WFD Article 8 Groundwater Monitoring Stations For France

RBD: Les fleuves et cours d'eau côtiers de la Guyane (FRK)

European code* FRK
Name* Les fleuves et cours d'eau côtiers de la Guyane
Reporting level* National RBD
Reporting level description:
URL to further information:

XML file details

XML file creation date 2009/12/15
Created by DIREN Guyane
Description Rapportage DCE mars 2010
Generated By DIREN Guyane
Classification Code

1. Groundwater Monitoring Stations Overview

This section provides a summary of the groundwater monitoring stations (quantitative and chemical surveillance/operational). Click on the station number to view to the detail for that station

No. EU Code* MS Code* Longitude* Latitude* Name Waterbody Location* Type* Quantitative* Chemical Surveillance* Chemical Operational* No. of Sub-sites* Depth Monitoring Drinking Water Industrial Supply Irrigation Other purposes Programmes*
1 FR1191A10051/RPZ 1191A10051/RPZ -53.456 5.54881 Forage d'Organabo (Iracoubo - 973) FRKG006 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Middle Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
2 FR1191A30038/RPZ 1191A30038/RPZ -53.32997 5.50277 Forage de Roches Blanches (Iracoubo - 973) FRKG009 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
3 FR1191B60005/RPZ 1191B60005/RPZ -53.00182 5.35677 Forage de la crique Toussaint (Sinnamary - 973) FRKG007 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Middle Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
4 FR1192D90030/SC8 1192D90030/SC8 -52.55787 5.06334 Forage de Matiti (Macouria - 973) FRKG011 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
5 FR1197A50054/CAR1 1197A50054/CAR1 -52.35197 4.79529 Forage du Lac des Américains (Matoury - 973) FRKG008 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
6 FR1197A60024/MM4BIS 1197A60024/MM4BIS -52.25268 4.88076 Forage du Rorota (Rémire Montjoly - 973) FRKG008 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
7 FR1197A60060/RPZ 1197A60060/RPZ -52.27754 4.91328 Forage du Vieux Chemin (Rémire Montjoly - 973) FRKG012 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
8 FR1197A60101/PE 1197A60101/PE -52.27763 4.91273 Forage AEP du Vieux Chemin (Rémire Montjoly - 973) FRKG012 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown No FRKSOP
9 FR1199A80001/F1 1199A80001/F1 -54.18538 4.3873 Forage de Grand Santi (Grand Santi - 973) FRKG005 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper No Yes No Unknown No FRKSOS
10 FR1203B70052/F2 1203B70052/F2 -52.18352 4.27923 Forage de Corossony (Regina - 973) FRKG004 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
11 FR1204D10002/AEP 1204D10002/AEP -51.80771 4.19186 Captage de la source de Ouanary (Ouanary - 973) FRKG003 Other No Yes No -7777 Upper No Yes No Unknown Unknown FRKSOS
12 FR1205D60001/M1 1205D60001/M1 -54.03231 3.63965 Forage de Maripasoula (Maripasoula - 973) FRKG001 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOS
13 FR1205D60010/F1 1205D60010/F1 -54.00959 3.64741 Forage du Camp Lunier (Maripasoula - 973) FRKG001 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
14 FR1210A60008/RPZ 1210A60008/RPZ -51.80696 3.90539 Forage de l'habitation Boucher (St Georges - 973) FRKG003 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
15 FR1215C20001/CR1 1215C20001/CR1 -52.79532 2.83784 Forage 1 de Camopi (Camopi - 973) FRKG002 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper No Yes No Unknown No FRKSOS
16 FR1215C20002/CR2 1215C20002/CR2 -52.3351 3.16894 Forage 2 de Camopi (Camopi - 973) FRKG002 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
17 FR1188A20025/AW1 1188A20025/AW1 -53.89871 5.72398 Forage de La Bouverie (Mana - 973) FRKG010 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown No FRKSOP
18 FR1188A60001/F 1188A60001/F -53.64507 4.99801 Forage de Javouhey (Mana - 973) FRKG010 Well No Yes No -7777 Upper No Yes No Unknown No FRKSOS
19 FR1188A80005/VD4 1188A80005/VD4 -53.88023 5.56687 Forage de reconnaissance de Charvein (Mana - 973) FRKG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
20 FR1188B40023/F3 1188B40023/F3 -53.71976 5.62233 Forage de Couachy (Mana - 973) FRKG010 Well Yes No No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
21 FR1188B90010/FMANA 1188B90010/FMANA -53.55311 5.51589 Forage de Bassin Mine d'Or (Mana - 973) FRKG009 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP
22 FR1189C30008/RPZ 1189C30008/RPZ -54.326 5.18390 forage Maïman (Apatou-973) FRKG005 Well Yes Yes No -7777 Upper Yes No No Unknown Unknown FRKSOP

2. Groundwater Monitoring Stations Details

This section provides the details for the groundwater monitoring stations

1 Monitoring Station FR1191A10051/RPZ - Forage d'Organabo (Iracoubo - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1191A10051/RPZ
Unique MS code for the station* 1191A10051/RPZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.456, 5.54881
Name Forage d'Organabo (Iracoubo - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG006
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG006
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG006

2 Monitoring Station FR1191A30038/RPZ - Forage de Roches Blanches (Iracoubo - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1191A30038/RPZ
Unique MS code for the station* 1191A30038/RPZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.32997, 5.50277
Name Forage de Roches Blanches (Iracoubo - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG009
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG009
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG009
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009

3 Monitoring Station FR1191B60005/RPZ - Forage de la crique Toussaint (Sinnamary - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1191B60005/RPZ
Unique MS code for the station* 1191B60005/RPZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.00182, 5.35677
Name Forage de la crique Toussaint (Sinnamary - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG007
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Middle
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG007
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG007
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG007

4 Monitoring Station FR1192D90030/SC8 - Forage de Matiti (Macouria - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1192D90030/SC8
Unique MS code for the station* 1192D90030/SC8
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.55787, 5.06334
Name Forage de Matiti (Macouria - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG011
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1192D90030/SC8


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG011
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG011
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG011

5 Monitoring Station FR1197A50054/CAR1 - Forage du Lac des Américains (Matoury - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1197A50054/CAR1
Unique MS code for the station* 1197A50054/CAR1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.35197, 4.79529
Name Forage du Lac des Américains (Matoury - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1197A50054/CAR1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008

6 Monitoring Station FR1197A60024/MM4BIS - Forage du Rorota (Rémire Montjoly - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1197A60024/MM4BIS
Unique MS code for the station* 1197A60024/MM4BIS
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.25268, 4.88076
Name Forage du Rorota (Rémire Montjoly - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG008
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG008
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes No No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG008

7 Monitoring Station FR1197A60060/RPZ - Forage du Vieux Chemin (Rémire Montjoly - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1197A60060/RPZ
Unique MS code for the station* 1197A60060/RPZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.27754, 4.91328
Name Forage du Vieux Chemin (Rémire Montjoly - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG012
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG012
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG012
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG012

8 Monitoring Station FR1197A60101/PE - Forage AEP du Vieux Chemin (Rémire Montjoly - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1197A60101/PE
Unique MS code for the station* 1197A60101/PE
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.27763, 4.91273
Name Forage AEP du Vieux Chemin (Rémire Montjoly - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG012
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG012
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes No No Not applicable/None 1 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG012

9 Monitoring Station FR1199A80001/F1 - Forage de Grand Santi (Grand Santi - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1199A80001/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 1199A80001/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -54.18538, 4.3873
Name Forage de Grand Santi (Grand Santi - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status No
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1199A80001/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG005
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG005
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG005
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG005
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG005
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG005

10 Monitoring Station FR1203B70052/F2 - Forage de Corossony (Regina - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1203B70052/F2
Unique MS code for the station* 1203B70052/F2
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.18352, 4.27923
Name Forage de Corossony (Regina - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG004
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1203B70052/F2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG004
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG004

11 Monitoring Station FR1204D10002/AEP - Captage de la source de Ouanary (Ouanary - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1204D10002/AEP
Unique MS code for the station* 1204D10002/AEP
Location (Lon/Lat)* -51.80771, 4.19186
Name Captage de la source de Ouanary (Ouanary - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG003
Type of station.* Other
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status No
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG003
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG003
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG003
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG003
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG003
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG003

12 Monitoring Station FR1205D60001/M1 - Forage de Maripasoula (Maripasoula - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1205D60001/M1
Unique MS code for the station* 1205D60001/M1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -54.03231, 3.63965
Name Forage de Maripasoula (Maripasoula - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1205D60001/M1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG001
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG001
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG001
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG001
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG001
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage abandonné FRKG001

13 Monitoring Station FR1205D60010/F1 - Forage du Camp Lunier (Maripasoula - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1205D60010/F1
Unique MS code for the station* 1205D60010/F1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -54.00959, 3.64741
Name Forage du Camp Lunier (Maripasoula - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG001
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1205D60010/F1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG001
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG001

14 Monitoring Station FR1210A60008/RPZ - Forage de l'habitation Boucher (St Georges - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1210A60008/RPZ
Unique MS code for the station* 1210A60008/RPZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* -51.80696, 3.90539
Name Forage de l'habitation Boucher (St Georges - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG003
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG003
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG003

15 Monitoring Station FR1215C20001/CR1 - Forage 1 de Camopi (Camopi - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1215C20001/CR1
Unique MS code for the station* 1215C20001/CR1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.79532, 2.83784
Name Forage 1 de Camopi (Camopi - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status No
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1215C20001/CR1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP abandonné FRKG002
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP abandonné FRKG002
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP abandonné FRKG002
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP abandonné FRKG002
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP abandonné FRKG002
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP abandonné FRKG002

16 Monitoring Station FR1215C20002/CR2 - Forage 2 de Camopi (Camopi - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1215C20002/CR2
Unique MS code for the station* 1215C20002/CR2
Location (Lon/Lat)* -52.3351, 3.16894
Name Forage 2 de Camopi (Camopi - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG002
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1215C20002/CR2


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG002
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG002
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG002
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1

17 Monitoring Station FR1188A20025/AW1 - Forage de La Bouverie (Mana - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1188A20025/AW1
Unique MS code for the station* 1188A20025/AW1
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.89871, 5.72398
Name Forage de La Bouverie (Mana - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1188A20025/AW1


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010

18 Monitoring Station FR1188A60001/F - Forage de Javouhey (Mana - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1188A60001/F
Unique MS code for the station* 1188A60001/F
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.64507, 4.99801
Name Forage de Javouhey (Mana - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status No
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water Yes
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes No
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network
EIONET FR1188A60001/F


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG010
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG010
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG010
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG010
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG010
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire No Yes No Not applicable/None 2 0 forage AEP fermé FRKG010

19 Monitoring Station FR1188A80005/VD4 - Forage de reconnaissance de Charvein (Mana - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1188A80005/VD4
Unique MS code for the station* 1188A80005/VD4
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.88023, 5.56687
Name Forage de reconnaissance de Charvein (Mana - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes No No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010

20 Monitoring Station FR1188B40023/F3 - Forage de Couachy (Mana - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1188B40023/F3
Unique MS code for the station* 1188B40023/F3
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.71976, 5.62233
Name Forage de Couachy (Mana - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG010
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* No
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG010
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes No No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG010

21 Monitoring Station FR1188B90010/FMANA - Forage de Bassin Mine d'Or (Mana - 973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1188B90010/FMANA
Unique MS code for the station* 1188B90010/FMANA
Location (Lon/Lat)* -53.55311, 5.51589
Name Forage de Bassin Mine d'Or (Mana - 973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG009
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG009
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG009
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG009

22 Monitoring Station FR1189C30008/RPZ - forage Maïman (Apatou-973)

Unique EU code for the station* FR1189C30008/RPZ
Unique MS code for the station* 1189C30008/RPZ
Location (Lon/Lat)* -54.326, 5.18390
Name forage Maïman (Apatou-973)
EU code of the groundwater body which the station is physically located on or near. * FRKG005
Type of station.* Well
Station is used for quantitative monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical surveillance monitoring.* Yes
Station is used for chemical operational monitoring.* No
Number of subsites normally associated with this station.* -7777
Monitoring depth.* Upper
Site is used for monitoring of groundwater status Yes
Site is used for the abstraction of drinking water No
Additional requirements if station is located in a drinking water abstraction site aucune
Site is used for industrial supply No
Site is used for irrigation Unknown
Site is used for other purposes Unknown
Brief description of any networks that this station is a part of N
Hyperlink or reference to associated reference statement or file
URL to further information:

International Networks

International networks that this station is part of, if any

Name of the network Unique code for the station in this network


This section describes the Article 8 programmes that the station is part of. The stations are linked to the programme using the code of the programme. A station may be part of more than one programme

Programme: FRKSOP
EU code for programme. FRKSOP
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE1-1 Groundwater level piézomètre Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005
Programme: FRKSOS
EU code for programme. FRKSOS
Waterbodies monitored by this station FRKG005
Parameters measured at the station for this programme

If this section is empty, then it is assumed that all parameters defined in the programme are monitored for each associated waterbody.

Parameter Code* How measured Quantitative Chemical Surveillence Chemical Operational Subsites Frequency Cycle Cycle description Reason for deviation Waterbodies
GE2-1 Oxygen content Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005
GE2-2 pH Value Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005
GE2-3 Conductivity Mesure réalisée à l'aide de matériel d'analyse de terrain Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005
GE2-4 Nitrate Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005
GE2-5 Ammonium Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005
GE3 Other pollutants Analyse en laboratoire Yes Yes No Not applicable/None 1 1 FRKG005