1. FRIR01
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR01 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR01 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière à Goyaves amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1563 |
LON | -61.6798 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | conforme | | |
2. FRIR02
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR02 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR02 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Bras David aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1986 |
LON | -61.6669 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 2 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 1 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | |
l'état écologique repose sur l'indice poisson représentatif de la pression identifiée (3 et 4). N'étant pas disponible en Guadeloupe, il a été établi à dire d'expert
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | conforme | | |
3. FRIR03
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR03 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR03 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de Bras de Sable aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2218 |
LON | -61.6738 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
4. FRIR04
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR04 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR04 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Premier Bras aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2618 |
LON | -61.6821 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 2 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 1 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
5. FRIR05
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR05 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR05 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière à Goyaves aval 1 |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2216 |
LON | -61.6612 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 17 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
6. FRIR06
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR06 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR06 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière à Goyaves aval 2 |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2907 |
LON | -61.655 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
7. FRIR07
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR07 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR07 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière La Lézarde amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1647 |
LON | -61.659 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 14 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | pas de pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
8. FRIR08
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR08 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR08 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière La Lézarde aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1995 |
LON | -61.6191 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
9. FRIR09
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR09 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR09 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1466 |
LON | -61.6505 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
l'état écologique repose sur l'indice poisson représentatif de la pression identifiée (3 et 4). N'étant pas disponible en Guadeloupe, il a été établi à dire d'expert
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | conforme | | |
10. FRIR10
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR10 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR10 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1819 |
LON | -61.6022 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2 Diffuse Source
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 2 Pesticides - aggregated
| absence de solutions à court terme et moyen terme de dépollutions des sols et de limitation des transferts entre les parcelles contaminées par la chlordécone et le milieu |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
11. FRIR11
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR11 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR11 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière La Rose amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1337 |
LON | -61.6321 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
12. FRIR12
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR12 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR12 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière La Rose aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1474 |
LON | -61.585 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
13. FRIR13
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR13 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR13 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Moreau amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1286 |
LON | -61.5931 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
14. FRIR14
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR14 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR14 |
SWB_NAME | Petite Rivière à Goyave aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1291 |
LON | -61.5822 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
15. FRIR15
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR15 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR44 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière de Capesterre amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0831 |
LON | -61.6385 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
16. FRIR16
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR16 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR16 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière de Capesterre aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0644 |
LON | -61.5834 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
- QE0 Ecological
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 2 Pesticides - aggregated
| absence de solutions à court terme et moyen terme de dépollutions des sols et de limitation des transferts entre les parcelles contaminées par la chlordécone et le milieu |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
17. FRIR17
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR17 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR17 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Pérou aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0551 |
LON | -61.5896 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
18. FRIR18
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR18 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR18 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Grand Carbet |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0358 |
LON | -61.6068 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
19. FRIR19
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR19 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR19 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Bananier |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0192 |
LON | -61.6092 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
20. FRIR20
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR20 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR20 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Petit Carbet amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0115 |
LON | -61.6483 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | pas de pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
21. FRIR21
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR21 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR21 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Petit Carbet aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 15.9818 |
LON | -61.6369 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
22. FRIR22
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR22 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR22 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Grande Anse aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 15.9718 |
LON | -61.6628 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 2 Pesticides - aggregated
| absence de solutions à court terme et moyen terme de dépollutions des sols et de limitation des transferts entre les parcelles contaminées par la chlordécone et le milieu |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
23. FRIR23
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR23 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR23 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Galion |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0105 |
LON | -61.6907 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
24. FRIR24
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR24 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR24 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière aux Herbes |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.007 |
LON | -61.7096 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
25. FRIR25
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR25 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR25 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière des Pères |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0268 |
LON | -61.7084 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | conforme | | |
26. FRIR26
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR26 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR26 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Plessis |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0577 |
LON | -61.729 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 9 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2 Diffuse Source
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
- QE0 Ecological
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
27. FRIR27
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR27 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR27 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière de Vieux-Habitants amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1094 |
LON | -61.6994 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 1 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
28. FRIR28
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR28 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR28 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière de Vieux-Habitants aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0602 |
LON | -61.7422 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 1 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
29. FRIR29
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR29 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR29 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Beaugendre aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.09 |
LON | -61.7569 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
30. FRIR30
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR30 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR30 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Lostau |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1561 |
LON | -61.7435 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | pas de pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
31. FRIR31
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR31 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR31 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Grande Plaine amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.198 |
LON | -61.7406 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | pas de pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
32. FRIR32
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR32 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR32 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Grande Plaine aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2082 |
LON | -61.7704 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
33. FRIR33
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR33 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR33 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de Petite-Plaine aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2235 |
LON | -61.7681 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
34. FRIR34
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR34 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR34 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Ferry |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2866 |
LON | -61.783 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | pas de pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
35. FRIR35
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR35 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR35 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de Nogent amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3068 |
LON | -61.7529 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
36. FRIR36
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR36 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR36 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de Nogent aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3396 |
LON | -61.7444 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 1 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
l'état écologique repose sur l'indice poisson représentatif de la pression identifiée (3 et 4). N'étant pas disponible en Guadeloupe, il a été établi à dire d'expert
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
37. FRIR37
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR37 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR37 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de la Ramée amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3133 |
LON | -61.7434 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
38. FRIR38
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR38 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR38 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de la Ramée aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3346 |
LON | -61.714 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 3 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
39. FRIR39
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR39 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR39 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Moustique Sainte-Rose amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2875 |
LON | -61.7237 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
40. FRIR40
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR40 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR40 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Moustique Sainte-Rose aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3037 |
LON | -61.6771 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
41. FRIR41
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR41 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR42 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Bras David amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1773 |
LON | -61.6931 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3 Water Abstraction
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 1 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
42. FRIR42
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR42 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR01 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de Bras de Sable amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.204 |
LON | -61.6976 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 1 |
Confidence | 2 |
CommentConfidence | pas de pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
43. FRIR43
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR43 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR43 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Premier Bras amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2743 |
LON | -61.7214 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
44. FRIR44
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR44 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR15 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière du Pérou amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0597 |
LON | -61.6351 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
45. FRIR45
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR45 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR45 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Grande Anse amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0026 |
LON | -61.6658 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | bio indicateurs en cours de définition |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
46. FRIR46
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR46 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR46 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière Beaugendre amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1131 |
LON | -61.7287 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 4 Water flow regulations and morphological alterations of surface water
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
47. FRIR47
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIR47 |
SWB_MS_CD | IR47 |
SWB_NAME | Rivière de Petite-Plaine amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.2251 |
LON | -61.7401 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P33 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 4 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_RW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
48. FRIC01
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC01 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC01 |
SWB_NAME | Côte Ouest Basse Terre |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1345 |
LON | -61.7721 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C31 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 91 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2 Diffuse Source
- 1 Point Source
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
4 Other pollutants - aggregated
1 Heavy Metals - aggregated
3 Industrial Pollutants - aggregated
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
49. FRIC02
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC02 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC02 |
SWB_NAME | Pte du vieux fort-Sainte Marie |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 15.9693 |
LON | -61.5763 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C28 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 342 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2 Diffuse Source
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
- QE0 Ecological
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
50. FRIC03
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC03 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC03 |
SWB_NAME | Petit Cul de sac |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1724 |
LON | -61.5468 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 89 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1 Point Source
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
1 Heavy Metals - aggregated
3 Industrial Pollutants - aggregated
4 Other pollutants - aggregated
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
51. FRIC04
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC04 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC04 |
SWB_NAME | Pte Canot-Pte des chateaux |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.0473 |
LON | -61.347 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C28 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 940 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
52. FRIC05
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC05 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC05 |
SWB_NAME | Pte des Chateaux-Pte de la grande Vigie |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.1724 |
LON | -61.2057 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C30 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 782 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
53. FRIC06
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC06 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC06 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Vigie-Port Louis |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.4938 |
LON | -61.5143 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C32 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 35 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
54. FRIC07A
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC07A |
SWB_NAME | Port Louis-Pointe Madame (Grand Cul de Sac marin) |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3154 |
LON | -61.5693 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 63 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 1 Point Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
55. FRIC07B
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC07B |
SWB_NAME | Port Louis-Pointe Madame (Grand Cul de Sac marin) |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3735 |
LON | -61.5973 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C29 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 297 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
56. FRIC08
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC08 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC08 |
SWB_NAME | Pointe Madame-Pointe du Gros Morne |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 16.3715 |
LON | -61.7767 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C32 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 53 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
57. FRIC10
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC10 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC10 |
SWB_NAME | Saint Martin (partie française) |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 18.0933 |
LON | -62.9951 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C28 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 101 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 2 Diffuse Source
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | inconnu | | |
58. FRIC11
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRIC11 |
SWB_MS_CD | IC11 |
SWB_NAME | Les Saintes |
EUSubUnitCode | FRI_GUA |
LAT | 15.8701 |
LON | -61.4903 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C28 |
ReferenceDataSet | Y |
AREA | 297 |
Scale | 1:25000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
METADATA | FR_I_SWB_CW_20100322.xml |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolé à partir des pressions |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | | | |