1. FRER11
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Travo au Solenzara |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.83314 |
LON | 9.31331 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 22.04 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
2. FRER12
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12 |
SWB_NAME | Le Travo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.92096 |
LON | 9.30571 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 32.518 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
3. FRER13
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER13 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER13 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Fium Orbu au Travo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.99365 |
LON | 9.31949 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 24.892 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
4. FRER14a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER14a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER14a |
SWB_NAME | Fium'Orbu de la source au barrage EDF |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.05784 |
LON | 9.20001 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 20.471 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
5. FRER14b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER14b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER14b |
SWB_NAME | Fium'Orbu du barrage EDF à la mer |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.04097 |
LON | 9.36614 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 25.351 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Contaminated sediments
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE2-1 Hydrological regime - rivers
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
6. FRER16
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER16 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER16 |
SWB_NAME | Le Fium alto |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.42628 |
LON | 9.43126 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 30.896 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
7. FRER17
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER17 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER17 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers de la rivière d'Alesani au Fium alto |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.36315 |
LON | 9.48853 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.936 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
8. FRER18a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER18a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER18a |
SWB_NAME | La Bravonne amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.28838 |
LON | 9.36756 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 18.842 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Contaminated sediments
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
9. FRER18b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER18b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER18b |
SWB_NAME | La Bravonne aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.21712 |
LON | 9.48635 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 18.355 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Contaminated sediments
- Organic enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
10. FRER19
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER19 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER19 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du rivière d'Alesani incluse à la rivière de Bravona |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.29068 |
LON | 9.52123 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.975 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Nutrient enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
11. FRER2
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER2 |
SWB_NAME | Le ruisseau de Canella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.52326 |
LON | 9.07603 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 16.447 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
12. FRER20
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER20 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER20 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du rivière d'Alesani incluse à la rivière de Bravona |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.32459 |
LON | 9.40731 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 14.258 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
13. FRER21
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER21 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER21 |
SWB_NAME | Le Tagnone de sa source au Tavignano |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.10598 |
LON | 9.35576 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 35.257 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Contaminated sediments
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
14. FRER22a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER22a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER22a |
SWB_NAME | Le Tavignano du Vecchio à Antisanti |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.21436 |
LON | 9.30825 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | G16 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 15.169 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283202042D02B030
- 283202007D02B025
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
15. FRER22b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER22b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER22b |
SWB_NAME | Le Tavignano de Antisanti à la mer |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.14201 |
LON | 9.45401 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | G16 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 29.893 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
16. FRER23
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER23 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER23 |
SWB_NAME | Le Vecchio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.17033 |
LON | 9.15579 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 24.137 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | - 283202103D02B060
- 283202103D02B050
- 283202056D02B055
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
17. FRER24
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER24 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER24 |
SWB_NAME | Le Tavignano de la Restonica au Vecchio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.26477 |
LON | 9.20986 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 17.345 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
18. FRER25
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER25 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER25 |
SWB_NAME | Rau de Zincajo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.29886 |
LON | 9.26897 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.655 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
19. FRER26a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER26a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER26a |
SWB_NAME | Le Tavignano de la source au Vecchio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.28258 |
LON | 9.03708 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 26.583 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE2-2 River continuity
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283202001D02B020
- 283202001D02B015
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
20. FRER26b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER26b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER26b |
SWB_NAME | La Restonica |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.26291 |
LON | 9.08917 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 18.119 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | 2 | conforme | | |
Bathing | - 283202001D02B040
- 283202001D02B035
- 283202001D02B045
| dynamically connected | | | | |
21. FRER29
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER29 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER29 |
SWB_NAME | L'Ortolo aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.55911 |
LON | 8.97878 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.194 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
22. FRER3
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER3 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du ruisseau de Ventilegne inclus au ruisseau de Canella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.44562 |
LON | 9.12669 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 1.135 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
23. FRER30
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER30 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER30 |
SWB_NAME | L'Ortolo, Rau de Capitellu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.63251 |
LON | 9.10455 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.713 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
24. FRER31a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER31a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER31a |
SWB_NAME | Rizzanese de sa source à la confluence avec le Fiumicioli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.7407 |
LON | 9.16643 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.318 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(7) - New modification | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
25. FRER31b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER31b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER31b |
SWB_NAME | Fiumicicoli et aval de la Rizzanesse |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.68207 |
LON | 9.10534 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 24.148 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
26. FRER31c
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER31c |
SWB_MS_CD | ER31c |
SWB_NAME | Le Rizzanese aval futur barrage jusqu'à la mer |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.66432 |
LON | 9.00765 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 31.804 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(7) - New modification | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | - 283102003D02A070
- 283102001D02A297
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
27. FRER32
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER32 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER32 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Taravo au Rizzanese |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.71179 |
LON | 8.98434 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 16.519 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
28. FRER33
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER33 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER33 |
SWB_NAME | Le Taravo de sa source au ruisseau de Penta inclus |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.85211 |
LON | 9.03492 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 65.632 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
29. FRER36
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER36 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER36 |
SWB_NAME | Le Prunelli du ruisseau d'Ese à la mer Méditerranée |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.93074 |
LON | 8.88145 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 22.198 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Nutrient enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - 4 Other pollutants - aggregated
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283101071D02A005
- 283101012D02A406
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
30. FRER37
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER37 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER37 |
SWB_NAME | Le Prunelli de sa source au Montichi inclus |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.00191 |
LON | 9.05834 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 18.836 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
31. FRER38
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER38 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER38 |
SWB_NAME | La Gravona du ruisseau des Moulins au Prunelli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.97258 |
LON | 8.83112 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 15.415 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 5 River management
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE2-3 Morphological conditions - rivers
- QE2-1 Hydrological regime - rivers
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283101050D02A015
- 283101030D02A010
| dynamically connected | | | | |
32. FRER39
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER39 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER39 |
SWB_NAME | La Gravona de sa source au ruisseau des Moulins inclus |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.07965 |
LON | 9.00627 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 31.08 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283101072D02A025
- 283101069D02A600
- 283101014D02A050
- 283101069D02A020
- 283101029D02A150
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
33. FRER4
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER4 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du ruisseau de Ventilegne inclus au ruisseau de Canella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.49359 |
LON | 9.15996 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3.212 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
34. FRER42
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER42 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER42 |
SWB_NAME | Le Liamone du Cruzini à la mer Méditerranée |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.0963 |
LON | 8.76923 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.768 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
35. FRER43
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER43 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER43 |
SWB_NAME | Le Liamone de sa source au Cruzini |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.12072 |
LON | 8.94696 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 74.407 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283101040D02A406
- 283101010D02A030
- 283101040D02A046
- 283101054D02A045
- 283101076D02A040
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
36. FRER44
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER44 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER44 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du ruisseau d'Esigna au Liamone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.1727 |
LON | 8.7521 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 21.795 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
37. FRER46
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER46 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER46 |
SWB_NAME | Ruisseau de Porto |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.24543 |
LON | 8.78408 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 23.611 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | - 283101046D02A056
- 283101046D02A055
| dynamically connected | | | | |
38. FRER48
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER48 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER48 |
SWB_NAME | Le Fango |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.37878 |
LON | 8.76213 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 22.553 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
39. FRER51
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER51 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER51 |
SWB_NAME | La Figarella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.47282 |
LON | 8.8308 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 24.005 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE2-1 Hydrological regime - rivers
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
40. FRER52
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER52 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER52 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du ruisseau de Teghiella inclus au Figarella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.52481 |
LON | 8.85833 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 15.791 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Contaminated sediments
- Nutrient enrichment
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE2-1 Hydrological regime - rivers
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
41. FRER53
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER53 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER53 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers de l'Ostriconi au ruisseau de Teghiella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.61148 |
LON | 8.98397 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.473 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
42. FRER54
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER54 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER54 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers de l'Ostriconi au ruisseau de Teghiella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.55375 |
LON | 8.93739 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.825 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
43. FRER55
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER55 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER55 |
SWB_NAME | L'Ostriconi |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.60296 |
LON | 9.13836 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 23.224 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Nutrient enrichment
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
44. FRER58a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER58a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER58a |
SWB_NAME | L'aliso amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.59395 |
LON | 9.27614 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 16.878 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
45. FRER58b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER58b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER58b |
SWB_NAME | L'aliso aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.66644 |
LON | 9.29973 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3.679 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
46. FRER59
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER59 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER59 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Guadu grande inclus au Fium Albino |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.80327 |
LON | 9.37405 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.515 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
47. FRER61a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER61a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER61a |
SWB_NAME | Rau de Luri à l'amont de Luri |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.90468 |
LON | 9.39026 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.289 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
48. FRER61b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER61b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER61b |
SWB_NAME | Rau de Luri à l'aval de Luri |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.89369 |
LON | 9.44339 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.696 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
49. FRER63
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER63 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER63 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Fium Albino inclus à l'Aliso |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.70569 |
LON | 9.36691 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.661 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
50. FRER65
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER65 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER65 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Bevinco inclus au ruisseau de San Pancrazio inclus |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.58359 |
LON | 9.34216 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 28.057 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | - 283201033D02B125
- 283201039D02B120
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
51. FRER69a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER69a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER69a |
SWB_NAME | Le Golo de sa source au Rau de Petra Laccia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.3593 |
LON | 9.06361 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.711 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
52. FRER69b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER69b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER69b |
SWB_NAME | Le Golo du Rau de Petra Laccia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.3946 |
LON | 9.16929 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 20.006 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283202030D02B080
- 283202069D02B085
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
53. FRER69c
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER69c |
SWB_MS_CD | ER69c |
SWB_NAME | L'Asco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.45308 |
LON | 9.06081 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 34.066 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | - 283202053D02B110
- 283202011D02B095
- 283202051D02B100
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
54. FRER69d
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER69d |
SWB_MS_CD | ER69d |
SWB_NAME | La Tartagine |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.50437 |
LON | 9.05957 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 30.159 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
55. FRER70
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER70 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER70 |
SWB_NAME | Le Golo de sa source au ruisseau de Ruda |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.30297 |
LON | 8.93852 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 16.888 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
56. FRER7a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER7a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER7a |
SWB_NAME | Le Stabiacciu amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.55702 |
LON | 9.17099 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 30.719 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
57. FRER9a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER9a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER9a |
SWB_NAME | U Cavu amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.74522 |
LON | 9.25912 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.26 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(7) - New modification | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
58. FRER9b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER9b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER9b |
SWB_NAME | U Cavu aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.70251 |
LON | 9.34851 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.664 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Nutrient enrichment
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(7) - New modification | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE1-4 Fish
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
59. FRER11282
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11282 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11282 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'arèna |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.16552 |
LON | 9.47317 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 25.076 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
60. FRER11288
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11288 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11288 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de piscia in alba |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.85744 |
LON | 9.07081 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3.579 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
61. FRER11317
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11317 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11317 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau l'albelli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.16527 |
LON | 8.96224 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.844 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
62. FRER11324
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11324 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11324 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de merio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.39365 |
LON | 9.10199 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.986 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
63. FRER11350
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11350 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11350 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'erbajo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.63323 |
LON | 8.97111 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.723 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
64. FRER11363
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11363 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11363 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de carciara |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.76996 |
LON | 9.26615 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.871 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
65. FRER11382
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11382 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11382 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'antigliu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.76815 |
LON | 9.37515 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.318 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
66. FRER11404
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11404 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11404 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de padule |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.4341 |
LON | 9.15697 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.016 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
67. FRER11405
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11405 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11405 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de lagani |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.54854 |
LON | 9.12193 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 22.11 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
68. FRER11412
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11412 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11412 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de cannicciola |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.62686 |
LON | 9.25593 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.3 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
69. FRER11429
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11429 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11429 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de pinzutella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.50293 |
LON | 8.76175 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 16.69 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
70. FRER11448
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11448 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11448 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'arbitrone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.93139 |
LON | 8.7093 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.798 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
71. FRER11460
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11460 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11460 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de bubia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.14492 |
LON | 8.67552 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.108 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
72. FRER10421
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10421 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10421 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de tinta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.19162 |
LON | 9.52938 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.598 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
73. FRER10443
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10443 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10443 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de funtana vecchia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.06529 |
LON | 9.46007 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.194 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
74. FRER10446
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10446 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10446 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de furcone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.85535 |
LON | 9.3651 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4.779 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
75. FRER10457
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10457 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10457 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de l'elleratu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.36639 |
LON | 9.20004 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.523 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
76. FRER10510
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10510 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10510 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de chiola |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.8867 |
LON | 9.35237 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.668 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
77. FRER10528
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10528 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10528 |
SWB_NAME | rivière de favone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.77999 |
LON | 9.35137 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.808 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
78. FRER10534
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10534 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10534 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'asinao |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.88401 |
LON | 9.27381 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.683 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
79. FRER10552
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10552 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10552 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de salginco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.60222 |
LON | 9.08967 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.835 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
80. FRER10557
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10557 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10557 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de molina |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.90352 |
LON | 9.14195 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 18.523 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
81. FRER10562
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10562 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10562 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de francolu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.49439 |
LON | 9.20869 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.916 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
82. FRER10569
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10569 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10569 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de forcio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.06164 |
LON | 9.03755 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.086 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
83. FRER10591
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10591 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10591 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de teghiella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.59017 |
LON | 8.87952 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.123 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
84. FRER10594
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10594 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10594 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de carcerone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.52393 |
LON | 9.13171 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 21.744 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
85. FRER10608
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10608 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10608 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de canne |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.37485 |
LON | 8.69196 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.521 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
86. FRER10622
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10622 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10622 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de bartollaciu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.68767 |
LON | 9.23226 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.922 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
87. FRER10654
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10654 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10654 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de navara |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.58766 |
LON | 8.92832 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 17.737 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
88. FRER10664
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10664 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10664 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'albu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.5779 |
LON | 8.89452 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 14.788 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
89. FRER10674
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10674 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10674 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de catena |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.18881 |
LON | 8.81953 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.216 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
90. FRER10679
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10679 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10679 |
SWB_NAME | rivière d'alistro |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.26648 |
LON | 9.50444 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.832 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
91. FRER10683
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10683 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10683 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de lava |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.00537 |
LON | 8.72836 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 20.037 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
92. FRER10742
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10742 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10742 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de guadone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.87743 |
LON | 9.4441 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.188 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
93. FRER10752
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10752 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10752 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de bistuglio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.32301 |
LON | 9.17245 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.073 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
94. FRER10771
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10771 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10771 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de casale |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.75641 |
LON | 9.3513 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.369 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
95. FRER10776
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10776 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10776 |
SWB_NAME | fiume buggiu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.66983 |
LON | 9.24289 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.096 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
96. FRER10779
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10779 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10779 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'esigna |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.16093 |
LON | 8.6321 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.007 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
97. FRER10782
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10782 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10782 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de saint-antoine |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.93076 |
LON | 8.65055 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.872 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
98. FRER10784
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10784 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10784 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau l'acqua tignese |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.97356 |
LON | 9.40379 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.701 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
99. FRER10807
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10807 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10807 |
SWB_NAME | rivière la casaluna |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.37254 |
LON | 9.2825 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 34.623 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
100. FRER10830
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10830 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10830 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de rasignani |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.57852 |
LON | 9.43901 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.126 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
101. FRER10845
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10845 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10845 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de piavone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.79379 |
LON | 8.97873 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.847 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
102. FRER10851
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10851 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10851 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de saninco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.25674 |
LON | 9.25854 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.871 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
103. FRER10855
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10855 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10855 |
SWB_NAME | rivière de ponte bonellu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.0219 |
LON | 8.84501 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 17.981 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
104. FRER10879
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10879 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10879 |
SWB_NAME | rivière chiuni |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.20646 |
LON | 8.69229 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 29.363 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
105. FRER10913
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10913 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10913 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de lamarella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.47745 |
LON | 8.70505 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.166 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
106. FRER10915
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10915 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10915 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de tivella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.5953 |
LON | 8.87296 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 23.662 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
107. FRER10917
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10917 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10917 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau a piscia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.57996 |
LON | 9.20845 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.287 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
108. FRER10918
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10918 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10918 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de ziocu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.20728 |
LON | 8.93887 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13.966 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
109. FRER10919
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10919 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10919 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de sette guadelle |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.53593 |
LON | 9.11215 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.985 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
110. FRER10924
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10924 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10924 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'agosta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.83408 |
LON | 8.849 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.945 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
111. FRER10927
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10927 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10927 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de lioli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.49289 |
LON | 8.79657 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.432 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
112. FRER10967
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10967 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10967 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de vadone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.49844 |
LON | 9.23468 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.179 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
113. FRER10969
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10969 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10969 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de chialza |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.20366 |
LON | 8.74169 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.214 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
114. FRER10976
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10976 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10976 |
SWB_NAME | rivière d'ese |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.97339 |
LON | 9.08492 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 21.112 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
115. FRER10987
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10987 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10987 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de chironaccio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.51524 |
LON | 9.28133 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.81 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
116. FRER11006
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11006 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11006 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de cannella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.80315 |
LON | 9.37235 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.322 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
117. FRER11038
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11038 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11038 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de santa maria |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.31539 |
LON | 8.69948 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 21.886 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
118. FRER11042
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11042 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11042 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de la pianella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.88622 |
LON | 8.87434 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.952 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
119. FRER11079
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11079 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11079 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de sisco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.81651 |
LON | 9.45395 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.522 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
120. FRER11085
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11085 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11085 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de cenderaia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.61795 |
LON | 9.25103 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.006 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
121. FRER11088
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11088 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11088 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de la concia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.64376 |
LON | 9.34007 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.049 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
122. FRER11090
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11090 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11090 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de minuto |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.2523 |
LON | 9.17982 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.653 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
123. FRER11095
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11095 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11095 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de jallicu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.7917 |
LON | 9.29808 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.306 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
124. FRER11099
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11099 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11099 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de ruello |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.12204 |
LON | 9.21291 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.748 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
125. FRER11106
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11106 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11106 |
SWB_NAME | fleuve a liscia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.05162 |
LON | 8.82976 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.091 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
126. FRER11143
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11143 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11143 |
SWB_NAME | fosse de ciavattone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.49404 |
LON | 9.44731 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 28.291 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
127. FRER11151
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11151 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11151 |
SWB_NAME | fiume di gargalagne |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.59713 |
LON | 9.17277 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.008 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
128. FRER11170
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11170 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11170 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de grottelle |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.66472 |
LON | 9.10112 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.882 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
129. FRER11176
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11176 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11176 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de valdu malu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.00799 |
LON | 8.93222 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.241 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
130. FRER11196
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11196 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11196 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de cavicchia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.39337 |
LON | 8.8629 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 18.575 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
131. FRER11227
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11227 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11227 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de poggio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.02993 |
LON | 9.27338 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 27.376 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
132. FRER11229
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11229 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11229 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de barbalato |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.94308 |
LON | 9.11334 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4.266 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
133. FRER11239
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11239 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11239 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'orta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.32335 |
LON | 9.14996 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.214 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
134. FRER11266
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11266 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11266 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de pinara |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.41502 |
LON | 9.02696 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.115 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
135. FRER11280
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11280 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11280 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de pozzo bianco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.42721 |
LON | 9.36247 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.592 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
136. FRER11498
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11498 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11498 |
SWB_NAME | torrent de montichi |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.93774 |
LON | 8.97439 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13.236 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
137. FRER11510
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11510 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11510 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de verghio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.2666 |
LON | 8.8258 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.954 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
138. FRER11511
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11511 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11511 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de loga |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.53704 |
LON | 9.06238 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.518 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
139. FRER11513
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11513 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11513 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de luvana |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.88572 |
LON | 9.22662 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.423 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
140. FRER11518
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11518 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11518 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'arone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.21876 |
LON | 8.5942 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.684 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
141. FRER11570
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11570 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11570 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'erbaiola |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.61341 |
LON | 9.03019 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.504 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
142. FRER11573
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11573 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11573 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de sambuchelli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.98021 |
LON | 9.31184 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.704 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
143. FRER11580
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11580 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11580 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de macori |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.76087 |
LON | 8.9028 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.459 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
144. FRER11581
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11581 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11581 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de mutuleju |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.91281 |
LON | 8.89012 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.603 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
145. FRER11587
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11587 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11587 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de chiova |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.89757 |
LON | 9.022 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 20.055 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
146. FRER11602
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11602 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11602 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de campianellu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.53251 |
LON | 8.82724 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.045 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
147. FRER11633
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11633 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11633 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'erco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.36092 |
LON | 8.9925 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.21 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
148. FRER11638
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11638 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11638 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de canapeo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.19934 |
LON | 9.24443 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.1 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
149. FRER11641
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11641 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11641 |
SWB_NAME | rivière de melaja |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.50556 |
LON | 8.96522 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.208 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
150. FRER11682
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11682 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11682 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de canapajo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.38789 |
LON | 9.48301 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.273 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
151. FRER11684
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11684 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11684 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau regolo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.11343 |
LON | 9.19655 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.001 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
152. FRER11689
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11689 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11689 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau salinelle |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.60055 |
LON | 9.31585 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.233 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
153. FRER11704
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11704 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11704 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de santa lucia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.31745 |
LON | 9.21069 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.977 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
154. FRER11736
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11736 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11736 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de rivisecco |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.23858 |
LON | 9.07752 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.973 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
155. FRER11742
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11742 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11742 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de codi |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.8179 |
LON | 9.13365 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 25.552 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
156. FRER11774
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11774 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11774 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de saltaruccio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.06168 |
LON | 9.30164 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 15.016 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
157. FRER11783
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11783 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11783 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'andegno |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.37475 |
LON | 9.39578 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.185 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
158. FRER11787
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11787 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11787 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de lonca |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.30666 |
LON | 8.81113 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 15.479 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
159. FRER11812
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11812 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11812 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de casacconi |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.47631 |
LON | 9.36751 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.515 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
160. FRER11821
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11821 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11821 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de verjello |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.19868 |
LON | 9.14136 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.106 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
161. FRER11829
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11829 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11829 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de giunchetto |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.93048 |
LON | 9.42196 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.834 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
162. FRER11853
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11853 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11853 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'ancatorta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.0483 |
LON | 9.4135 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-B |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.404 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
163. FRER11859
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11859 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11859 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de spartano |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.52342 |
LON | 9.03466 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 22.259 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
164. FRER11886
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11886 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11886 |
SWB_NAME | rivière de conca |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.72565 |
LON | 9.3645 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.816 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
165. FRER11889
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11889 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11889 |
SWB_NAME | rivière de bala |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.60899 |
LON | 9.18071 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 34.987 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
166. FRER11897
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11897 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11897 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de vaccareccia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.69438 |
LON | 9.35059 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.26 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
167. FRER11907
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11907 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11907 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de trejontane |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.98579 |
LON | 9.25446 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4.913 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
168. FRER11945
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11945 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11945 |
SWB_NAME | rivière le liscu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.66678 |
LON | 9.18266 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.939 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
169. FRER11967
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11967 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11967 |
SWB_NAME | vadina di mulini |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.71928 |
LON | 8.92485 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.299 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
170. FRER11982
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER11982 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER11982 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de l'impennato |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.81827 |
LON | 8.89428 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.477 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
171. FRER12011
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12011 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12011 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'apa |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.854 |
LON | 8.96633 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13.639 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
172. FRER12017
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12017 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12017 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de la tassineta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.43815 |
LON | 8.94292 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.5 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
173. FRER12026
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12026 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12026 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de forno |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.97472 |
LON | 9.1961 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.754 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
174. FRER12038
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12038 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12038 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de colombaia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.58497 |
LON | 9.00484 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.667 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
175. FRER12058
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12058 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12058 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de ruaghiola |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.63111 |
LON | 9.24543 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.886 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
176. FRER12117
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER12117 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER12117 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de botaro |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.22896 |
LON | 8.909 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.086 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
177. FRER10195
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10195 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10195 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de brietta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.67055 |
LON | 9.33661 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.268 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
178. FRER10259
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10259 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10259 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de cavallu mortu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.96951 |
LON | 8.78876 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.016 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
179. FRER10053
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10053 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10053 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de chigheri |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.08936 |
LON | 9.17649 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.085 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
180. FRER10062
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10062 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10062 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de lattone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.84569 |
LON | 9.28086 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.17 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=25 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
181. FRER10115
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10115 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10115 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de crucoli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.03868 |
LON | 8.97955 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.103 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
182. FRER10131
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10131 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10131 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de forcaticcio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.17235 |
LON | 9.18433 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.356 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
183. FRER10184
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10184 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10184 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de piano |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.57317 |
LON | 8.91826 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4.503 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Nutrient enrichment
- Organic enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
184. FRER10292
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10292 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10292 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de sant'antonaccio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.64446 |
LON | 9.28747 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.856 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
185. FRER10341
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10341 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10341 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de perticatu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.36379 |
LON | 8.73839 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.144 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
186. FRER10351
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10351 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10351 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de buiena |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.79879 |
LON | 9.02088 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.798 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
187. FRER10420
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10420 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10420 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de chierchiu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.65318 |
LON | 9.11786 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.325 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
188. FRER10058
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10058 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10058 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'asinao |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.79686 |
LON | 9.18549 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.23 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
- 3.3 Abstraction - Manufacturing
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
189. FRER10061
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10061 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10061 |
SWB_NAME | rivière le chiuvone |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.79715 |
LON | 9.08316 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 24.38 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
190. FRER10088
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10088 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10088 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de rio magno |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.14954 |
LON | 9.37804 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13.338 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
191. FRER10112
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10112 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10112 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau u viru |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.33159 |
LON | 8.92605 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.773 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
192. FRER10123
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10123 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10123 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau d'acqua grossa |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.63532 |
LON | 9.00564 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.038 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
193. FRER10158
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10158 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10158 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de sardi |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.52725 |
LON | 8.99602 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.953 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
194. FRER10295
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10295 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10295 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de marsolinu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.4154 |
LON | 8.78413 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 22.776 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
195. FRER10296
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10296 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10296 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de penta |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.02383 |
LON | 9.07042 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.976 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
196. FRER10298
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10298 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10298 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de tre fontane |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.19101 |
LON | 9.29315 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.205 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
197. FRER10299
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10299 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10299 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau butturacci |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.77681 |
LON | 8.81233 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.909 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
198. FRER10340
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10340 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10340 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de poggiolo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.74378 |
LON | 9.42799 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.961 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
199. FRER10352
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10352 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10352 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de calendola |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.8294 |
LON | 9.0519 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.023 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=28 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
200. FRER10356
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10356 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10356 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de manganello |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.17421 |
LON | 9.09173 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.093 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
201. FRER10419
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10419 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10419 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau u fiumicellu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.53238 |
LON | 8.88168 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3.996 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=21 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
202. FRER10130
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10130 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10130 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de quarcelleraso |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.24859 |
LON | 9.28379 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.201 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
203. FRER10153
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10153 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10153 |
SWB_NAME | fiume d'olmo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.42338 |
LON | 9.49556 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.444 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=24 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
204. FRER10381
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10381 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10381 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de corsigliese |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.23619 |
LON | 9.36546 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 24.343 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=26 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
205. FRER10389
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER10389 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER10389 |
SWB_NAME | ruisseau de pianella |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.37363 |
LON | 9.04309 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.09 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
206. FRER62
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER62 |
SWB_MS_CD | ER62 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du ruisseau de Poggiolo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.84598 |
LON | 9.43194 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9.475 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=22 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 5 River management
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
207. FRER68a
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER68a |
SWB_MS_CD | ER68a |
SWB_NAME | Le Golo aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.49307 |
LON | 9.29878 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | G16 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.681 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | dynamically connected | | | | |
208. FRER68b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER68b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER68b |
SWB_NAME | Le Golo de l'Asco à l'amont de Prunelli |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.52634 |
LON | 9.46042 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | G16 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.458 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=23 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
- 5 River management
- 4.8 FlowMorph - Weirs
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
209. FRER7b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER7b |
SWB_MS_CD | ER7b |
SWB_NAME | Le Stabiacciu aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.58052 |
LON | 9.29321 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 2.044 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 5 River management
- 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Contaminated sediments
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
210. FRER8
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRER8 |
SWB_NAME | Côtiers du Cavu au Stabiacciu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.68485 |
LON | 9.25782 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | PTP16-A |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 23.362 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ssbv/sousbassin.php?fiche=27 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | N |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | 2 | conforme | | |
Bathing | - 283102019D02A103
- 283102019D02A101
- 283102019D02A104
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
211. FREL131
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREL131 |
SWB_MS_CD | EL131 |
SWB_NAME | lac de Tolla |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.97252 |
LON | 8.9794 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | A10 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 0.73 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/plando/plando.php?fiche=FREL131 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 3 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
212. FREL132
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREL132 |
SWB_MS_CD | EL132 |
SWB_NAME | retenue de Figari |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.46622 |
LON | 9.15085 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | A12 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 0.7 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/plando/plando.php?fiche=FREL132 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | U |
Confidence | 0 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
213. FREL133
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREL133 |
SWB_MS_CD | EL133 |
SWB_NAME | retenue de Calacuccia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.32547 |
LON | 9.00687 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | A10 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 1.17 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/plando/plando.php?fiche=FREL133 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | U |
Confidence | 0 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
214. FREL134
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREL134 |
SWB_MS_CD | EL134 |
SWB_NAME | retenue de l'Alesani |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.29768 |
LON | 9.47319 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | A12 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 0.47 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/plando/plando.php?fiche=FREL134 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.6 Abstraction - Hydro-energy not cooling
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 3 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
215. FREL135
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREL135 |
SWB_MS_CD | EL135 |
SWB_NAME | retenue de Codole |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.58607 |
LON | 8.9456 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | A12 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 0.51 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/plando/plando.php?fiche=FREL135 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 5 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | dynamically connected | U | pas encore déterminé | | |
216. FREL140
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREL140 |
SWB_MS_CD | EL140 |
SWB_NAME | retenue de l'Ospédale |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.66582 |
LON | 9.20119 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | A10 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 0.38 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/plando/plando.php?fiche=FREL140 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 7 Other morphological alterations
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | U |
Confidence | 0 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
217. FREC01e
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC01e |
SWB_MS_CD | EC01e |
SWB_NAME | Cap Ouest |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.92463 |
LON | 9.36063 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C23 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 48.01 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC01e |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283201032M02B225
- 283201061M02B220
| dynamically connected | | | | |
218. FREC02ab
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC02ab |
SWB_MS_CD | EC02ab |
SWB_NAME | Cap Est de la Corse |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.92184 |
LON | 9.47034 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C26 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 74.62 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC02ab |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283201007M02B185
- 283201061M02B215
- 283201069M02B165
- 283201069M02B163
- 283201007M02B180
- 283201008M02B200
- 283201029M02B205
- 283201007M02B175
- 283201073M02B170
- 283201047M02B195
- 283201093M02B160
- 283201080M02B190
- 283201030M02B210
| dynamically connected | | | | |
219. FREC01d
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC01d |
SWB_MS_CD | EC01d |
SWB_NAME | Canari |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.8234 |
LON | 9.29291 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C23 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 43.68 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC01d |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283201034M02B235
- 283201003M02B228
- 283201035M02B230
| dynamically connected | | | | |
220. FREC01ab
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC01ab |
SWB_MS_CD | EC01ab |
SWB_NAME | Pointe Palazzu - Sud Nonza |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.64722 |
LON | 8.94473 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C23 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 301.71 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC01ab |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283203014M02B316
- 283203005M02B275
- 283203001M02B335
- 283201021M02B245
- 283203006M02B357
- 283203011M02B360
- 283203012M02B284
- 283201038M02B240
- 283203001M02B350
- 283203019M02B280
- 283203025M02B274
- 283203012M02B295
- 283203001M02B342
- 283203001M02B340
- 283203001M02B354
- 283203005M02B276
- 283203001M02B345
- 283203012M02B285
- 283203003M02B305
- 283203012M02B282
- 283203008M02B300
- 283203014M02B320
| dynamically connected | | | | |
221. FREC01c
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC01c |
SWB_MS_CD | EC01c |
SWB_NAME | Golfe de Saint-Florent |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.71212 |
LON | 9.27699 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C23 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 29.27 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC01c |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283201063M02B255
- 283201042M02B250
- 283201063M02B265
| dynamically connected | | | | |
222. FREC02c
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC02c |
SWB_MS_CD | EC02c |
SWB_NAME | Littoral Bastiais |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.61042 |
LON | 9.50308 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C26 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 50.06 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC02c |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | - 283201023M02B125
- 283201028M02B110
- 283201023M02B130
- 283201081M02B095
- 283201005M02B120
- 283201090M02B100
- 283201001M02B145
- 283201005M02B119
- 283201001M02B140
- 283201028M02B105
- 283201006M02B115
- 283201006M02B116
| dynamically connected | | | | |
223. FREC02d
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC02d |
SWB_MS_CD | EC02d |
SWB_NAME | Plaine Orientale |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.02402 |
LON | 9.48983 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C26 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 177.33 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC02d |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | - 283201053M02B082
- 283201068M02B058
- 283201068M02B059
- 283201044M02B090
- 283102012M02A355
- 283102036M02A365
- 283102036M02A370
- 283202006M02B040
- 283102043M02A354
- 283202045M02B045
- 283102043M02A352
- 283202093M02B020
- 283201087M02B065
- 283201083M02B085
- 283201074M02B075
- 283201017M02B060
- 283202093M02B010
- 283202040M02B030
- 283202080M02B025
- 283201070M02B080
- 283201015M02B093
- 283102012M02A360
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
224. FREC03b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC03b |
SWB_MS_CD | EC03b |
SWB_NAME | Golfe de Porto-Vecchio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.60976 |
LON | 9.31802 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C18 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 11.51 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC03b |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1 Point - UWWT_General
- 6.3 TRACManagement - Land reclamation
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283102019M02A335
- 283102030M02A325
- 283102030M02A330
- 283102030M02A323
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
225. FREC03eg
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC03eg |
SWB_MS_CD | EC03eg |
SWB_NAME | Littoral Sud Ouest de la Corse |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.44455 |
LON | 8.97469 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C18 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 231.79 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC03eg |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283102029M02A401
- 283102008M02A306
- 283102029M02A403
- 283102029M02A402
- 283102001M02A296
- 283102001M02A294
- 283102046M02A404
- 283102001M02A295
- 283102013M02A298
| dynamically connected | | | | |
226. FREC03f
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC03f |
SWB_MS_CD | EC03f |
SWB_NAME | Goulet de Bonifacio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.38975 |
LON | 9.15332 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C18 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 0.29 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC03f |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1 Point - UWWT_General
- 2.3 Diffuse - Transport and infrastructure
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
227. FREC04b
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC04b |
SWB_MS_CD | EC04b |
SWB_NAME | Golfe d'Ajaccio |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.86054 |
LON | 8.68886 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C24 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 160.62 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC04b |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283101001M02A135
- 283101052M02A213
- 283101001M02A130
- 283101001M02A140
- 283101001M02A105
- 283101004M02A210
- 283101004M02A211
- 283101027M02A242
- 283101027M02A240
- 283101027M02A241
- 283101001M02A145
- 283101027M02A235
- 283101052M02A230
- 283101035M02A201
- 283101035M02A200
- 283101001M02A095
- 283101001M02A120
- 283101001M02A090
- 283101001M02A185
- 283101035M02A195
- 283101001M02A186
- 283101001M02A180
- 283101052M02A220
- 283101001M02A160
- 283101001M02A175
- 283101052M02A215
| dynamically connected | | | | |
228. FREC03ad
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC03ad |
SWB_MS_CD | EC03ad |
SWB_NAME | Littoral Sud Est de la Corse |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.43362 |
LON | 9.29022 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C18 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 248.87 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC03ad |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283102008M02A299
- 283102019M02A340
- 283102008M02A305
- 283102008M02A304
- 283102008M02A303
- 283102019M02A346
- 283102030M02A305
- 283102030M02A306
- 283102030M02A310
- 283102043M02A350
- 283102019M02A345
- 283102043M02A351
- 283102030M02A315
- 283102043M02A353
| dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
229. FREC03c
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC03c |
SWB_MS_CD | EC03c |
SWB_NAME | Golfe de Santa Amanza |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.4194 |
LON | 9.23374 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C18 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 3.29 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC03c |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.5 Abstraction - Fish farms
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | - 283102008M02A302
- 283102008M02A300
| dynamically connected | | | | |
230. FREC04ac
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FREC04ac |
SWB_MS_CD | EC04ac |
SWB_NAME | Pointe Senetosa - Pointe Palazzu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.70907 |
LON | 8.68139 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C24 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 727.6 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/ocot/eau_cotiere.php?fiche=FREC04ac |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Bathing | - 283101065M02A255
- 283101001M02A087
- 283102031M02A280
- 283102026M02A265
- 283102026M02A275
- 283102026M02A260
- 283102031M02A277
- 283101077M02A405
- 283101024M02A060
- 283101065M02A244
- 283101027M02A243
- 283101048M02A005
- 283101051M02A017
- 283101076M02A050
- 283101015M02A080
- 283102006M02A291
- 283102006M02A290
- 283101065M02A250
- 283101006M02A085
- 283102031M02A285
- 283101076M02A045
- 283101001M02A088
- 283101020M02A019
- 283101020M02A030
- 283101021M02A065
- 283101020M02A020
- 283101066M02A010
- 283101021M02A071
- 283101021M02A070
- 283101015M02A074
- 283101015M02A075
- 283101024M02A055
- 283101051M02A018
- 283101045M02A501
- 283101046M02A015
- 283101020M02A041
- 283101020M02A040
- 283101065M02A245
| dynamically connected | | | | |
231. FRET01
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRET01 |
SWB_MS_CD | ET01 |
SWB_NAME | Corse Biguglia |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.58058 |
LON | 9.47668 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T10 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 13.79 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/otrans/eau_transition.php?fiche=FRET01 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Organic enrichment
- Altered habitats
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 5 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 5 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-1 Phytoplankton
- QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
232. FRET02
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRET02 |
SWB_MS_CD | ET02 |
SWB_NAME | Corse Diana |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.12951 |
LON | 9.53496 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T10 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 5.42 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/otrans/eau_transition.php?fiche=FRET02 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Shellfish | | dynamically connected | | | | |
233. FRET03
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRET03 |
SWB_MS_CD | ET03 |
SWB_NAME | Corse Urbino |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 42.04473 |
LON | 9.47134 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T10 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 7.61 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/otrans/eau_transition.php?fiche=FRET03 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-2 Other aquatic flora
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Birds | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |
Shellfish | | dynamically connected | | | | |
234. FRET04
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRET04 |
SWB_MS_CD | ET04 |
SWB_NAME | Corse Palu |
EUSubUnitCode | FRE_CORS |
LAT | 41.93949 |
LON | 9.40518 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T10 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 1.09 |
Scale | 1:50000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | http://siecorse.eaurmc.fr/geo-sdage/otrans/eau_transition.php?fiche=FRET04 |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Habitats | | dynamically connected | | | | |