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01938X0105/P2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG016
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG016

219 Monitoring Station FR01938X0055/HY - CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À DIEULOUARD

Unique EU code for the station* FR01938X0055/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01938X0055/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.05603, 48.83393
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

220 Monitoring Station FR01937X0054/F - Calcaires du Dogger à VILLERS-EN-HAYE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01937X0054/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01937X0054/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.00750, 48.82005
Name Calcaires du Dogger à VILLERS-EN-HAYE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG010

221 Monitoring Station FR01937X0032/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MARTINCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR01937X0032/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01937X0032/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.95209, 48.84817
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MARTINCOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01937X0032/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

222 Monitoring Station FR01937X0004/F - CALCAIRES DU DOGGER DU B.P. À ROSIERES-EN-HAYE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01937X0004/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01937X0004/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.99515, 48.78916
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

223 Monitoring Station FR01936X0019/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MANONVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01936X0019/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01936X0019/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.90924, 48.83975
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MANONVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01936X0019/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

224 Monitoring Station FR01934X0106/33 - Alluvions de la Moselle à ATTON

Unique EU code for the station* FR01934X0106/33
Unique MS code for the station* 01934X0106/33
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.07451, 48.88442
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à ATTON
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR) et au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Lorraine (0200000037 - RRICQLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG016

225 Monitoring Station FR01695X0131/F - la nappe d'Alsace à Wissembourg

Unique EU code for the station* FR01695X0131/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01695X0131/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.98343, 49.01743
Name la nappe d'Alsace à Wissembourg
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines de la région Alsace MO APRONA (0200000017 - RRESOUPALSAPRNA)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG001

226 Monitoring Station FR01695X0009/F1 - PLIOCÈNE DE HAGUENAU À ALTENSTADT

Unique EU code for the station* FR01695X0009/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 01695X0009/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.98355, 49.01751
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines dans le Fossé rhénan, plaine d'Alsace (0200000015 - RRINVALS) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01695X0009/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG001
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG001
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG001
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG001
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG001
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG001
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG001

227 Monitoring Station FR01687X0022/F1 - Grès du Trias inférieur à GOERSDORF

Unique EU code for the station* FR01687X0022/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 01687X0022/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.77449, 48.95952
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à GOERSDORF
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01687X0022/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

228 Monitoring Station FR01687X0012/SUP - Grès du Trias inférieur à WINGEN

Unique EU code for the station* FR01687X0012/SUP
Unique MS code for the station* 01687X0012/SUP
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.81488, 49.03931
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à WINGEN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

229 Monitoring Station FR01677X0023/HY - Grès du Trias inférieur à BITCHE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01677X0023/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01677X0023/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.43913, 49.02047
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à BITCHE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01677X0023/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004

230 Monitoring Station FR01675X0002/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à RAHLING

Unique EU code for the station* FR01675X0002/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01675X0002/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.23958, 48.99668
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à RAHLING
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01675X0002/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

231 Monitoring Station FR01673X0078/F2 - Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à BITCHE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01673X0078/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 01673X0078/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.44783, 49.05424
Name Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à BITCHE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG004

232 Monitoring Station FR01671X0013/HY - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à OBERGAILBACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR01671X0013/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01671X0013/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.22517, 49.11983
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à OBERGAILBACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01671X0013/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG006

233 Monitoring Station FR01665X0026/F - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à PUTTELANGE-AUX-LACS

Unique EU code for the station* FR01665X0026/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01665X0026/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.92122, 49.04572
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à PUTTELANGE-AUX-LACS
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

234 Monitoring Station FR01664X0007/F5 - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à SARREINSMING

Unique EU code for the station* FR01664X0007/F5
Unique MS code for the station* 01664X0007/F5
Location (Lon/Lat)* 7.12006, 49.09224
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à SARREINSMING
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01664X0007/F5


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

235 Monitoring Station FR01658X0038/F - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à HELLIMER

Unique EU code for the station* FR01658X0038/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01658X0038/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.82625, 48.99510
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à HELLIMER
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01658X0038/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

236 Monitoring Station FR01653X0101/F4 - Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à SAINT-AVOLD

Unique EU code for the station* FR01653X0101/F4
Unique MS code for the station* 01653X0101/F4
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.68769, 49.10635
Name Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à SAINT-AVOLD
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG028

237 Monitoring Station FR01652X0127/F3 - Grès du Trias inférieur captif à CREHANGE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01652X0127/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 01652X0127/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.57516, 49.05048
Name Grès du Trias inférieur captif à CREHANGE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01652X0127/F3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 1 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 1 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 1 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 1 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 1 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 1 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 1 FRCG005

238 Monitoring Station FR01644X0033/F - Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à SERVIGNY-LES-RAVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01644X0033/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01644X0033/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.41993, 49.08009
Name Grès du Trias inférieur sous couverture à SERVIGNY-LES-RAVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 12 FRCG005

239 Monitoring Station FR01644X0013/F - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à SERVIGNY-LES-RAVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01644X0013/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01644X0013/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.44529, 49.07837
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à SERVIGNY-LES-RAVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG008

240 Monitoring Station FR01641X0080/P1 - ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE À MOULINS-LES-METZ

Unique EU code for the station* FR01641X0080/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 01641X0080/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.11862, 49.09262
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG016

241 Monitoring Station FR01638X0033/F1 - Alluvions de la Moselle à CORNY-SUR-MOSELLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01638X0033/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 01638X0033/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.07282, 49.02956
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à CORNY-SUR-MOSELLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01638X0033/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG016

242 Monitoring Station FR01636X0036/F - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à JAULNY

Unique EU code for the station* FR01636X0036/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01636X0036/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.89356, 48.96695
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à JAULNY
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01636X0036/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

243 Monitoring Station FR01633X0021/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à GORZE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01633X0021/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01633X0021/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.99229, 49.05796
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à GORZE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01633X0021/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

244 Monitoring Station FR01632X0070/V105 - Calcaires du Dogger à VILLE-SUR-YRON

Unique EU code for the station* FR01632X0070/V105
Unique MS code for the station* 01632X0070/V105
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.86712, 49.12617
Name Calcaires du Dogger à VILLE-SUR-YRON
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG010


Unique EU code for the station* FR01406X0012/405
Unique MS code for the station* 01406X0012/405
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.94351, 49.16782
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01406X0012/405


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG005
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG005
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG005
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG005
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG005
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG005
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG005

246 Monitoring Station FR01405X0205/IPA3 - GRÉS DU TRIAS À MORSBACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR01405X0205/IPA3
Unique MS code for the station* 01405X0205/IPA3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.87107, 49.16516
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01405X0205/IPA3


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG028
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG028
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG028
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG028
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG028
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG028
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG028

247 Monitoring Station FR01398X0030/27 - Grès du Trias inférieur de Sarre à FREYMING-MERLEBACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR01398X0030/27
Unique MS code for the station* 01398X0030/27
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.79824, 49.15240
Name Grès du Trias inférieur de Sarre à FREYMING-MERLEBACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01398X0030/27


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG028
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG028
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG028
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG028
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG028
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG028
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG028

248 Monitoring Station FR01396X0142/F2 - Grès du Trias inférieur à PORCELETTE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01396X0142/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 01396X0142/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.66534, 49.16013
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à PORCELETTE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01396X0142/F2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG028
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG028
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG028
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG028
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG028
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG028
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG028

249 Monitoring Station FR01396X0060/P2 - Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à FALCK

Unique EU code for the station* FR01396X0060/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 01396X0060/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.63886, 49.22522
Name Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à FALCK
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG028

250 Monitoring Station FR01392X0110/654 - Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à MERTEN

Unique EU code for the station* FR01392X0110/654
Unique MS code for the station* 01392X0110/654
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.66483, 49.24659
Name Grès du Trias inférieur affleurant à MERTEN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG028


Unique EU code for the station* FR01392X0089/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01392X0089/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.62296, 49.26480
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01392X0089/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG006

252 Monitoring Station FR01392X0054/F - Grès du Trias inférieur à DALEM

Unique EU code for the station* FR01392X0054/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01392X0054/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.61364, 49.24069
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à DALEM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG028
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01392X0054/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG028
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG028
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG028
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG028
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG028
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG028
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG028
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG028

253 Monitoring Station FR01385X0059/PC - Alluvions de la Moselle à MAXE(LA)

Unique EU code for the station* FR01385X0059/PC
Unique MS code for the station* 01385X0059/PC
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.19297, 49.16211
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à MAXE(LA)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply Yes
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau qualitatif des eaux souterraines pour le suivi des installations classées pour la région Lorraine (0200000037 - RRICQLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01385X0059/PC


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG016

254 Monitoring Station FR01381X0099/P12 - ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE A FLORANGE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01381X0099/P12
Unique MS code for the station* 01381X0099/P12
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.14424, 49.31486
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01381X0099/P12


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG016

255 Monitoring Station FR01381X0070/P25 - Alluvions de la Moselle à BERTRANGE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01381X0070/P25
Unique MS code for the station* 01381X0070/P25
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.17821, 49.30365
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à BERTRANGE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG016

256 Monitoring Station FR01381X0069/S - Alluvions de la Moselle à RICHEMONT

Unique EU code for the station* FR01381X0069/S
Unique MS code for the station* 01381X0069/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.16070, 49.28919
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à RICHEMONT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Other
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG016

257 Monitoring Station FR01377X0205/F3 - Calcaires du Dogger à VERNEVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01377X0205/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 01377X0205/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.01291, 49.14415
Name Calcaires du Dogger à VERNEVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG010

258 Monitoring Station FR01377X0099/FM - Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Sud à AUBOUE (Pts Auboué I)

Unique EU code for the station* FR01377X0099/FM
Unique MS code for the station* 01377X0099/FM
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.97551, 49.21133
Name Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Sud à AUBOUE (Pts Auboué I)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG026

259 Monitoring Station FR01377X0063/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à JOUAVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01377X0063/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01377X0063/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.95489, 49.16134
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à JOUAVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01377X0063/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

260 Monitoring Station FR01376X0123/P1 - BASSIN FERRIFÈRE - PUITS DROITAUMONT II

Unique EU code for the station* FR01376X0123/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 01376X0123/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.88242, 49.15002
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01376X0123/P1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG026
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG026

261 Monitoring Station FR01375X0113/Q-ORNE - L'Orne à BONCOURT

Unique EU code for the station* FR01375X0113/Q-ORNE
Unique MS code for the station* 01375X0113/Q-ORNE
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.83068, 49.16255
Name L'Orne à BONCOURT
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG022
Type of station.* Other
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG022
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-2 Groundwater yield 24 FRCG022


Unique EU code for the station* FR01374X0273/G
Unique MS code for the station* 01374X0273/G
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.04229, 49.24594
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Other
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000018 - RRESOUPBFL)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01374X0273/G


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG026
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG026

263 Monitoring Station FR01374X0017/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à RANGUEVAUX

Unique EU code for the station* FR01374X0017/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01374X0017/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.05554, 49.29575
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à RANGUEVAUX
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01374X0017/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

264 Monitoring Station FR01372X0204/M52 - Calcaires du Dogger à MANCE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01372X0204/M52
Unique MS code for the station* 01372X0204/M52
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.92544, 49.26994
Name Calcaires du Dogger à MANCE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL), à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR ) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG010

265 Monitoring Station FR01372X0198/P2 - Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Centre à MANCIEULLES (Pts St-Pierremont)

Unique EU code for the station* FR01372X0198/P2
Unique MS code for the station* 01372X0198/P2
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.90863, 49.28297
Name Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Centre à MANCIEULLES (Pts St-Pierremont)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG026


Unique EU code for the station* FR01372X0196/EX
Unique MS code for the station* 01372X0196/EX
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.89021, 49.30803
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01372X0196/EX


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG026
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG026

267 Monitoring Station FR01372X0064/HY - Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MAIRY-MAINVILLE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01372X0064/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01372X0064/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.85471, 49.31025
Name Calcaires du Dogger du B.P. à MAIRY-MAINVILLE
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG010
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01372X0064/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG010
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG010
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG010
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG010
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG010
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG010
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG010

268 Monitoring Station FR01146X0070/P1 - Alluvions de la Moselle à CATTENOM

Unique EU code for the station* FR01146X0070/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 01146X0070/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.22828, 49.39543
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à CATTENOM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG016

269 Monitoring Station FR01146X0011/P1 - ALLUVIONS DE LA MOSELLE À BASSE-HAM

Unique EU code for the station* FR01146X0011/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 01146X0011/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.23816, 49.37599
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG016

270 Monitoring Station FR01145X0021/F - Alluvions de la Moselle à MANOM

Unique EU code for the station* FR01145X0021/F
Unique MS code for the station* 01145X0021/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.18901, 49.38009
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à MANOM
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01145X0021/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG016

271 Monitoring Station FR01144X0019/HY - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à MANDEREN

Unique EU code for the station* FR01144X0019/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01144X0019/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.43824, 49.43805
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Lorraine à MANDEREN
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01144X0019/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006


Unique EU code for the station* FR01144X0015/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01144X0015/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.45032, 49.45194
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01144X0015/HY


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006

273 Monitoring Station FR01144X0004/S - Grès du Trias inférieur à APACH

Unique EU code for the station* FR01144X0004/S
Unique MS code for the station* 01144X0004/S
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.38995, 49.45858
Name Grès du Trias inférieur à APACH
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG004
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01144X0004/S


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG004
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG004
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG004
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG004
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG004
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG004
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG004


Unique EU code for the station* FR01143X0046/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01143X0046/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.38659, 49.41464
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient à l'Inventaire de la qualité des eaux souterraines de la région Lorraine (0200000014 - RRINVLOR )
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006

275 Monitoring Station FR01143X0039/HY - Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Haute-Sarre à RUSTROFF

Unique EU code for the station* FR01143X0039/HY
Unique MS code for the station* 01143X0039/HY
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.37613, 49.44136
Name Calcaires du Muschelkalk de Haute-Sarre à RUSTROFF
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG006
Type of station.* Spring
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG006
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG006
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG006
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG006
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG006
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG006
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG006

276 Monitoring Station FR01143X0019/P1 - Alluvions de la Moselle à HAUTE-KONTZ

Unique EU code for the station* FR01143X0019/P1
Unique MS code for the station* 01143X0019/P1
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.31798, 49.45521
Name Alluvions de la Moselle à HAUTE-KONTZ
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG016
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01143X0019/P1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG016
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 3 FRCG016
GE2-1 Oxygen content 3 FRCG016
GE2-2 pH Value 3 FRCG016
GE2-3 Conductivity 3 FRCG016
GE2-4 Nitrate 3 FRCG016
GE2-5 Ammonium 3 FRCG016
GE3 Other pollutants 3 FRCG016

277 Monitoring Station FR01138X0184/G14BIS - BASSIN FERRIFÈRE - GALERIE DE KNUTANGE

Unique EU code for the station* FR01138X0184/G14BIS
Unique MS code for the station* 01138X0184/G14BIS
Location (Lon/Lat)* 6.02874, 49.34512
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Other
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000018 - RRESOUPBFL)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR01138X0184/G14BIS


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOO
EU code for programme. FRCSOO
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 6 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 6 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 6 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 6 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 6 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 6 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 6 FRCG026
Programme: FRCSOS
EU code for programme. FRCSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2 General parameters 2 FRCG026
GE2-1 Oxygen content 2 FRCG026
GE2-2 pH Value 2 FRCG026
GE2-3 Conductivity 2 FRCG026
GE2-4 Nitrate 2 FRCG026
GE2-5 Ammonium 2 FRCG026
GE3 Other pollutants 2 FRCG026

278 Monitoring Station FR01137X0175/PTS-5 - Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Nord à BOULANGE (Pts Cheminée Sud)

Unique EU code for the station* FR01137X0175/PTS-5
Unique MS code for the station* 01137X0175/PTS-5
Location (Lon/Lat)* 5.97129, 49.38626
Name Bassin ferrifère - Réservoir Nord à BOULANGE (Pts Cheminée Sud)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRCG026
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation No
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of Ce point appartient au Réseau de suivi de la qualité des eaux souterraines du Bassin Ferrifère Lorrain (0200000013 - RRESOUQBFL) et au Réseau de suivi piézométrique d'alerte de la région Lorraine (0200000016 - RRALERTLOR)
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRCSOP
EU code for programme. FRCSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRCG026
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level 24 FRCG026