1. FRJR101
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR101 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR101 |
SWB_NAME | Grand Rivière |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1749 |
LON | 14.8488 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.116 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
2. FRJR102
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR102 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR102 |
SWB_NAME | Capot |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1141 |
LON | 14.7922 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 21.802 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
- 1.1 Point - UWWT_General
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 3 | Chlordécone | - Article4(5) -Technical feasibility
| |
3. FRJR103
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR103 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR103 |
SWB_NAME | Lorrain Amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0764 |
LON | 14.7493 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.017 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
4. FRJR104
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR104 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR104 |
SWB_NAME | Lorrain Aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0500 |
LON | 14.8075 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 6.392 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
5. FRJR105
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR105 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR105 |
SWB_NAME | Sainte-Marie |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0126 |
LON | 14.7598 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 12.136 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - 2.8 Hexachlorocyclohexane
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
6. FRJR106
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR106 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR106 |
SWB_NAME | Galion |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.996 |
LON | 14.7373 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 23.164 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | | |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
7. FRJR107
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR107 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR107 |
SWB_NAME | François |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.919 |
LON | 14.6139 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.876 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
- QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | | |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
8. FRJR108
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR108 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR108 |
SWB_NAME | Grande Rivière Pilote |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8888 |
LON | 14.4992 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.837 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
- 1.1 Point - UWWT_General
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
- Organic enrichment
- Nutrient enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | | |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
9. FRJR109
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR109 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR109 |
SWB_NAME | Oman |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9558 |
LON | 14.4931 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.276 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1 Point - UWWT_General
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Organic enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
10. FRJR110
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR110 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR110 |
SWB_NAME | Salée |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9477 |
LON | 14.5546 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13.178 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.5 Diffuse - Releases from facilities not connected to sewerage network
- 1.1 Point - UWWT_General
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
- Organic enrichment
- Nutrient enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 3.8 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)
| |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 4.11 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
11. FRJR111
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR111 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR111 |
SWB_NAME | Lézarde Aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9997 |
LON | 14.6052 |
Natural | Heavily Modified |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.636 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
- Organic enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 4.11 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
12. FRJR112
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR112 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR112 |
SWB_NAME | Lézarde Moyenne |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9889 |
LON | 14.6450 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 10.298 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
- Organic enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 5 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 5 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 4.11 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
13. FRJR113
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR113 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR113 |
SWB_NAME | Lézarde Amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0295 |
LON | 14.7027 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 19.881 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
- Nutrient enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | UDI>5000 | | |
14. FRJR114
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR114 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR114 |
SWB_NAME | Blanche |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0551 |
LON | 14.6896 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | MP42 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 20.595 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
- 3.1 Abstraction - Agriculture
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | UDI>5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | 2 | UDI>5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
15. FRJR115
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR115 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR115 |
SWB_NAME | Monsieur |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0550 |
LON | 14.6550 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 16.951 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Nutrient enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 4.11 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
16. FRJR116
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR116 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR116 |
SWB_NAME | Madame |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0700 |
LON | 14.6380 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 11.672 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
- 3 Water Abstraction
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Nutrient enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
- QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) -Technical feasibility | - 4.11 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
17. FRJR117
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR117 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR117 |
SWB_NAME | Case Navire Amont |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1008 |
LON | 14.6756 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | P41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 7.896 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 3.2 Abstraction - Public Water Supply
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
18. FRJR118
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR118 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR118 |
SWB_NAME | Case Navire Aval |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0927 |
LON | 14.6336 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 5.774 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
19. FRJR119
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR119 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR119 |
SWB_NAME | Carbet |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1409 |
LON | 14.7293 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 13.802 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | | |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
20. FRJR120
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJR120 |
SWB_MS_CD | JR120 |
SWB_NAME | Roxelane |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1548 |
LON | 14.7728 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | M41 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | |
LENGTH | 8.865 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Contamination by priority substances
- Other Significant Impacts
- Nutrient enrichment
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 3 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(5) -Technical feasibility | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3-3 Non priority specific pollutants
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
moins strict
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 3
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - 2.8 Hexachlorocyclohexane
| |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
Article 7 Abstraction for drinking water | | overlapping (partly within) | U | UDI<5000 | | |
21. FRJL001
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJL001 |
SWB_MS_CD | JL001 |
SWB_NAME | la Manzo |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9326 |
LON | 14.5893 |
Natural | Artificial |
TypologyCode | A6c |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | -9999 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | P |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | 2 |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: 2
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
22. FRJC001
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC001 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC001 |
SWB_NAME | Baie de Génipa |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0214 |
LON | 14.5343 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 24.312 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
23. FRJC002
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC002 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC002 |
SWB_NAME | Nord-caraïbe |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1722 |
LON | 14.6498 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C31 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 126.724 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
24. FRJC003
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC003 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC003 |
SWB_NAME | Anses d'Arlet |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.085 |
LON | 14.4594 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C31 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 49.62 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.5 Diffuse - Releases from facilities not connected to sewerage network
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
25. FRJC004
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC004 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC004 |
SWB_NAME | Nord-Atlantique, plateau insulaire |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0341 |
LON | 14.8559 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C30 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 191.985 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
26. FRJC005
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC005 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC005 |
SWB_NAME | Fond Ouest de la Baie du Robert |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9265 |
LON | 14.6653 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 9.961 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
27. FRJC006
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC006 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC006 |
SWB_NAME | Littoral du Vauclin à Sainte-Anne |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8238 |
LON | 14.4202 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C32 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 60.612 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 2 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
28. FRJC007
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC007 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC007 |
SWB_NAME | Est de la Baie du Robert |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8943 |
LON | 14.6764 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 11.678 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
29. FRJC008
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC008 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC008 |
SWB_NAME | Littoral du François au Vauclin |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8593 |
LON | 14.599 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C32 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 49.055 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
30. FRJC009
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC009 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC009 |
SWB_NAME | Baie de Sainte-Anne |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8854 |
LON | 14.3996 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C33 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 19.068 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
31. FRJC010
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC010 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC010 |
SWB_NAME | Baie du Marin |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8793 |
LON | 14.4577 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 6.374 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 4 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | 1 |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 4 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
32. FRJC011
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC011 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC011 |
SWB_NAME | Récif barrière atlantique |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8423 |
LON | 14.7004 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C29 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 148.7 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
33. FRJC012
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC012 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC012 |
SWB_NAME | Baie de la Trinité |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9393 |
LON | 14.7749 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C32 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 36.047 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.2 Point - UWWT_10000
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
- Other Significant Impacts
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
34. FRJC013
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC013 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC013 |
SWB_NAME | Baie du Trésor |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8858 |
LON | 14.7498 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 7.344 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
35. FRJC014
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC014 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC014 |
SWB_NAME | Baie du Galion |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9092 |
LON | 14.7173 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 31.077 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
36. FRJC015
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC015 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC015 |
SWB_NAME | Nord Baie de Fort-de-France |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0598 |
LON | 14.5888 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 16.279 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.4 Point - UWWT_150000
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 2.5 Diffuse - Releases from facilities not connected to sewerage network
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
- 1.4 Point - Non IPPC
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
37. FRJC016
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC016 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC016 |
SWB_NAME | Ouest de la Baie de Fort-de-France |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.1010 |
LON | 14.5636 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C27 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 47.767 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
38. FRJC017
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC017 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC017 |
SWB_NAME | Baie de Sainte-Luce |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9392 |
LON | 14.4520 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C33 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 23.38 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
39. FRJC018
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC018 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC018 |
SWB_NAME | Baie du Diamant |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0135 |
LON | 14.4657 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C33 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 19.794 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
40. FRJC019
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJC019 |
SWB_MS_CD | JC019 |
SWB_NAME | Eaux côtières du Sud et Rocher du Diamant |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9415 |
LON | 14.4146 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | C34 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 87.238 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
41. FRJT001
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJT001 |
SWB_MS_CD | JT001 |
SWB_NAME | Etang des Salines |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.869 |
LON | 14.3991 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T13 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 1.204 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Natural conditions | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE1-3 Benthic invertebrates
- QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
42. FRJT002
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJT002 |
SWB_MS_CD | JT002 |
SWB_NAME | Mangrove du Marin |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.8602 |
LON | 14.4656 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T13 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 0.017 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? Y
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
Bathing | | overlapping (partly within) | U | Pas de commentaires | | |
43. FRJT003
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJT003 |
SWB_MS_CD | JT003 |
SWB_NAME | Mangrove de la Rivière Lézarde |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -61.0153 |
LON | 14.6020 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T13 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 3.386 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.2 Point - UWWT_10000
- 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR)
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.2 Diffuse - Agricultural
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | 2 |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |
44. FRJT004
EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode | FRJT004 |
SWB_MS_CD | JT004 |
SWB_NAME | Mangrove de la Baie de Génipa |
EUSubUnitCode | FRJ_MAR |
LAT | -60.9969 |
LON | 14.5407 |
Natural | Natural |
TypologyCode | T13 |
ReferenceDataSet | N |
AREA | 9.329 |
Scale | 1:5000 |
ScaleExplanation | |
URL | |
Pressures and Impacts
Significant pressure types:
- 1.1.3 Point - UWWT_15000
- 2.6 Diffuse - Other
- 2.1 Diffuse - Urban run off
Other pressure description:
Significant Impact Types:
Other impact description:
Surface water body status
Ecological Status or potential
TargetStatusOrPotential | S |
ValueEcologicalStatusOrPotential | 3 |
Confidence | 1 |
CommentConfidence | extrapolation |
ValueQE1-1PhytoplanktonStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2OtherAquaticFloraStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-1MacroalgaeStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-2AngiospermsStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-3MacropyhtesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-2-4PhytobenthosStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-3MacroinvertabratesStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-4FishStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE1-5OtherBiologicalQEStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE2HydromorphStatusOrPotential | U |
ValueQE3-1GeneralPhysicoChemStatusOrPotential | 3 |
ValueQE3-3NonPrioritySpecificPollutants | U |
ValueQE3-4OtherNationalPollutants | U |
Ecological exemptions:
EcologicalExemptionType | EcologicalExemptionQE |
Article4(4) - Disproportionate cost | - QE3 Chemical and Physico-chemical
Chemical Status
Chemical status value: U
Chemical exceedances:
Chemical exemptions:
ChemicalExemptionType | ChemicalExemptions | ChemicalExemptionComment |
Status protected areas
Is the Water Body associated with a Protected Area? N
TypeOfProtectedArea | ProtectedAreaCode | TypeOfAssociation | ValueStatusProtectedArea | CommentValueStatusProtArea | ProtAreaExemptions | ProtAreaExemptionComment |