WFD Article 8 Surface Water Monitoring Stations For France

RBD: Les cours d'eau de la Guadeloupe (FRI)

European code* FRI
Name* Les cours d'eau de la Guadeloupe
Reporting level* National RBD
Reporting level description:
URL to further information:

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1. Surface Water Monitoring Stations Overview

This section provides a summary of the surface water monitoring stations (surveillance and operational). Click on the station number to view to the detail for that station

No. EU Code* MS Code* Longitude* Latitude* Name Waterbody Location* Surveillance* Operational* No. of Sub-sites* Drinking Water Abstraction* Intercalibration Site* Reference Site* Other Networks Programmes*
1 FRIR07008015 IR07008015 -61.5661 16.057 Rivière de Capesterre au pont de la N1 FRIR16 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
2 FRIR07009010 IR07009010 -61.5761 16.023 Rivière du Grand Carbet au pont de la N1 FRIR18 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
3 FRIR07012120 IR07012120 -61.6661 16.1993 Rivière Bras David, site de l'INRA FRIR02 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
4 FRIR07012220 IR07012220 -61.6929 16.1758 Rivière Bras David à la Maison de la Forêt FRIR41 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
5 FRIR07016001 IR07016001 -61.7226 15.9859 Rivière du Galion au pont FRIR23 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
6 FRIR07017650 IR07017650 -61.6586 16.0154 Rivière Grande Anse à Moscou FRIR45 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
7 FRIR07021016 IR07021016 -61.6722 16.2684 Grande Rivière à Goyaves à l'amont de Bonne-Mère FRIR05 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
8 FRIR07022008 IR07022008 -61.7794 16.2108 Rivière Grande Plaine au Pont de la N2 FRIR32 Yes No 0 No No No sans objet FRISUSR
9 FRIR07023495 IR07023495 -61.6911 16.0224 Rivière aux Herbes à Choisy FRIR24 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
10 FRIR07026037 IR07026037 -61.6381 16.1861 Rivière Lézarde en-dessous de la Chapelle Saint-Michel FRIR08 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
11 FRIR07028005 IR07028005 -61.5872 16.1743 Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg au pont sur la RD2 FRIR10 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
12 FRIR07028110 IR07028110 -61.628 16.158 Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg à Trianon FRIR09 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
13 FRIR07032002 IR07032002 -61.7457 16.0104 Rivière des Pères à l'amont de l'embouchure FRIR25 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
14 FRIR07044007 IR07044007 -61.7678 16.0605 Grande Rivière des Vieux Habitants à l'amont de l'embouchure FRIR28 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
15 FRIR07044250 IR07044250 -61.7254 16.0865 Grande Rivière des Vieux Habitants FRIR27 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
16 FRIR07046295 IR07046295 -61.7322 16.0515 Rivière du Plessis à Vanibel au pont de la D.13 FRIR26 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
17 FRIR07047007 IR07047007 -61.739 16.3535 Rivière Nogent au pont sur la RN2 FRIR36 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOR
18 FRIR07048110 IR07048110 -61.7053 16.2703 Rivière du Premier Bras à l'amont de la distillerie Séverin FRIR04 Yes No 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUSR
19 FRIR07049040 IR07049040 -61.6702 16.2314 Rivière Bras de Sable à Ravine chaude FRIR03 Yes No 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUSR
20 FRIR07050012 IR07050012 -61.5927 16.1492 Rivière La Rose aux Jardins d'eau FRIR12 Yes Yes 0 No No Yes sans objet FRISUOR
21 FRIC07999011 IC07999011 -61.7721 16.1345 Deshaies FRIC01 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
22 FRIC07999021 IC07999021 -61.5763 15.9693 Capesterre FRIC02 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
23 FRIC07999031 IC07999031 -61.5468 16.1724 Ilet Gosier - Ilet Fortune FRIC03 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
24 FRIC07999041 IC07999041 -61.347 16.0473 Main Jaune - Petit Havre FRIC04 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
25 FRIC07999051 IC07999051 -61.2057 16.1724 Le Moule FRIC05 Yes No 0 No No No sans objet FRISUSC
26 FRIC07999061 IC07999061 -61.5143 16.4938 Anse Bertrand FRIC06 Yes No 0 No No No sans objet FRISUSC
27 FRIC079997A1 IC079997A1 -61.5693 16.3154 Ilet à Christophe FRIC07A Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
28 FRIC079997B1 IC079997B1 -61.5973 16.3735 Pointe des Mangles - Pointe d'Antigues FRIC07B Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
29 FRIC07999091 IC07999081 -61.7767 16.3715 Tête à l'Anglais FRIC08 Yes No 0 No No No sans objet FRISUSC
30 FRIC07999101 IC07999101 -62.9951 18.0933 Chicot - Rochet Créole FRIC10 Yes Yes 0 No No No sans objet FRISUOC
31 FRIC07999111 IC07999111 -61.4903 15.8701 Ti pâté FRIC11 Yes No 0 No No No sans objet FRISUSC

2. Surface Water Monitoring Stations Details

This section provides the details for the surface water monitoring stations

1 Monitoring Station FRIR07008015 - Rivière de Capesterre au pont de la N1

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07008015
Unique MS code for the station* IR07008015
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5661, 16.057
Name Rivière de Capesterre au pont de la N1
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR16
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR16
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR16
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR16
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR16
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR16
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR16
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR16
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR16
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR16
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR16
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR16

2 Monitoring Station FRIR07009010 - Rivière du Grand Carbet au pont de la N1

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07009010
Unique MS code for the station* IR07009010
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5761, 16.023
Name Rivière du Grand Carbet au pont de la N1
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR18
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR18
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR18
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR18
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR18
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR18
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR18
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR18
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR18
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR18
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR18
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR18

3 Monitoring Station FRIR07012120 - Rivière Bras David, site de l'INRA

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07012120
Unique MS code for the station* IR07012120
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6661, 16.1993
Name Rivière Bras David, site de l'INRA
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR02
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR02
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR02
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR02
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR02
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR02
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR02
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR02
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR02
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR02
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR02
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR02

4 Monitoring Station FRIR07012220 - Rivière Bras David à la Maison de la Forêt

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07012220
Unique MS code for the station* IR07012220
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6929, 16.1758
Name Rivière Bras David à la Maison de la Forêt
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR41
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR41
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR41
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR41
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR41
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR41
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR41
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR41
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR41
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR41
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR41
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR41

5 Monitoring Station FRIR07016001 - Rivière du Galion au pont

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07016001
Unique MS code for the station* IR07016001
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7226, 15.9859
Name Rivière du Galion au pont
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR23
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR23
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR23
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR23
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR23
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR23
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR23
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR23
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR23
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR23
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR23
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR23

6 Monitoring Station FRIR07017650 - Rivière Grande Anse à Moscou

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07017650
Unique MS code for the station* IR07017650
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6586, 16.0154
Name Rivière Grande Anse à Moscou
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR45
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR45
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR45
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR45
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR45
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR45
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR45
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR45
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR45
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR45
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR45
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR45

7 Monitoring Station FRIR07021016 - Grande Rivière à Goyaves à l'amont de Bonne-Mère

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07021016
Unique MS code for the station* IR07021016
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6722, 16.2684
Name Grande Rivière à Goyaves à l'amont de Bonne-Mère
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR05
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR05
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR05
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR05
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR05
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR05
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR05
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR05
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR05
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR05
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR05
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR05

8 Monitoring Station FRIR07022008 - Rivière Grande Plaine au Pont de la N2

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07022008
Unique MS code for the station* IR07022008
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7794, 16.2108
Name Rivière Grande Plaine au Pont de la N2
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR32
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR32
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR32
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR32
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR32
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR32
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR32
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR32
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR32
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR32

9 Monitoring Station FRIR07023495 - Rivière aux Herbes à Choisy

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07023495
Unique MS code for the station* IR07023495
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6911, 16.0224
Name Rivière aux Herbes à Choisy
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR24
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR24
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR24
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR24
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR24
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR24
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR24
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR24
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR24
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR24
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR24
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR24

10 Monitoring Station FRIR07026037 - Rivière Lézarde en-dessous de la Chapelle Saint-Michel

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07026037
Unique MS code for the station* IR07026037
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6381, 16.1861
Name Rivière Lézarde en-dessous de la Chapelle Saint-Michel
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR08
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR08
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR08
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR08
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR08
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR08
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR08
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR08
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR08
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR08
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR08
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR08

11 Monitoring Station FRIR07028005 - Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg au pont sur la RD2

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07028005
Unique MS code for the station* IR07028005
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5872, 16.1743
Name Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg au pont sur la RD2
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR10
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR10
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR10
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR10
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR10
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR10
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR10
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR10
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR10
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR10
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR10
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR10

12 Monitoring Station FRIR07028110 - Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg à Trianon

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07028110
Unique MS code for the station* IR07028110
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.628, 16.158
Name Rivière Moustique Petit-Bourg à Trianon
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR09
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR09
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR09
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR09
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR09
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR09
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR09
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR09
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR09
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR09
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR09
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR09

13 Monitoring Station FRIR07032002 - Rivière des Pères à l'amont de l'embouchure

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07032002
Unique MS code for the station* IR07032002
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7457, 16.0104
Name Rivière des Pères à l'amont de l'embouchure
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR25
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR25
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR25
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR25
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR25
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR25
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR25
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR25
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR25
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR25
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR25
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR25

14 Monitoring Station FRIR07044007 - Grande Rivière des Vieux Habitants à l'amont de l'embouchure

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07044007
Unique MS code for the station* IR07044007
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7678, 16.0605
Name Grande Rivière des Vieux Habitants à l'amont de l'embouchure
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR28
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR28
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR28
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR28
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR28
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR28
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR28
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR28
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR28
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR28
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR28
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR28

15 Monitoring Station FRIR07044250 - Grande Rivière des Vieux Habitants

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07044250
Unique MS code for the station* IR07044250
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7254, 16.0865
Name Grande Rivière des Vieux Habitants
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR27
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR27
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR27
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR27
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR27
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR27
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR27
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR27
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR27
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR27
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR27
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR27

16 Monitoring Station FRIR07046295 - Rivière du Plessis à Vanibel au pont de la D.13

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07046295
Unique MS code for the station* IR07046295
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7322, 16.0515
Name Rivière du Plessis à Vanibel au pont de la D.13
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR26
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR26
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR26
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR26
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR26
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR26
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR26
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR26
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR26
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR26
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR26
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR26

17 Monitoring Station FRIR07047007 - Rivière Nogent au pont sur la RN2

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07047007
Unique MS code for the station* IR07047007
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.739, 16.3535
Name Rivière Nogent au pont sur la RN2
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR36
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR36
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR36
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR36
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR36
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR36
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR36
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR36
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR36
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR36
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR36
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR36

18 Monitoring Station FRIR07048110 - Rivière du Premier Bras à l'amont de la distillerie Séverin

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07048110
Unique MS code for the station* IR07048110
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7053, 16.2703
Name Rivière du Premier Bras à l'amont de la distillerie Séverin
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR04
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR04
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR04
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR04
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR04
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR04
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR04
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR04
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR04
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR04

19 Monitoring Station FRIR07049040 - Rivière Bras de Sable à Ravine chaude

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07049040
Unique MS code for the station* IR07049040
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.6702, 16.2314
Name Rivière Bras de Sable à Ravine chaude
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR03
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR03
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR03
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR03
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR03
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR03
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR03
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR03
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR03
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR03

20 Monitoring Station FRIR07050012 - Rivière La Rose aux Jardins d'eau

Unique EU code for the station* FRIR07050012
Unique MS code for the station* IR07050012
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5927, 16.1492
Name Rivière La Rose aux Jardins d'eau
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIR12
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* Yes
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR12
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos No Yes Multipoint FRIR12
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Multipoint FRIR12
QE1-4 Fish No Yes Multipoint FRIR12
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-1General Parameters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-2 Priority Substances No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-4 Other national pollutants No Yes Not applicable/None FRIR12
Programme: FRISUSR
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSR
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIR12
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-2-4 Phytobenthos Yes No Multipoint FRIR12
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Multipoint FRIR12
QE1-4 Fish Yes No Multipoint FRIR12
QE2 Hydromorphological QEs Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-1General Parameters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-2 Priority Substances Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR12
QE3-4 Other national pollutants Yes No Not applicable/None FRIR12

21 Monitoring Station FRIC07999011 - Deshaies

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999011
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999011
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7721, 16.1345
Name Deshaies
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC01
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC01
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae No Yes Area FRIC01
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC01
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Transect FRIC01
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC01
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC01
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC01
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC01
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC01
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC01

22 Monitoring Station FRIC07999021 - Capesterre

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999021
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999021
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5763, 15.9693
Name Capesterre
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC02
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC02
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae No Yes Area FRIC02
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC02
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Transect FRIC02
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC02
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC02
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC02
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC02
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC02
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC02

23 Monitoring Station FRIC07999031 - Ilet Gosier - Ilet Fortune

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999031
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999031
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5468, 16.1724
Name Ilet Gosier - Ilet Fortune
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC03
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC03
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae No Yes Area FRIC03
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC03
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Transect FRIC03
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC03
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC03
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC03
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC03
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC03
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC03

24 Monitoring Station FRIC07999041 - Main Jaune - Petit Havre

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999041
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999041
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.347, 16.0473
Name Main Jaune - Petit Havre
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC04
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC04
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae No Yes Area FRIC04
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC04
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Transect FRIC04
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC04
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC04
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC04
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC04
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC04
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC04

25 Monitoring Station FRIC07999051 - Le Moule

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999051
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999051
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.2057, 16.1724
Name Le Moule
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC05
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC05
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC05
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC05
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC05
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC05

26 Monitoring Station FRIC07999061 - Anse Bertrand

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999061
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999061
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5143, 16.4938
Name Anse Bertrand
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC06
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC06
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC06
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC06
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC06
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC06

27 Monitoring Station FRIC079997A1 - Ilet à Christophe

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC079997A1
Unique MS code for the station* IC079997A1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5693, 16.3154
Name Ilet à Christophe
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC07A
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC07A
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC07A
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07A
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC07A
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC07A
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07A

28 Monitoring Station FRIC079997B1 - Pointe des Mangles - Pointe d'Antigues

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC079997B1
Unique MS code for the station* IC079997B1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.5973, 16.3735
Name Pointe des Mangles - Pointe d'Antigues
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC07B
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC07B
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae No Yes Area FRIC07B
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC07B
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Transect FRIC07B
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC07B
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC07B
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC07B
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC07B
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC07B
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC07B

29 Monitoring Station FRIC07999091 - Tête à l'Anglais

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999091
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999081
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.7767, 16.3715
Name Tête à l'Anglais
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC08
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC08
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC08
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC08
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC08
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC08

30 Monitoring Station FRIC07999101 - Chicot - Rochet Créole

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999101
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999101
Location (Lon/Lat)* -62.9951, 18.0933
Name Chicot - Rochet Créole
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC10
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* Yes
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUOC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUOC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC10
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae No Yes Area FRIC10
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms No Yes Transect FRIC10
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates No Yes Transect FRIC10
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-1 Transparency No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-4 Salinity No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions No Yes Not applicable/None FRIC10
Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC10
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC10
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC10
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC10
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC10

31 Monitoring Station FRIC07999111 - Ti pâté

Unique EU code for the station* FRIC07999111
Unique MS code for the station* IC07999111
Location (Lon/Lat)* -61.4903, 15.8701
Name Ti pâté
EU code of the surface water body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRIC11
Station is used for surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* 0
Station or associated water bodies located in a drinking water abstraction area* No
Station is part of the Inter-calibration network.* No
Unique code for the station in the Intercalibration network (if applicable)
Station is part of a national network of reference sites.* No
Unique code for the station in the reference network (if applicable)
Brief description of any other networks that this station is a part of sans objet
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network

Protected Areas

Type of protected area that the station or associated waterbodies is located in, if any.

Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Bathing Directive 76/160/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Birds Directive 79/409/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Drinking Water Directive 80/778/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Fish Waters Directive 78/659/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Shellfish Waters Directive 79/923/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC No
Station or associated water bodies located in an area protected the Directive concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water 75/440/EEC No


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the sub-programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRISUSC
EU code for sub-programme. FRISUSC
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRIC11
Quality elements measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all quality elements defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Quality Element Code* Surveillence Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
QE1-1 Phytoplankton Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE1-2-1 Macroalgae Yes No Area FRIC11
QE1-2-2 Angiosperms Yes No Transect FRIC11
QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates Yes No Transect FRIC11
QE2-6 Morphological conditions - transitional and coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE2-8 Tidal regime - coastal waters Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE3-1-1 Transparency Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE3-1-2 Thermal conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE3-1-3 Oxygenation conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE3-1-4 Salinity Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11
QE3-1-6 Nutrient conditions Yes No Not applicable/None FRIC11